Sunday, November 30, 2008

Russia successfully test-launches new ballistic missile

Russia successfully test-launches new ballistic missile

28.11.2008, 19.57

MOSCOW, November 28 (Itar-Tass) -- The Dmitry Donskoy missile carrying submarine successfully test-launched a Bulava ballistic missile on Friday, Navy Assistant Commander Capt. 1st Class Igor Dygalo said.

“The missile was test-launched from a submerged position under the state testing program. The multiple warhead successfully hit targets at the Kura training range in Kamchatka,” he said.

Navy Commander Admiral Vladimir Vysotsky thanked members of the state testing commission and the crew of the Dmitry Donskoy.

RF to have 3 missile armies, 12 missile divisions in 2009

28.11.2008, 14.00

MOSCOW, November 28 (Itar-Tass) -- The Russian Strategic Missile Troops will have three missile armies and 12 missile divisions on combat duty as of January 1, 2009, Commander of the Russian Strategic Missile Troops Colonel-General Nikolai Solovtsov told reporters on Friday.

“Logistic support units are the following: the 4th state central multi-service firing ground, the 4th Central Research Institute of the Defence Ministry, the 43rd scientific and experimental station, three arms depots and five maintenance works. The Military Academy, three military institutes and four educational centres will educate officers and junior specialists for the Russian Strategic Missile Troops,” he added.

“The Russian Strategic Missile Troops are planning to have two missile armies and nine missile divisions on combat duty as of January 1, 2016. The number of logistic support military units and military educational establishments will reduce,” the commander said. “The 4th central multi-service firing ground, the 4th Central Research Institute of the Defence Ministry, the 43rd scientific and experimental station, two arms depots, several higher educational establishments and three educational centres will remain,” Solovtsov said.

“Next year’s cadre-organizational measures are to preserve the combat potential of the Strategic Missile Troops, further upgrade personnel structures in military units and organisations and fulfil the Defence Ministry decisions, taken at its board meeting on October 14, 2008,” he said.

Russia tries to smack Washington in the eye. Hit or miss?
28.11.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru URL:

The military exercise of Russian and Venezuelan navies attracted a lot of media attention in the West. The majority of respectable Western newspapers wrote about the event with derision claiming that it could not pose a threat to the United States. Others drew a parallel with the Cold War and the Caribbean crisis of 1962. ‘The Russians return to the Western Hemisphere,’ ‘Moscow challenges the West’ – these were typical headlines about the joint naval exercise.

Expert Johanna Mendelson Forman said that the exercise posed no danger to the security of the United States whatsoever. Many German newspapers share the same opinion. Germany’s Handelsblatt, for example, published the statement from Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, who said that the exercise was not meant to provoke or intimidate anyone. He also said that Venezuela was not going to become a new cold war base in the Caribbean Sea.

British journalists believe that the exercise was held as a response to Washington-led policies in Georgia. They also reminded that Caracas used to hold such maneuvers with the USA before.

Britain’s The Times wrote that the first-ever visit of a Russian leader to Venezuela and the beginning of the joint exercise was not a mere coincidence. Le Temps of Switzerland wrote that it was the most contradictory aspect in Medvedev’s Latin American tour.

To put it in a nutshell, the Western media believe that Moscow and Caracas attempt to challenge the US influence. Many newspapers wrote that the Russian navy arrived in the Caribbean Sea with a political goal to demonstrate the Russian military power to the USA and warn the US administration against unreasoned actions as far as Georgia, Ukraine and the missile defense in Eastern Europe are concerned. They believe that the Russian bear is using Chavez to give Washington to understand that it could crawl into its backyard otherwise.

The majority of experts believe that Washington should be more concerned about Moscow’s nuclear and economic cooperation with the oil-rich region.

The Washington Post wrote that Venezuela was not dangerous for the USA. However, Chavez, the newspaper wrote, may become Obama’s biggest problem in the region with his crusade against the US influence and Russia ’s support in the background.

The Christian Science Monitor wrote that many Venezuelans oppose the increasing presence of Russia in the region, claiming that their nation could become even a bigger outlaw than it was before as a result of such cooperation with Moscow.

US publications believe that the United States can not continue the isolation of Chavez ignoring Russia. They believe that it must make Obama give his own response to the matter: to improve relations with Russia and retrieve the US influence in the Latin American region. An expert of Reuters wrote that Venezuela became a good opportunity for Russia to hit Washington in the eye.

Moscow was not paying much attention to Hugo Chavez in spite of the fact that Venezuela signed a number of billion-dollar deals to purchase Russian arms. However, Moscow changed its attitude to Venezuela after the recent military conflict in South Ossetia.

The Weekly Standard wrote that the naval exercise was simply a nonrecurring event held with a symbolic goal to tease the United States. It will take years, the newspaper wrote before Russia could hold such events on a regular basis. A military exercise like that is a very expensive undertaking, whereas Russia has too many home problems to deal with as far as its defense industry is concerned.

The Los Angeles Times openly laughed at Russia’s efforts in the Caribbean Sea. The newspaper wrote that the Russian Navy was posing a threat to its own servicemen. The publication referred to a statement from the Commander of the Russian Navy who said in 2004 that the Pyotr Veliki cruiser (Peter the Great), which took part in the joint naval exercise, was in a poor condition and could explode at any moment.

Stratfor’s George Friedman believes that the USA was looking at Russia through the prism of the 1900s when the Russian defense industry was ruined and the entire state was paralyzed as a result of the political and economic collapse. It is worthy of note that the Pyotr Veliki nuclear cruiser was launched only ten years ago and will thus operate normally for another decade.

Italy’s Corriere Della Sera wrote that the Russians need to work a lot to remove the gap between the national and the foreign navies. When Moscow sent its battleships to Venezuela, many foreign experts wondered if they were ever going to reach their destination.

Indeed, the West is perfectly aware of the deplorable state of the Russian navy – that is why it is difficult for Russia to impress the West at sea.

Sergei Balmasov

Let the ruble fall
27.11.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru URL:

I am about to propose something that in the modern world of economics seems to be an insanity of the highest order. As nations spend the combined fortunes of multiple generations to keep their fiat, artificial currencies high against each other, especially in what is now clearly the early stage of a world wide Depression II, I say: let the ruble fall.

Many here will remember the pain and suffering of 1998 when the ruble fell and fell hard. But it was the results of that fall that finally saved Russia. Two things happened in 1998, first, the American economic "experts" who flooded Russia and helped force unsustainable "reforms", that is, who helped rape her of over $500 Billion in assets, were finally and fully discredited. They fled Russia shortly after.

The second thing that happened and the more important one: US and European and Japanese goods also fled as the falling dollar made the foreign goods to expensive for the already poor Russian. However, demand for these goods remained and as so often happens in economics, the demand was filled with local companies who hired local Russians who than earned money and spent money and thus a new economic boom was born, even without the great boost that oil later gave. When foreigners returned, they started producing in Russia for the local market.

However, Russia did catch some of the credit craze and a population with rising incomes, started importing more and more manufactured goods from the US, Europe and Asia.

Along comes the new Depression.

Several things have happened in the past several months, key amongst them is a severe depressionary drive on all commodities, just now starting to make its way into finished goods.

This has set Russian manufacturing off against cheaper Chinese and Indian firms, at a time when demand is falling quickly.

It is time to set things right. Russia is in a unique situation, a position shared with a bare few nations, where she is effectively resources self sufficient. There is no real resources that Russia absolutely needs to import to survive day to day. The only one she needs to grow quickly is the human resources, first in her diaspora and than in talented immigrants of other races and nations. As such, she alone can survive and prosper without a hard currency.

So, since this is not 1998 and the government of the RF has wisely, under Putin and Medvedev, removed almost all international debt, a devaluation of the Russian currency will be a positive thing.

