Sunday, November 30, 2008

Russia successfully test-launches new ballistic missile

Russia successfully test-launches new ballistic missile

28.11.2008, 19.57

MOSCOW, November 28 (Itar-Tass) -- The Dmitry Donskoy missile carrying submarine successfully test-launched a Bulava ballistic missile on Friday, Navy Assistant Commander Capt. 1st Class Igor Dygalo said.

“The missile was test-launched from a submerged position under the state testing program. The multiple warhead successfully hit targets at the Kura training range in Kamchatka,” he said.

Navy Commander Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky thanked members of the state testing commission and the crew of the Dmitry Donskoy.

RF to have 3 missile armies, 12 missile divisions in 2009

28.11.2008, 14.00

MOSCOW, November 28 (Itar-Tass) -- The Russian Strategic Missile Troops will have three missile armies and 12 missile divisions on combat duty as of January 1, 2009, Commander of the Russian Strategic Missile Troops Colonel-General Nikolai Solovtsov told reporters on Friday.

“Logistic support units are the following: the 4th state central multi-service firing ground, the 4th Central Research Institute of the Defence Ministry, the 43rd scientific and experimental station, three arms depots and five maintenance works. The Military Academy, three military institutes and four educational centres will educate officers and junior specialists for the Russian Strategic Missile Troops,” he added.

“The Russian Strategic Missile Troops are planning to have two missile armies and nine missile divisions on combat duty as of January 1, 2016. The number of logistic support military units and military educational establishments will reduce,” the commander said. “The 4th central multi-service firing ground, the 4th Central Research Institute of the Defence Ministry, the 43rd scientific and experimental station, two arms depots, several higher educational establishments and three educational centres will remain,” Solovtsov said.

“Next year’s cadre-organizational measures are to preserve the combat potential of the Strategic Missile Troops, further upgrade personnel structures in military units and organisations and fulfil the Defence Ministry decisions, taken at its board meeting on October 14, 2008,” he said.

Russia tries to smack Washington in the eye. Hit or miss?
28.11.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru URL:

The military exercise of Russian and Venezuelan navies attracted a lot of media attention in the West. The majority of respectable Western newspapers wrote about the event with derision claiming that it could not pose a threat to the United States. Others drew a parallel with the Cold War and the Caribbean crisis of 1962. ‘The Russians return to the Western Hemisphere,’ ‘Moscow challenges the West’ – these were typical headlines about the joint naval exercise.

Expert Johanna Mendelson Forman said that the exercise posed no danger to the security of the United States whatsoever. Many German newspapers share the same opinion. Germany’s Handelsblatt, for example, published the statement from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who said that the exercise was not meant to provoke or intimidate anyone. He also said that Venezuela was not going to become a new cold war base in the Caribbean Sea.

British journalists believe that the exercise was held as a response to Washington-led policies in Georgia. They also reminded that Caracas used to hold such maneuvers with the USA before.

Britain’s The Times wrote that the first-ever visit of a Russian leader to Venezuela and the beginning of the joint exercise was not a mere coincidence. Le Temps of Switzerland wrote that it was the most contradictory aspect in Medvedev’s Latin American tour.

To put it in a nutshell, the Western media believe that Moscow and Caracas attempt to challenge the US influence. Many newspapers wrote that the Russian navy arrived in the Caribbean Sea with a political goal to demonstrate the Russian military power to the USA and warn the US administration against unreasoned actions as far as Georgia, Ukraine and the missile defense in Eastern Europe are concerned. They believe that the Russian bear is using Chavez to give Washington to understand that it could crawl into its backyard otherwise.

The majority of experts believe that Washington should be more concerned about Moscow’s nuclear and economic cooperation with the oil-rich region.

The Washington Post wrote that Venezuela was not dangerous for the USA. However, Chavez, the newspaper wrote, may become Obama’s biggest problem in the region with his crusade against the US influence and Russia ’s support in the background.

The Christian Science Monitor wrote that many Venezuelans oppose the increasing presence of Russia in the region, claiming that their nation could become even a bigger outlaw than it was before as a result of such cooperation with Moscow.

US publications believe that the United States can not continue the isolation of Chavez ignoring Russia. They believe that it must make Obama give his own response to the matter: to improve relations with Russia and retrieve the US influence in the Latin American region. An expert of Reuters wrote that Venezuela became a good opportunity for Russia to hit Washington in the eye.

Moscow was not paying much attention to Hugo Chavez in spite of the fact that Venezuela signed a number of billion-dollar deals to purchase Russian arms. However, Moscow changed its attitude to Venezuela after the recent military conflict in South Ossetia.