The first thing that will happen is once again the imported goods of foreign nations will flee, but Russian companies will take their place, employing more Russians and upholding a self sufficient economy. The second thing that will happen is those companies, such as the oil/gas companies and other manufacturers, will be much more prompted to go to Russia to get their parts since their currency will buy more goods. This will again employ more Russians and continue to support the internal economy.

True, many Russians will to be traveling to Europe to vacation, but many Europeans (at least those with any disposable monies left) will be traveling to Russia to spend a lot more tourist euros. Who knows, the more talented ones might actually stay.

Stanislav Mishin

The article has been reprinted with the kind permission from Stanislav Mishin and can be found on his blog Mat Rodina

Over 1,000 casinos shut in Moscow under new law
19:02 | 28/ 11/ 2008

MOSCOW, November 28 (RIA Novosti) - More than 1,000 casinos have been closed down in Moscow in the past 18 months under a law passed last year to move gambling from large cities to far-flung regions, a Moscow government official said on Friday.

Under the law designed to curb Russians' growing addiction to gambling, approved by parliament and signed by then-president Vladimir Putin, casinos in the capital and other cities are to disappear completely by next July.

"In the past year and a half, more than 1,000 stores, art galleries, libraries, children's organizations, and clinics have opened in the city as a result of the closures of casinos," the official told RIA Novosti.

Casinos will only be allowed in designated areas of the Altai Territory, Siberia, the Far Eastern Primoriye region, the Baltic exclave Kaliningrad, and in southern Russia, all of which are low-income regions.

Authors said this will fight gambling addiction in major cities and boost economic development in the poorer regions.

Critics have said city budgets will lose billions of dollars in tax revenues, and predicted a rise in illegal gambling.

Investment in projects to build gambling sites in the designated regions has been slow, with the financial crisis tightening its grip on local governments and businesses.

裁判員制度、第一歩 候補者に名簿記載通知を発送 (1/2ページ)
2008.11.28 10:32
発送される裁判員名簿記載通知=28日午前、東京都中央区銀座8丁目(代表撮影)   発送される裁判員名簿記載通知=28日午前、東京都中央区銀座8丁目(代表撮影)   






2008.11.28 23:52









【裁判員制度】候補者に通知、問い合わせ殺到 半数が辞退の質問 (1/3ページ)
2008.11.29 21:48









【対馬が危ない!!】防衛相、外相ともに危機感表明 「政府で検討」対応前進 (1/2ページ)
2008.11.29 18:57





2008.11.29 17:43



秘書自殺に会社倒産…不幸ふりまく元大阪府議「脱税弁護士」 12月上旬にも強制送還か (1/3ページ)
2008.11.30 22:15









新規国債発行、30兆円超えへ 09年度予算



携帯リサイクル義務化、希少金属確保 経産・環境省が09年にも



公共料金上げ拡大、下水道は自治体の2割に 日経調査

 全国の地方自治体で水道などの公共料金引き上げが相次いでいる。日本経済新聞が全国の市と東京23区を対象に調査したところ、2007年4月以降で約2 割の市が下水道料金を引き上げ(今年度中の予定含む)、水道料金も約1割の市が引き上げ(同)ていた。地方財政の硬直化が背景だが、景気後退が深刻になるなかでの負担増は、住民生活に大きな影響を与えそうだ。

 調査は行政サービスの水準を調べる目的で806市区を対象に実施。93%にあたる746市区から回答を得た。下水道料金は124市が07年度以降に引き上げを実施、19市が今年度中の引き上げを予定していた。水道料金は同じく61市が引き上げ、11市が予定していた。北海道美唄市は今年4月に下水道料金を平均15%引き上げた。1990年代の大規模な施設整備で、借金の返済負担が膨らんでいるのが理由で、月24立方メートル使用した場合の料金は6025 円と夕張市を抜いて全国一高くなった。

証拠金半額の株先物口座 ひまわり証券


高級ホテルに泊まり人間ドック受診 JTB、富裕層取り込み


 虎の門病院(東京・港)と提携し、昼間に各種検査を実施。夜は「ザ・プリンス パークタワー東京」(東京・港)に宿泊し、フカヒレや京野菜などを使った健康食を味わってもらう。価格は人間ドックと宿泊代などで1人14万4750円(2人1室の場合)。人間ドックを受けない同行者は2万8000円で宿泊できる。09年3月までに40人の参加を見込む。(11:46)

FRBのCP買い取り策 三井物産、日本勢初の申請


 同社は子会社の米国三井物産を通じ年間5億ドル(約500億円)前後のCPを発行、運転資金を調達してきた。だが、米国の信用収縮で平均的なCP金利が 9月に2%程度上昇するなど市場環境が急速に悪化。通常通り発行すると不利な条件を強いられる恐れがあった。(07:00)

NHKが1日から番組をネット配信 過去の番組1200本、新作を1週間



内閣支持率31%に急落 日経世論調査



自民「コスタリカ」全廃断念 解消3区のみ、分裂選挙に危機感


 コスタリカが解消されたのは福島1区・5区、神奈川12区の3選挙区。福島は現役議員の今期限りでの引退表明や、空白区へのくら替えによるもの。神奈川 12区は県連会長の菅義偉選挙対策副委員長が世論調査結果に基づき江崎洋一郎氏に引退を迫り、解消に踏み切った。(07:00)

小泉容疑者、宅配伝票を複数社から 勤務経験から発想か



東大農場農薬問題:基準を上回る水銀 土壌から検出せず



ムダ・ゼロ会議:3500億円削減可能 公益法人への支出









1 はじめに(略)

2 公益法人への支出



3 特別会計の支出




4 行政コスト節減


5 政策の棚卸し等(略)

6 各府省の自律的取り組み体制の確立


日本・エジプト科学技術大:設立式典 日本が支援、教員など派遣








Saturday, November 29, 2008

Russia lets rouble drop twice in one week

Russia lets rouble drop twice in one week

By Peter Garnham

Published: November 28 2008 11:09 | Last updated: November 28 2008 11:09

The Central Bank of Russia let the rouble weaken by 1 per cent against its euro/dollar basket on Friday, the third time it has allowed the currency to depreciate this month.

The rouble is tightly managed against a basket of 55 per cent dollars and 45 per cent euros by the Russian authorities.

Up until August, the rouble had been steadily appreciating, as rising commodity prices boosted mineral-rich Russia’s current account and fiscal surpluses.

However, since then the rouble has come under intense pressure as falling oil prices threaten to wipe out the country’s current account surplus and turmoil on financial markets has prompted investors to flee emerging markets.

The Russian authorities have been forced to use the country’s foreign exchange stockpile to defend the rouble from speculative attack.

This has seen its currency stockpiles shrink by $150bn, although they still stand at about $450bn according to the latest figures.

On November 11, the Russian central bank allowed the rouble to weaken by one per cent, taking it down to 30.71 against its basket.

A similar move on Monday allowed the rouble to drop to 31.01, while on Friday the authorities allowed the currency to fall to 31.28.

The Russian central bank has stated that the rouble will be allowed to depreciate, but only gradually.

Tatiana Orlova at ING Financial Markets said the small devaluation moves are happening quicker than she expected.

One reason for this could be the recent weakness of the dollar against the euro, which could mask the rouble devaluation from ordinary Russians, she said.

“This is indeed good timing as due to the relative dollar weakness. Dollar/rouble rates in exchange offices are not rising and thus the population may overlook the move.”

Also, she said the Russian authorities were likely to have been alarmed by the release of October trade data, which showed a collapse in exports that halved the monthly trade surplus.

“The current account must be rapidly approaching the red, and the central bank is rushing to weaken the real rouble exchange rate to prompt a correction in imports,” said Ms Orlova.

Analysts said the small, incremental moves in the exchange rate were doing more harm than good.

Instead of settling the market, the policy was giving rise to rampant speculation about the size and timing of the central bank’s next move.

Lutz Karpowitz at Commerzbank Bank said a significant slide in the rouble could no longer be avoided.

“Had the central bank decided on a substantially bigger downward step, there would have been at least the chance that the market would accept the new level,” he said.

“All the signs now are that the central bank will have to keep pumping vast amounts of currency reserves into the market to defend the new level.”

Icelanders collapse in laughter

By David Ibison in Stockholm

Published: November 28 2008 18:28 | Last updated: November 28 2008 18:56

With a its banking system in crisis, violent demonstrations in Reykjavik, a punishing recession on the way and soaring inflation, there may not seem much to laugh about in Iceland.

But Icelanders take pride in their darkly ironic sense of humour. The latest example is The Crisis Game, a board game that takes a grimly comical swipe at the financial crisis that has devastated the economy.

Jonas Antonsson, the chief executive of Gogogic, the company developing the game, says these are the kinds of harsh circumstance in which Icelanders show their resilience.

“If we are going to get out of this, then it is humour that is going to get us there,” he said.

The Crisis Game was developed, appropriately enough, by an Icelander who had himself been sacked as a result of the downturn and, “instead of sitting around, doing nothing”, suggested the idea to Mr Antonsson.

It is a fairly standard board game that involves throwing dice and picking up cards that take players on a giddy boom-and-bust journey that will see them buy a private jet and obtain a foreign loan before being brought back to earth with a bump.

Gogogic asked Icelanders to make suggestions via the internet for the content of cards. The contributions open a window on Icelandic attitudes to the crisis, providing real-time satirical commentary on the extraordinary events of the past couple of months.

Players can pick up a card that reads: “Go to demonstrate at parliament, stop to buy some eggs to throw, only to realise that prices have gone up so much you can’t afford them.”

Despite the humour, the game does convey a serious message, argues Mr Antonsson. “Things can’t continue like they were.”

As Icelanders are suffering, he will try to keep the cost of the game as low as possible, although, in true Icelandic style, he hopes to make a profit. As for Gogogic, it is in no danger of becoming an irony-loaded question in its own game. “We didn’t take any foreign loans,” Mr Antonsson says.

Houses in London rich spots lose more

By Sharlene Goff

Published: November 29 2008 03:44 | Last updated: November 29 2008 03:44

Houses in the most exclusive parts of London are now depreciating in value at a faster rate than flats, according to data from Knight Frank, the estate agent.

Property prices in prime central London, which covers areas such as Mayfair, Kensington, Notting Hill and Chelsea, fell by 3.6 per cent in November, slightly lower than the previous month’s decline but still the second-largest fall on record.

Prices have fallen 9.3 per cent in the past three months and are now 14.1 per cent lower than this time last year, according to Saturday’s Knight Frank data.

The agent said all parts of prime central London and all types of property had suffered falls in prices. Houses saw a sharper price reduction than flats in November.

“Prices for prime central London property have now been falling for eight consecutive months,” said Liam Bailey, head of residential research at Knight Frank.

“In previous months we noted that super-prime properties had remained immune from the downturn and that houses were performing better than flats.

“Neither of these trends has continued into the final quarter of the year.”

Houses in prime areas fell by 4.1 per cent in November, compared with a decline of 3.2 per cent for flats. Mr Bailey said values of “super-prime” property – houses worth £10m ($15.3m) or more – had suffered three months of consecutive falls and were now 7.5 per cent lower than the peak in August.

Estate agents have reported sharp cuts in asking prices as vendors grow more realistic about the market. Robert Bartlett, managing director of Chesterton, said some properties were selling for about 25 per cent less than their 2007 value. The latest poll from Chesterton put Islington, Kensington and Chelsea and Wandsworth among the worst performing parts of London.

Meanwhile, Land Registry figures, released on Friday, showed a 10.1 per cent annual house price fall across the UK. The monthly fall in October was 1.5 per cent, taking prices back to the levels of summer 2006.

The Land Registry said sales volumes in England and Wales remained low.

There were an average of 54,488 recorded property transactions each month between May and August this year, compared with 118,165 in the same months last year. Properties sold in London for over £1m fell by 63 per cent between August 2007 and August 2008.

Agents have, however, seen an uplift in buyer interest in recent weeks, particularly from foreign buyers who will benefit from the weakening of the pound.

Mood sours at Moscow’s millionaires’ fair

By Charles Clover in Moscow

Published: November 29 2008 02:06 | Last updated: November 29 2008 02:06

Moscow’s annual “Millionaires’ fair” has become an institution of sorts – a celebration of ostentatious consumption for its own sake, as well as a convenient one-stop shop for helicopters, private tropical islands, Swiss watches, motor yachts and designer statues among other must-haves.

For three days every year, all the trappings of the leisure class that a busy oligarch needs are to be found in one tidy pavilion just outside Moscow’s ring road.

But this year, as financial crisis takes the lustre off the economy, there were fewer clients, and more journalists than in other years, the former there to look rather than buy, the latter there to document with ill-disguised schadenfreude the bonfire of Russia’s vanities.

“You are the 1,001th person today to ask me how the financial crisis has affected business,” said Aleksei Belkov of Chromov, a company that restores 1950 and 1960s Jaguars and Mercedes. “The answer is not at all. We have a four-year pipeline of orders, and so maybe we’ll see this affect things four years from now. But today we’re doing fine.”

Not everyone was so sanguine though: “Is business down? Of course it is,” said Shazad Ali, who sells Salvatore Ferragamo branded luxury apartments in Dubai starting at $8m (€6.3bn, £5.2bn) apiece.

“Most of our customers are in the $100m net worth range, and even if you’ve lost half of that, you’re still living comfortably. But mostly they are waiting for the next few months, to see how bad things can get.”

Russia’s stock market has fallen 75 per cent since May on the back of global economic turmoil and the war in Georgia in August, and Bloomberg has estimated Russia’s oligarchs lost more than $230bn in holdings.

This has put a dent in luxury brands for whom Russian consumers have accounted for much of recent sales growth. Richard Orme, managing director of Large Yacht Solutions, which had a display stand at the fair, estimates that Russians now make up to 20 per cent of the company’s clients, up from almost none five years ago, and for that reason he bought a booth at this year’s fair for the first time.

But a 50ft motor yacht costs about $26m, and the credit to buy one has dried up. “It has definitely put a dent in business, anything that requires credit has been hit,” said Mr Orme.

Many retailers like Russian clients not just for their huge disposable incomes, but also for being a select but not a very selective crowd. Irina Parizhkaya, a rep for Italian fur coat designer Wonderfur, said: “Russian customers generally don’t ask very many questions about what they are buying.

“They either like it or they don’t. They come with their wife or girlfriend, she points at something, the man buys it, no questions, it is easy.”

Anger at ‘heavy-handed’ arrest of MP

By Jean Eaglesham, Alex Barker and Sue Cameron

Published: November 28 2008 21:37 | Last updated: November 28 2008 21:37

MPs from all parties on Friday expressed outrage at the “tinpot dictatorship” treatment of Damian Green, the shadow immigration minister, as speculation raged about who had ordered his arrest under terror laws.

Mr Green spent nine hours in police custody on Thursday night in connection with the leaking of sensitive Home Office documents to newspapers.

He was released without charge after a day of extraordinary police action that is likely to have significant repercussions for how parliament and Whitehall are run.

David Cameron, the Tory leader, warned that ministers, as well as the police, had “questions to answer” after the unprecedented and “heavy-handed” action against Mr Green. “Ministers must explain what they were told and, if they weren’t told, why not,” he said.

The scale of the police operation provoked Tory comparisons with a police state, Zimbabwe and – from Nick Clegg, the Liberal Democrat leader – a “tinpot dictatorship, not a modern democracy”. About 20 police – including counterterrorism officers – were involved in the operation to raid and search two of Mr Green’s homes and his constituency and Commons offices.