The Weekly Standard wrote that the naval exercise was simply a nonrecurring event held with a symbolic goal to tease the United States. It will take years, the newspaper wrote before Russia could hold such events on a regular basis. A military exercise like that is a very expensive undertaking, whereas Russia has too many home problems to deal with as far as its defense industry is concerned.

The Los Angeles Times openly laughed at Russia’s efforts in the Caribbean Sea. The newspaper wrote that the Russian Navy was posing a threat to its own servicemen. The publication referred to a statement from the Commander of the Russian Navy who said in 2004 that the Pyotr Veliki cruiser (Peter the Great), which took part in the joint naval exercise, was in a poor condition and could explode at any moment.

Stratfor’s George Friedman believes that the USA was looking at Russia through the prism of the 1900s when the Russian defense industry was ruined and the entire state was paralyzed as a result of the political and economic collapse. It is worthy of note that the Pyotr Veliki nuclear cruiser was launched only ten years ago and will thus operate normally for another decade.

Italy’s Corriere Della Sera wrote that the Russians need to work a lot to remove the gap between the national and the foreign navies. When Moscow sent its battleships to Venezuela, many foreign experts wondered if they were ever going to reach their destination.

Indeed, the West is perfectly aware of the deplorable state of the Russian navy – that is why it is difficult for Russia to impress the West at sea.

Sergei Balmasov

Let the ruble fall
27.11.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru URL:

I am about to propose something that in the modern world of economics seems to be an insanity of the highest order. As nations spend the combined fortunes of multiple generations to keep their fiat, artificial currencies high against each other, especially in what is now clearly the early stage of a world wide Depression II, I say: let the ruble fall.

Many here will remember the pain and suffering of 1998 when the ruble fell and fell hard. But it was the results of that fall that finally saved Russia. Two things happened in 1998, first, the American economic "experts" who flooded Russia and helped force unsustainable "reforms", that is, who helped rape her of over $500 Billion in assets, were finally and fully discredited. They fled Russia shortly after.

The second thing that happened and the more important one: US and European and Japanese goods also fled as the falling dollar made the foreign goods to expensive for the already poor Russian. However, demand for these goods remained and as so often happens in economics, the demand was filled with local companies who hired local Russians who than earned money and spent money and thus a new economic boom was born, even without the great boost that oil later gave. When foreigners returned, they started producing in Russia for the local market.

However, Russia did catch some of the credit craze and a population with rising incomes, started importing more and more manufactured goods from the US, Europe and Asia.

Along comes the new Depression.

Several things have happened in the past several months, key amongst them is a severe depressionary drive on all commodities, just now starting to make its way into finished goods.

This has set Russian manufacturing off against cheaper Chinese and Indian firms, at a time when demand is falling quickly.

It is time to set things right. Russia is in a unique situation, a position shared with a bare few nations, where she is effectively resources self sufficient. There is no real resources that Russia absolutely needs to import to survive day to day. The only one she needs to grow quickly is the human resources, first in her diaspora and than in talented immigrants of other races and nations. As such, she alone can survive and prosper without a hard currency.

So, since this is not 1998 and the government of the RF has wisely, under Putin and Medvedev, removed almost all international debt, a devaluation of the Russian currency will be a positive thing.

The first thing that will happen is once again the imported goods of foreign nations will flee, but Russian companies will take their place, employing more Russians and upholding a self sufficient economy. The second thing that will happen is those companies, such as the oil/gas companies and other manufacturers, will be much more prompted to go to Russia to get their parts since their currency will buy more goods. This will again employ more Russians and continue to support the internal economy.

True, many Russians will to be traveling to Europe to vacation, but many Europeans (at least those with any disposable monies left) will be traveling to Russia to spend a lot more tourist euros. Who knows, the more talented ones might actually stay.

Stanislav Mishin

The article has been reprinted with the kind permission from Stanislav Mishin and can be found on his blog Mat Rodina

Over 1,000 casinos shut in Moscow under new law
19:02 | 28/ 11/ 2008

MOSCOW, November 28 (RIA Novosti) - More than 1,000 casinos have been closed down in Moscow in the past 18 months under a law passed last year to move gambling from large cities to far-flung regions, a Moscow government official said on Friday.

Under the law designed to curb Russians' growing addiction to gambling, approved by parliament and signed by then-president Vladimir Putin, casinos in the capital and other cities are to disappear completely by next July.

"In the past year and a half, more than 1,000 stores, art galleries, libraries, children's organizations, and clinics have opened in the city as a result of the closures of casinos," the official told RIA Novosti.