The wider use of anti-terrorist powers

Regulation Investigating Powers Act
Poole council used the act to follow a family and check whether they had been cheating the school catchments system. Another council used the powers to clamp down on dog fouling

Aiding and abetting misconduct in a public office
The common-law offence under which Damian Green was arrested. Yesterday a prosecution of a local newspaper journalist for the same offence collapsed after police bugging evidence was declared inadmissible

Anti-terrorism, Crime and Security Act
The Treasury deployed the act to seize assets of a collapsed Icelandic bank in October. It was the first time the sweeping discretion the law offers to combat “action to the detriment of the UK’s economy” was used in a non-terrorist case

Public Order Act
Civil rights group Liberty is concerned over the use of public order powers in cases of legitimate protests. A protester with a placard reading, “Scientology is not a religion, it is a dangerous cult”, got a summons on the basis it was “threatening, abusive or insulting”

Section 44 of the Terrorism Act
Police were given the right to search suspects if it was deemed “expedient for the prevention of acts of terrorism”. These powers have been used against protesters, including an 82-year-old heckler at a Labour party conference

Alex Barker

Mr Green’s wife, who was present when the officers arrived at their west London home, told friends that “her blood ran cold” when they entered carrying search warrants. Mr Green’s teenage daughter “burst into tears”.

Nine officers wearing purple rubber gloves combed through Mr Green’s files in the conservatory, his computer and papers in the office.

The search lasted for more than six hours. Mr Green’s BlackBerry, mobile phone and dozens of documents were seized as evidence, with his parliamentary e-mail disabled during Thursday.

The police action followed an investigation into a series of leaks from the Home Office, including a letter from Jacqui Smith, the home secretary, to the prime minister, warning that the recession might lead to an increase in crime. This mole hunt led to a junior official being arrested and suspended from the Home Office on November 19, and subsequently to Mr Green’s arrest.

The Tories adamantly denied any wrongdoing by the shadow minister, rejecting any suggestion he had encouraged the leaking by offering the official cash or “any other inducement”. Party insiders said the mole had approached Mr Green for a job some time ago and had been turned down.

The focus of political attention was on Friday on who had authorised and known about the police investigation into the leaks. Sir David Normington, the Home Office permanent secretary, said “ministers were not involved in the decision to seek police assistance or in the subsequent investigation and were only told of the arrest after it had occurred”.

The investigation was authorised by Sir Gus O’Donnell, the country’s top civil servant, it emerged. Officials told the FT that both Gordon Brown and Ms Smith were informed that the police had been asked to investigate, although they were not told a shadow minister was involved.

Sir Gus was asked to call in the police by Sir David. Ministers have denied that they knew of the arrest in advance but last night Whitehall insiders were incredulous at the idea that Sir Gus and Sir David did not immediately inform ministers once they were told what the police were about to do. As one Home Office figure put it: “There is only one rule – no surprises.”

Before conducting the raids the police informed Boris Johnson, the London mayor who has an oversight role over the Metropolitan police, Sir David, and the sergeant at arms, the leading official in the House of Commons. Michael Martin, the Speaker, has declined to comment on what warning he was given or whether he permitted the police to enter the premises.

Mr Brown said: “I had no knowledge, the home secretary had no prior knowledge.” But the Tories said they were “not satisfied with the answers we’ve been given so far” about ministers’ involvement.

Hedge funds hit by fresh wave of withdrawals

By James Mackintosh

Published: November 29 2008 01:03 | Last updated: November 29 2008 01:03

Hedge funds have been hit by a fresh wave of withdrawals as investors search for cash, prompting more funds to impose emergency measures to block repayments.

London Diversified Fund Management, one of Britain’s best-known fixed-income managers, on Friday suspended both its hedge funds as trading conditions in the derivatives markets created valuation difficulties ahead of redemptions.

LDFM, founded by former JPMorgan bankers David Gorton and Rob Standing, manages close to $3bn (£1.9bn), down from a peak of $8bn after its main fund fell 23 per cent this year and investors pulled out. LDFM is joining a roster of hundreds of hedge funds in restricting withdrawals, with investors and prime brokers estimating as many as a fifth have suspended or limited what investors can get back as they have their worst year on record.

This week CQS, a London convertible bond specialist run by former Credit Suisse banker Michael Hintze, began canvassing investors on whether it should change the terms of its main fund to allow it to restrict withdrawals if markets worsen next year.

Morgan Stanley said there has been a sharp rise in redemption requests by hedge fund investors as the year-end repayment date approaches. The bank, the biggest prime broker, estimates year-end redemptions for funds that require 45 days’ notice for withdrawals of money, are running at 18 per cent, against 9 per cent for funds which required 90 days’ notice.

Huw van Steenis, analyst at Morgan Stanley, said industry assets could shrink 35-45 per cent from June’s $1,930bn by the first quarter of next year, as heavy redemptions added to the pain of poor performance.

On his “bear” scenario, the industry could plunge to $900bn by the end of next year. He said European and Asian hedge funds were being hit hardest, with 25-30 per cent withdrawals in the second half of this year, against 15-20 per cent in the US.

“We think redemptions in the States will play catch-me-up in the first quarter [of 2009],” he said.

Some funds of hedge funds are being hit hard as the hedge funds in which they invest restrict withdrawals.

Two Bank of New York Mellon funds of hedge funds told investors this week they planned to restructure because almost a third of the funds in which they invest had limited redemptions. The Sanctuary I and II funds will split into continuing and wind-down classes, with pay-outs of about a third of the wind-down class expected early next year.

On Friday, London’s $4.3bn Atlas Capital, owned by New York-based Sciens Capital Management, suspended withdrawals from a dozen funds of hedge funds, while Crédit Agricole and Grenfell PAI each suspended a fund of funds as underlying hedge funds restricted withdrawals.

“We have seen really accelerating redemptions around the 30 per cent level,” said Derek Stewart, a director of Mellon Global Alternative Investments, which manages the Sanctuary I and II funds. “The reason for doing this [restructuring] is purely to protect the interest of investors.”

Saudi king says 75 dollar oil price 'fair'

5 hours 18 mins ago

* Print Story

King Abdullah of OPEC powerhouse Saudi Arabia said in an interview published on Saturday that oil prices of 75 dollars a barrel would be "fair". Skip related content

His comments appeared in a Kuwaiti newspaper on the day OPEC was meeting in Cairo to review the turmoil in the world oil market and decide whether another crude output cut is needed to stop prices tumbling lower.

"We think that a fair price of oil is 75 dollars a barrel," the Saudi monarch told As-Sieysah newspaper.

Bank of China opens private bank business in Geneva

Yesterday, 06:05 pm

Bank of China on Friday said it has opened a private bank and institutional asset management arm in Switzerland, marking the group's first step in the private banking business abroad.

Kenneth Ge, who chairs Bank of China (Suisse) SA, told reporters in Geneva that BOC had only begun offering private banking services in China last year, but the group was now already looking at expanding abroad.

"We are considering starting offices in other areas. Switzerland is just a start. Switzerland is the first but it will not be the last," he said.

BOC Suisse would not reveal its business targets, but the bank's chief executive officer Jacques Mechelany said it was hoping to attract wealthy Chinese who may be seeking to park their assets offshore.

Chinese law allows residents to move up to 50,000 dollars out of the country annually, but the regulation could in future be revised.

"Our plan is to start from a non-existant situation to get to a recognised solution in private banking and institutional management," said Mechelany.

The current financial turmoil was both good and bad news for the new operations, Mechelany said.

On the one hand, clients that have lost money in the turmoil may be more reluctant to move their assets, but on the other hand, others are seeking to change banks for the same reason.

BOC had also been able to have a good pick of talent thanks to the turmoil, he said.

BOC in October posted 26.3 billion yuan (3.8 billion dollars) in potential losses on assets for the third quarter, partially related to US subprime mortgage-backed securities.

China's largest foreign exchange bank also reported a net profit of 17.8 billion yuan in the third quarter, up 11.5 percent from a year earlier.

Government takes 58 percent stake in RBS

Reuters Steve Slater

The government bought a majority stake in one of the country's biggest banks and Germany's Commerzbank accelerated its takeover of a rival as the shake-up of European banks gathered pace with help from taxpayers and shareholders.

Britain's move was the latest attempt by countries around the world to shore up ailing banks amid a global credit crisis and give them a more solid footing for looming recession.

Shareholders in Royal Bank of Scotland shunned its share offer, leaving the government to take a 58 percent stake for 15 billion pounds.

In contrast, Spain's Santander said investors had signed up for all of its 7.2 billion euro (6 billion pound) rights issue, which will beef up its capital ratios.

Commerzbank, which has taken 8.2 billion euros from the German government to prop up its flagging finances, cheered investors by saying its purchase price of Dresdner Bank would be 4.7 billion euros less than first envisaged in August and is speeding up the deal.

Insurer Allianz , which is selling Dresdner and will get an 18 percent stake in the enlarged Commerzbank, said the takeover could go ahead six to nine months ahead of plan.

"In the current situation on the financial markets, an accelerated takeover of Dresdner by Commerzbank is to the advantage of all parties," said Allianz Chief Executive Michael Diekmann. [nLR119230]

Commerzbank shares surged by as much as 19 percent on the news and ended up 4.9 percent and Allianz jumped 9 percent.

The DJ Stoxx Europe bank sector ended up 1.2 percent to 169.07 points.

The index has tumbled over 60 percent this year and investors in many banks have suffered big dilution from fundraisings, but those banks that raised cash should now be well positioned for the downturn, some investors said.

"The dilution has happened and now the banks are well capitalised, they can cope with the bad debts that are inevitably coming, and now people can look at the underlying businesses," said Alan Beaney at Principal Investment Management, which holds shares in most UK banks.

In the United States, shares of Citigroup rallied for fourth straight session, more than doubling their price in the week, as investors expressed relief that the second-largest U.S. bank by assets won a government bailout last weekend.

Shares of rival JPMorgan Chase & Co and Bank of America Corp , which had not been as badly bruised as Citigroup shares, rose a respective 39.3 percent and 41.7 percent this week, as the plan reassured investors that the U.S. government would not let another big bank fail.


RBS, one of Europe's biggest banks until losses on risky U.S. assets and last year's purchase of parts of Dutch bank ABN AMRO overwhelmed its balance sheet, said investors took just 0.2 percent of its 15 billion pound share offer.

A low take-up had been expected due to RBS's depressed share price and left the government to pick up almost all the shares.

Ireland's banks were under pressure as speculation grew that the sector needs to be recapitalised or consolidated, and shares in Anglo Irish Bank tumbled 19 percent.

Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan is working "very hard" to find a solution for the sector, the chairman of one of the banks said following talks.

Other banks showed the impact of strains from the crisis.

Profits at Austrian cooperative bank Raiffeisen Zentralbank will be hurt by writedowns on its exposure to Lehman Brothers and its Icelandic debt assets, but it expects to turn a profit for 2008, its chief executive said.

Dutch group ING said it plans to repay its 10 billion euro state injection when profits normalise or when its stock price goes back up.

But Chinese insurer Ping An is asking China to help seek compensation from Belgium over its losses in Dutch-Belgian financial group Fortis after it was nationalised, a government source said on Friday.

Ping An booked a $2.3 billion (1.5 billion pounds) loss on its investment in Fortis after marking down the value of its 5 percent stake.

The source familiar with the situation told Reuters Ping An believes the Belgian government's role in carving up Fortis along national lines last month is tantamount to confiscation and it wants to pursue compensation.

Recent German banking sector mergers


(Reuters) - Commerzbank AG's deal to buy Dresdner Bank is the latest acquisition in the consolidating German bank sector. Following is a summary of a dozen major mergers of recent years:

April 2001 - Allianz buys Dresdner Bank for 24 billion euros (19.9 billion pounds).

June 2005 - Italy's No. 1 lender, UniCredit , pays nearly 20 billion euros to take over Munich-based HVB.

October 2005 - Deutsche Postbank buys mortgage lender BHW for 1.8 billion euros.

November 2005 - Commerzbank pays 4.5 billion euros to take over property financier Eurohypo, in which it held a one-third stake, by buying out the other two large shareholders, Dresdner Bank and Deutsche Bank .

December 2005 - U.S. private equity investor Lone Star buys troubled Allgemeine Hypothekenbank Rheinboden (known today as Corealcredit), whose bad debts and interest rate speculation had threatened to make it Germany's biggest bank failure in 30 years.

June 2006 - Germany's biggest bank Deutsche Bank buys Berliner Bank for 680 million euros and a few weeks later buys 98 Norisbank branches for 420 million euros.

June 2007 - Around 450 savings banks claim victory in a months-long battle to buy Landesbank Berlin (LBB) , paying more than 5 billion euros to keep the regional state-sector lender from falling into private-sector hands.

July 2007 - Property investment bank Hypo Real Estate unveils a 5.5 billion takeover of Depfa Bank, a lender to governments.

December 2007 - Germany's biggest regional state-backed lender, LBBW , takes over fellow landesbank SachsenLB in an emergency rescue.

July 2008 - France's Credit Mutuel pays around 5 billion euros for Citigroup's retail banking operations in Germany.

August 2008 - U.S. private equity outfit Lone Star pays over 100 million euros for IKB , a troubled lender to medium-sized companies, from state development bank KfW after a series of state-led bailouts costing some 8.5 billion euros.

November 2008 - Commerzbank seals its takeover of Dresdner Bank months ahead of schedule.


カテゴリ: 医療・健康 :
執筆者: Yamaoka (6:20 pm)





ゴルフ会員権、バブル後最安値 中小企業・個人、換金売り



基礎収支11年度黒字化、「努力」目標に後退 諮問会議




日本郵政、純利益2200億円 9月中間、金融危機で貯金回帰


 ゆうちょ銀行の純利益は1501億円でグループ全体の3分の2を稼ぎ出した。約200兆円の運用資産のうち、国債が156兆円を占める。株価の下落で 364億円を減損処理したが、国債一辺倒のいわば「周回遅れの運用」(日本郵政関係者)が金融危機の影響を最小限に食い止めた。


定額給付金、国が説明会 実例乏しく自治体困惑



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UCC上島珈琲の4―9月、最終利益79%増 増収増益


石油元売り減産拡大 ガソリン低迷や輸出環境悪化

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元若ノ鵬 週刊現代での「八百長告発はウソ」の怪

11月29日 14時24分





露鵬&白露山 仮処分申請で稽古や給与要求













Friday, November 28, 2008

Satellite halts client withdrawals from 3 hedge funds: report

Satellite halts client withdrawals from 3 hedge funds: report
Thu Nov 27, 2008 5:44am EST

Nov 27 (Reuters) - Satellite Asset Management, founded by former employees of billionaire George Soros, stopped client withdrawals from its three largest hedge funds, Bloomberg reported.

The company also eliminated more than 30 jobs, after losses reduced the firm's assets to about $4 billion this year, according to the report.

Satellite Overseas Fund Ltd, Satellite Fund II LP and Satellite Credit Opportunities Ltd have declined as much as 35 percent in 2008, Bloomberg reported, citing a person with knowledge of the funds' performance.