Casinos will only be allowed in designated areas of the Altai Territory, Siberia, the Far Eastern Primoriye region, the Baltic exclave Kaliningrad, and in southern Russia, all of which are low-income regions.

Authors said this will fight gambling addiction in major cities and boost economic development in the poorer regions.

Critics have said city budgets will lose billions of dollars in tax revenues, and predicted a rise in illegal gambling.

Investment in projects to build gambling sites in the designated regions has been slow, with the financial crisis tightening its grip on local governments and businesses.

裁判員制度、第一歩 候補者に名簿記載通知を発送 (1/2ページ)
2008.11.28 10:32
発送される裁判員名簿記載通知=28日午前、東京都中央区銀座8丁目(代表撮影)   発送される裁判員名簿記載通知=28日午前、東京都中央区銀座8丁目(代表撮影)   






2008.11.28 23:52









【裁判員制度】候補者に通知、問い合わせ殺到 半数が辞退の質問 (1/3ページ)
2008.11.29 21:48









【対馬が危ない!!】防衛相、外相ともに危機感表明 「政府で検討」対応前進 (1/2ページ)
2008.11.29 18:57





2008.11.29 17:43



秘書自殺に会社倒産…不幸ふりまく元大阪府議「脱税弁護士」 12月上旬にも強制送還か (1/3ページ)
2008.11.30 22:15









新規国債発行、30兆円超えへ 09年度予算



携帯リサイクル義務化、希少金属確保 経産・環境省が09年にも



公共料金上げ拡大、下水道は自治体の2割に 日経調査

 全国の地方自治体で水道などの公共料金引き上げが相次いでいる。日本経済新聞が全国の市と東京23区を対象に調査したところ、2007年4月以降で約2 割の市が下水道料金を引き上げ(今年度中の予定含む)、水道料金も約1割の市が引き上げ(同)ていた。地方財政の硬直化が背景だが、景気後退が深刻になるなかでの負担増は、住民生活に大きな影響を与えそうだ。

 調査は行政サービスの水準を調べる目的で806市区を対象に実施。93%にあたる746市区から回答を得た。下水道料金は124市が07年度以降に引き上げを実施、19市が今年度中の引き上げを予定していた。水道料金は同じく61市が引き上げ、11市が予定していた。北海道美唄市は今年4月に下水道料金を平均15%引き上げた。1990年代の大規模な施設整備で、借金の返済負担が膨らんでいるのが理由で、月24立方メートル使用した場合の料金は6025 円と夕張市を抜いて全国一高くなった。

証拠金半額の株先物口座 ひまわり証券


高級ホテルに泊まり人間ドック受診 JTB、富裕層取り込み


 虎の門病院(東京・港)と提携し、昼間に各種検査を実施。夜は「ザ・プリンス パークタワー東京」(東京・港)に宿泊し、フカヒレや京野菜などを使った健康食を味わってもらう。価格は人間ドックと宿泊代などで1人14万4750円(2人1室の場合)。人間ドックを受けない同行者は2万8000円で宿泊できる。09年3月までに40人の参加を見込む。(11:46)

FRBのCP買い取り策 三井物産、日本勢初の申請


 同社は子会社の米国三井物産を通じ年間5億ドル(約500億円)前後のCPを発行、運転資金を調達してきた。だが、米国の信用収縮で平均的なCP金利が 9月に2%程度上昇するなど市場環境が急速に悪化。通常通り発行すると不利な条件を強いられる恐れがあった。(07:00)

NHKが1日から番組をネット配信 過去の番組1200本、新作を1週間



内閣支持率31%に急落 日経世論調査



自民「コスタリカ」全廃断念 解消3区のみ、分裂選挙に危機感


 コスタリカが解消されたのは福島1区・5区、神奈川12区の3選挙区。福島は現役議員の今期限りでの引退表明や、空白区へのくら替えによるもの。神奈川 12区は県連会長の菅義偉選挙対策副委員長が世論調査結果に基づき江崎洋一郎氏に引退を迫り、解消に踏み切った。(07:00)

小泉容疑者、宅配伝票を複数社から 勤務経験から発想か



東大農場農薬問題:基準を上回る水銀 土壌から検出せず



ムダ・ゼロ会議:3500億円削減可能 公益法人への支出









1 はじめに(略)

2 公益法人への支出



3 特別会計の支出




4 行政コスト節減


5 政策の棚卸し等(略)

6 各府省の自律的取り組み体制の確立


日本・エジプト科学技術大:設立式典 日本が支援、教員など派遣








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