The firm is retaining teams that trade bonds and loans and invest in companies going through events such as takeovers, Bloomberg said, citing the unnamed source. (Reporting by Ramya Dilip in Bangalore; Editing by Mike Nesbit)

EU pressed for Congo force, Kinshasa vetoes Indians
Thu Nov 27, 2008 8:09am EST

By Joe Bavier

KINSHASA, Nov 27 (Reuters) - Europe heard growing appeals on Thursday to rush a military force to east Congo until the arrival of U.N. reinforcements, from which diplomats said Kinshasa wants to exclude Indian troops.

Congolese President Joseph Kabila's government told U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon this week it did not want Indian soldiers to be part of the 3,000 extra U.N. peacekeeping troops and police destined for east Congo, diplomats in Kinshasa said.

In a letter and verbal messages to Ban and U.N. officials, Democratic Republic of Congo's government said it was unhappy with Indian U.N. troops in North Kivu province, where they have been criticised for failing to stop rebel attacks and killings.

In an embarrassment for the U.N. mission in Congo (MONUC), the Indians have also been investigated for sexual misconduct and illicit gold and arms trading, and have faced accusations of showing support for Tutsi anti-government rebels led by renegade General Laurent Nkunda.

Congo's objections to Indian troops emerged as prominent world figures appealed to the European Union to help provide security for east Congo, where rebel advances since August have driven around a quarter of a million civilians from their homes.

The dignitaries, including former presidents of the Czech Republic, Ireland and South Africa, said an EU rapid reaction force should be deployed immediately.

"While the U.N. has authorised an additional 3,000 troops it will likely take between three and six months to deploy them. The Congolese people cannot wait," they said in a letter.

It said the EU could send one of its standing battle groups to help protect civilians which the U.N. says have suffered massacres, executions, rapes and torture by both sides.

Evoking previous massacres in Rwanda and former Yugoslavia, the figures, among them Nobel Peace Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu and billionaire investor George Soros, said world leaders had vowed never to let such atrocities happen again.

"It needs your personal political leadership to make sure this happens and ensure 'never again' really means never again," the letter addressed to European leaders said.


Belgium said on Wednesday it could contribute to a possible European force in its former colony, where there are fears the latest conflict could escalate into a repeat of a devastating 1998-2003 war that sucked in neighbouring states.

But there have been doubts about the idea of a European force for Congo among some EU members, a number of whom already have military commitments in Afghanistan and Iraq.

"Nothing is off the table, but our main priority is to strengthen MONUC," said Nick Kay, British ambassador to Congo.

The U.N. force in Congo, at 17,000-strong the largest peacekeeping mission in the world, has said it cannot provide total security in North Kivu, stretched as it already is over a country the size of Western Europe, where armed groups abound.

In their objections to the Indian peacekeepers, Congolese officials described them as "an instrument of destabilisation" but have sought to minimise the diplomatic sensitivity of their move by trying not to mention India in public statements.

"They mean the Indians, it's well known," another western diplomat told Reuters.

Humanitarian agencies say they cannot work without more protection.

Rebel chief Nkunda has pledged to respect a ceasefire, but hundreds of Congolese civilians fled east into Uganda on Wednesday to escape Tutsi rebel operations against their traditional Rwandan Hutu militia enemies in the province.

MONUC said these actions violated the ceasefire.

Nkunda cites the presence of the Rwandan Hutu FDLR militia as the justification for a rebellion he says aims to defend Tutsis. The FDLR includes perpetrators of Rwanda's 1994 genocide that slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Tutsis.

A U.N. special envoy, former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo, is due to return to Congo on Friday on a mission to try to set up peace talks between Nkunda and the government. (For full Reuters Africa coverage and to have your say on the top issues, visit: (Writing by Pascal Fletcher; Editing by Matthew Tostevin)

Finns Fume as Exhaust-Spewing Trucks Jam Border Roads to Russia

By Kati Pohjanpalo

Nov. 27 (Bloomberg) -- Marjatta Oksanen recalls how fresh the leaves used to smell when she strolled through her forest in southeastern Finland, along the Russian border.

Now, the aroma around Oksanen’s cottage and surrounding woodland is more like that of a loading dock as thousands of Russia-bound trucks line up on a nearby road with their motors idling.

“It’s not fun,” said the 69-year-old pensioner, whose retreat is just 10 kilometers (6 miles) from the southernmost border crossing. Her village “is really suffering.”

The quiet of Finland’s clear, rocky lakes and untouched pine forests along the 1,300-kilometer demarcation between Russia and Finland is pierced these days by the whirr of an unending stream of truck traffic.

The road-gouging freight from Finnish ports to Russian consumers has become a political issue between the two nations: The Finnish government plans to introduce fees on Russian trucks, and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin promised during a Nov. 25 visit to the region to simplify customs procedures and upgrade facilities at checkpoints.

“The roads of southern Finland are a giant storage area,” said Tommi Kivilaakso, who heads the customs office in the city of Lappeenranta, near the second-busiest crossing. “Few countries plan their road networks to be used as parking lots for neighboring countries.”

Russia needs Finland’s ports and roads to feed its demand for autos, electronics and mobile phones from Western Europe. Seven in 10 trucks headed east serve the transit trade that provides Finland with little else than highway potholes. The traffic generates only 3,000 jobs in this Nordic country of 5.3 million, according the transport ministry.

Stacks of Tires

In the forests her father loved, Oksanen’s wild blueberry patches are now covered with stacks of tires left by Russian truckers. Food wrappers and cigarette butts litter the roadsides. As truck traffic on the icy and narrow highways increases, so does the chance of accidents. This time of year is the worst as Russian retailers stock up for the holiday season.

Last year at Christmas, lines at the Vaalimaa-Torfyanovka border crossing, which feeds a steady flow of trucks to St. Petersburg, stretched to a record 63 kilometers. On an average day, the lines are about 20 kilometers, said Kivilaakso, the customs official.

Kivilaakso says the backup is caused in part by the antiquated Russian system to process the goods. Customs clerks enter details of the trucks’ cargo manually into their computers, which is too slow for the amount of traffic, he said.

The Finnish government said earlier this month that the fees it plans to introduce will be used to pay for new parking areas and road safety improvements.

New Potholes

Only one of the nine road improvement projects planned in the area is under way. In the meantime, the trucks -- especially those carrying autos, the heaviest -- are creating potholes. The weight of hundreds of trucks lining up on the side of the road sometimes makes road shoulders collapse as well.

Last year, Russia imported 679,000 cars through Finland, more than triple the number in 2004. Although the slowing economy and tightening credit markets are now curbing demand, by mid-October of this year trucks had already carried 760,000 vehicles.

“The heavy traffic is burdening the highways,” said Kari Halme, a Finnish Road Administration traffic engineer. “We have to pave them more often.”

In his visit, Putin viewed the Vaalimaa-Torfyanovka crossing, near Oksanen’s residence, and acknowledged that conditions at the busiest entry point had not improved.

“Traffic lines remain standard practice,” Putin said.

Trading Partner

Russia, 50 times larger in land mass and 27 times larger in population, became Finland’s biggest trading partner this year for the first time since the collapse of the Soviet Union.

While 20 percent of Russian imports travel through Finland, most of the goods are recorded as transit trade, leaving Finland only about 360 million euros ($462 million), the transport ministry estimates.

Railways provide little relief: Only 3 percent of the cars Russia imports travel by rail because of a scarcity of terminals, said Kivilaakso at the customs office.

The Finnish government is considering building a parking lot at the Vaalimaa-Torfyanovka crossing that would hold 1,000 trucks. Currently, the lots there hold only 160 trucks. The project, spanning 65 hectares and estimated to cost 24 million euros, is on hold pending planning approvals.

For now, the roar of engines and wisps of blue gasoline fumes mark where the Toyotas, Audis and Volkswagens are ferried off to Russian consumers. Oksanen, whose family has owned property in the area since the 16th century, said she’s a bit fearful to venture out onto the roads: “The accidents are so close.”

China tests home-made commercial airliner: state media


China successfully tested its first home-made commercial airliner Friday, with the pilots praising the handling of the regional jet, state press reported.

The one-hour maiden flight of the ARJ21 -- which stands for Advanced Regional Jet for the 21st Century -- took place in Shanghai where the plane is manufactured, the China News Service said.

"The plane flew normally and it handled well," the report quoted pilot Zhao Peng as saying.

The maiden flight, which did not rise above 900 metres (2,970 feet) in altitude, had been expected earlier this year, the report said.

So far only six of the jets have been produced, it added.

The flight comes after the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (CACC) announced the sale of five of the jets to US-based General Electric earlier this month at southern China's Zhuhai Airshow. Delivery is expected in 2013.

General Electric makes the engines for the Chinese-made aircraft which is designed to carry between 70 to 90 passengers on short-haul flights.

The plane and other jets to be produced by CACC are widely seen as part of a Chinese plan to eventually rival the dominance of aviation giants Airbus and Boeing.

The aircraft leasing arm of General Electric also signed an option to buy an additional 20 planes, in a deal that could be worth 735 million dollars.

The ARJ21 has not yet been approved by Chinese or American aviation regulators.

Volvo not interested in buying Ford-owned Volvo Cars: report


Swedish industrial group Volvo is ready to help its former car unit Volvo Cars if current owner Ford goes bankrupt but is not interested in buying it back, Volvo's chairman told a newspaper Thursday.

"We would gladly finance joint projects, such as sponsor projects or research projects, and could consider being part of various consortiums without becoming the main owner," Volvo chairman of the board Finn Johnsson told Swedish financial daily Dagens Industri.

"We absolutely do not want to buy Volvo Cars," he stressed.

The Volvo group, which includes heavy truckmaker Volvo Trucks, sold Volvo Cars to Ford in 1999. The US automaker is now in severe financial difficulty in the wake of the global financial crisis.

Johnsson said he was opposed to calls for the Swedish state to acquire Volvo Cars.

"The state knows nothing about the car industry and Volvo needs an owner that can increase sales and cooperate with suppliers on components and development," he said, suggesting French carmaker Renault as a good owner for the Swedish company.

Ford launched a major restructuring plan in 2006 to boost productivity and gradually transform its product portfolio to increase the share of compact and energy-efficient models.

Ford, which lost 129 million dollars in the third quarter of this year, has along with General Motors and Chrysler pleaded with US lawmakers for a multi-billion dollar rescue for their crippled industry.

The Democrats have put off a vote until at least December and told them to come up with a new restructuring plan.

Volvo Cars has been hit by Ford's weakness and the slowing market.

The Swedish automaker, which employed 24,400 people at the end of 2007, has announced a total of 6,000 job cuts worldwide since June, including 3,900 in Sweden.

Volvo Cars manufactured about 467,300 cars in 2007, including about 213,000 in Sweden, according to Swedish agency TT.










Business fears over Chinese-French rift

By Ben Hall in Paris and Geoff Dyer in Beijing

Published: November 26 2008 19:49 | Last updated: November 27 2008 19:57

Business leaders expressed concern on Thursday that French commercial interests in China could be harmed in the wake of the cancellation of a summit between Beijing and the European Union, but said there was no sign of immediate repercussions.

Laurence Parisot, head of Medef, the French employers’ body, said she was “concerned” at the Chinese government’s decision to call off next Monday’s summit in protest at President Nicolas Sarkozy’s planned meeting with the Dalai Lama, the exiled Tibetan leader.

Ms Parisot also expressed her irritation with Beijing. “I don’t see why Nicolas Sarkozy shouldn’t meet the Dalai Lama. I need explanation,” she said

The latest tensions come only months after protests in Paris against the Beijing Olympics triggered a nationalist backlash in China and a boycott of French products and businesses – especially Carrefour supermarkets.

Beijing defended its decision to cancel the summit, suggesting that French interests were at stake. “As France has major interests in China, and the French government and leaders have repeatedly said they are an important partner of China, why they should do this is precisely what the Chinese people do not understand,” said Qin Gang, a foreign ministry spokesman.

China is the EU’s second biggest trade partner after the US and its biggest source of imports. The EU imported €231bn ($300bn, £195bn) of Chinese goods last year and exported only €72bn, according to EU data.

This enormous trade deficit is creating political pressures inside Europe to defend the EU against supposedly unfair Chinese trade practices. These pressures may translate next year into action such as “carbon tariffs” on Chinese goods – protectionist measures dressed up as sanctions on China for not applying the EU’s self-proclaimed rigorous environmental policies.

Diplomats in France, which holds the EU presidency, suggested it suited China to call off the summit because of differences with Europe over subjects including exchange rates, trade, intellectual property and climate change.

The EU is hoping to persuade China to take a constructive approach in the run-up to the Copenhagen UN world climate change summit in December 2009.

It is also an unwelcome setback for Brussels because it chills EU-Chinese relations just as the EU is having difficulties with Russia over the fall-out from the Georgia crisis in August.

The EU Chamber of Commerce in China hoped the spat “will not lead to the rise of economic nationalism in terms of antagonistic and protectionist actions”.

Fridolin Strack, managing director of the Asia-Pacific Committee of German business, was confident the Chinese would differentiate between the actions of Mr Sarkozy and the aims of German business. “The Chinese are sending a clear signal to President Sarkozy, one that shouldn’t be dramatic for us,” he said.

Anne-Marie Idrac, French trade minister, played down the possibility of retaliation against French business interests, which are mainly involved in long-term projects necessary for China to modernise its infrastructure and boost its economy.

Projects by French companies include aircraft construction, construction and design of two nuclear reactors, railway and public transport systems.

“They are subjects [projects] that are very deep and very long-term, have been in preparation for a very long time and which stretch way into the future,” she told the FT.

Uruguay confident of weathering financial crisis

By Jude Webber in Montevideo

Published: November 27 2008 14:40 | Last updated: November 27 2008 14:40

There are few safe havens in the global financial crisis but with investor interest still alive, record exports and a healthy financial system, tiny Uruguay is confident it can weather the storm, even if another crisis erupts in neighbouring Argentina.

Uruguay’s financial system toppled in a domino-effect in 2002 after Argentina’s $95bn default and devaluation sparked a run on Argentine deposits in Uruguayan banks. New fears that South America’s second biggest economy could be heading for another debt crisis have sent shivers down Uruguay’s spine, especially as the world lurches towards recession and prices for Uruguay’s valuable commodities exports fall.

But officials say Uruguay has slashed dependence on its larger neighbour, courted investors, bounced back with six years of growth that will hit a record this year and prefinanced its debt until 2010. It even overtook Argentina in one of its most emblematic exports, beef.

“The situation is completely different to 2002,” Economy Minister Alvaro García told the FT, noting that Uruguay now has manageable debt and a floating peso as well as less than half the exposure to Argentina in terms of trade and foreign currency deposits as it did then.

Overall, “Uruguay is far better prepared and less vulnerable than a few years ago and we’re optimistic that we face this [international financial] crisis with much lower costs than before,” said Mario Bergara, Uruguay’s newly-appointed central bank president.

Ernesto Talvi, an economist at Montevideo-based think-tank Ceres agreed Uruguay has a very liquid banking system with low credit risks, and has stuck to orthodox policies despite having a leftist government.

But he sees recession in major world economies, a painful slowdown among Uruguay’s regional trading partners, lower commodities prices and the combination of costlier and less available credit spelling “strong recessionary pressures in 2009-10” for Uruguay.

Uruguay posted first-half growth of 13.1 per cent and expects to raise its 9.5 per cent full-year forecast, amid expectations by private economists of 2008 growth of around 11 per cent, Mr García said. For 2009, the official estimate is 4.5 per cent, against market expectations of 3.5 to 4 per cent, and the government is likely to trim its forecast in a revision next month, he added.

“I think the government’s growth forecasts are optimistic,” said Mr Talvi, who sees 2 to 2.5 per cent growth next year, a presidential election year, falling to zero in 2010. He reckoned the government should seek a $2bn contingency loan from multilateral lenders for 2009-10 ”to be relaxed”.

Mr García says no IMF package will be necessary and says Uruguay has credit lines with the Andean Development Corporation, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank ”which we probably won’t have to use”.

Officials see maintaining output as their main challenge. Uruguay is also a large exporter of rice, wheat, soy, corn and dairy produce, and an increasing mecca for forestry and pulp producing companies. Sweden’s Botnia invested $1.2bn – Uruguay’s biggest investment ever - in a pulp plant which started up last year, and Mr García said the government had recently received confirmation of another three similar projects worth five times that amount in total.

Portugal’s Portucel Soporcel confirmed it had signed a memorandum of understanding for forestry projects and a 1.3m tonne-a-year pulp mill. The company declined to give financial details but Mr Garcia said that project was worth about $3.5bn. He said Finland’s Stora Enso and Spain’s Ence had also confirmed investments. ”There’s $5bn to $6bn in these three projects alone,” he said.

An Ence source said the company has lined up bank financing but declined to discuss figures, while a spokeswomen for Stora Enso said a final investment decision had not been taken and the company was weighing Uruguay, Brazil and China as options.

“Maybe the rate of investment will slow or projects will be delayed, and that could affect growth,” said Mr Bergara. “But this is in the context of growth at rates we’ve never seen before … I’d be quite optimistic. I think things are going to settle down quite quickly.”

Iran about-turn

By Najmeh Bozorgmehr in Tehran

Published: November 28 2008 02:00 | Last updated: November 28 2008 02:00

The government of President Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad has been unusually silent about the Iraqi government's approval of the security pact with the US, writes Najmeh Bozorgmehr in Tehran .

But that may be because it has been loath to publicise its dramatic change of attitude towards the agreement.

People close to the government in Tehran say that after initially opposing it, and asking its Shia allies in the Baghdad government to resist it, Iran has been relatively satisfied with the last-minute changes demanded and won by Iraq.

Analysts see an additional reason for the about-turn: the election of Barack Obama as US president.

The National Iranian American Council says the shift after the election suggests that Tehran "sees the future of US policy in a new light and seeks to co-operate with Washington, if its interests are also recognised through mutual diplomacy".

Tajikistan turns on Rusal after Talco deal

By Megan Murphy, Law Courts Correspondent

Published: November 28 2008 01:26 | Last updated: November 28 2008 01:26

The government of Tajikistan will turn its sights on Rusal, the aluminium group controlled by billionaire oligarch Oleg Deripaska, after settling one of the most expensive lawsuits contested in the UK.

The high-profile High Court trial over alleged corruption and bribery at Talco, the state-owned aluminium smelter that is Tajikistan’s most important industrial asset, prompted unwelcome headlines for a government that is struggling to bring investment to one of central Asia’s poorest countries.

The news that Talco now intends to focus its efforts on related legal proceedings against Rusal in the British Virgin islands may outrage aid groups who have criticised the government’s decision to spend tens of millions on legal fees abroad while the country faces crippling shortages of food, heat and electricity this winter.

The long-running legal battles centre on Talco’s allegations that the smelter’s former manager, Abdukadir Ermatov, and its main supplier, Avaz Nazarov, conspired to divert more than $500m (£325m) in profits between 1996 and 2004, stashing the money in a complex web of offshore companies.

Talco claims that Rusal, the world’s largest aluminium company, and Mr Deripaska were knowing co-conspirators in the alleged fraud, and are pressing ahead with efforts to recover damages through proceedings in the BVI.

Thursday’s settlement ends the company’s litigation against Mr Nazarov and Mr Ermatov, which both sides have acknowledged was never likely to recover substantial sums.

Both men denied allegations and were pursuing a $150m counter-claim against the smelter. Neither has admitted liability as part of the settlement, which was reached on confidential terms.

Nations aim to hammer out Azeri gas deal

By Guy Dinmore in Rome and Isabel Gorst in Moscow

Published: November 27 2008 22:55 | Last updated: November 27 2008 22:55

The governments of Italy, Greece, Turkey and Azerbaijan will meet in the coming weeks to try to hammer out an agreement on the export of Azeri gas to Europe via a planned pipeline across the Adriatic, official and industry sources said in Rome on Thursday.

Ilham Aliyev, president of Azerbaijan, met Silvio Berlusconi, Italian prime minister, in Rome following talks in Milan with Umberto Quadrino, chief executive of Edison, an Italian-French utility.

Edison is seeking final approval from all four governments on the supply of 8bn cubic metres of gas a year from Azerbaijan. Pipelines already exist to take the gas through Turkey and Greece and Edison intends to construct the missing link, known as ITGI, between Greece and Italy.

Edison quoted Mr Aliyev as saying that he considered the project as the “most realistic” of various proposed ventures, a reference to the Nabucco consortium that would take up to 31bn cubic metres of Caspian gas a year via Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary to a hub in Austria.

Mr Aliyev is also being courted by Russia’s Gazprom to sell Azerbaijan’s surplus gas to Russia. Washington is pressing him to look towards Europe instead.

Turkey is cited by analysts in all four countries involved as being the main stumbling block to an accord, despite a recent visit by Mr Berlusconi. Turkey wants the option to increase the amount of gas it consumes from Azerbaijan to make up for expiring Russian contracts, and is asking for special transit terms.

The EU, keen to diversify its sources of gas away from Russia, says Turkey has no right to demand special transit terms.

Industry sources said the four governments would meet at a senior level, possibly prime ministers, in Turkey. An Italian government source said the level and venue were to be decided.

Mr Berlusconi, who wants to maintain Italy’s close business relationship with Russia, says the ITGI project is “complementary and not alternative to others”. Eni, the part state-owned Italian energy company, has a joint venture with Russia’s Gazprom to build a deep sea pipeline to take Russian gas across the Black Sea to Europe.

The original ITGI plan assigned 8bn cubic metres of gas a year to Italy and 1.5bn each for Turkey and Greece. The Azeri gas is intended to come from the second phase of the Shah Deniz field.

Enel to offload gas network

By Guy Dinmore in Rome

Published: November 27 2008 19:24 | Last updated: November 27 2008 19:24

Enel, Italy’s largest power utility, will launch next week a tender offer for its gas distribution network, valued at €1.6bn, and has chosen Morgan Stanley and Banca IMI as advisers, people close to the industry said on Thursday.

Enel needs to sell what it regards as non-core businesses to reduce its debt burden following its purchase last year of Spain’s Endesa.

The network, Enel Rete Gas, has 12 per cent of the Italian market. It provides some 3.5bn cubic metres of gas a year to 2m customers in 1,200 municipalities.

Enel is looking for a fund or funds to take a stake of 70 to 80 per cent. It was reported last month that Enel was in talks with F2i, an infrastructure investment fund.

Enel is also in talks with Terna, a leading grid operator, to sell its 19,000 km high-voltage network.

Flavio Cattaneo, Terna chief executive, said Enel was in a hurry to sell but Terna was not in a hurry to buy.

Terna would not pay a premium above similar opportunities outside Italy, he told the FT. “The price must be right,” he said.

Enel is committed to lowering its debt to below €50bn by the end of the year, from €51.4bn at the end of September. People close to the industry said Enel hoped to receive expressions of interest for its gas network before the end of the year.

Separately, Enel announced yesterday a joint venture with Japan’s Sharp Corp to build solar energy plants in Italy with a total capacity of 189 megawatts – enough to power a medium-sized city – with an investment of about €720m.

Sharp and Enel also plan to build a solar panel-production factory in Italy using Sharp’s thin-film solar technology with an investment of about €660m.