Saturday, December 20, 2008

ホンダ社長「円高続くと正社員削減も」 国内生産、縮小検討

ホンダ社長「円高続くと正社員削減も」 国内生産、縮小検討


 ホンダは世界的な自動車販売減と急速な円高の進行で業績が悪化。2008年度下期(08年10―09年3月)の連結営業損益が1900 億円の赤字に転落する見通し。業績悪化に歯止めをかけるため新工場や研究所の稼働時期を延期するなど事業戦略の大幅見直しに着手している。

 福井社長は同日の取材で「1ドル=80円台は異常な水準で、100円台に戻ると思う」と述べた上で、仮に来期以降も現在の円高水準が定着すると、11月末時点で約4500人いる期間従業員が「限りなくゼロに近づく」との考えを示した。雇用確保で最重要視していた既存正社員についても「削減がありうる」と語った。 (19日 23:42)

Toyota faces first slide into red

By Jonathan Soble in Tokyo

Published: December 18 2008 03:12 | Last updated: December 18 2008 03:12

Toyota Motor began 2008 expecting to become the first car company to sell 10m vehicles in a single year. Twelve months and a global industry slump later, it is facing a much gloomier “first”.

Analysts predict the Japanese automaker will lose money in the final two quarters of its financial year to March, falling into the red for the first time since it began publishing its financial results 68 years ago.

That would be a stunning reversal for a company whose position as the auto industry’s most profitable operator has seemed unassailable. Last year Toyota earned Y2,270bn at the operating level, the largest-ever profit for a Japanese manufacturer.

It would also serve as a reminder, as US carmakers seek a massive government bailout to stave off bankruptcy, that even tightly managed Japanese producers have not escaped the downturn. Although there have been suggestions that Toyota could scoop up factories from General Motors or Chrysler, analysts said its weaker financial position makes that outcome less likely.

Toyota abandoned its 10m-vehicle sales target in August and is widely expected to reduce its 2009 projection, now at 9.7m vehicles, by around 1m units on December 22.

The closest Toyota has ever come to losing money was in the early 1970s, in the wake of the first oil shock. But even in the bleakest part of that period, from December 1973 to May 1974, it managed to generate Y6.9bn more in revenues than it spent making cars.

Toyota has been cutting costs aggressively. It has trimmed managers’ year-end bonuses, eliminated thousands of contract jobs and suspended production at some North American plants.

Investment is also being curtailed. Toyota said on Monday it would suspend construction work on its latest US plant in Mississippi until the market turns around. The plant was to have begun producing Prius petrol-electric hybrids beginning in 2010.

米自動車大手に総額174億ドルのつなぎ融資 ブッシュ大統領






 サウジ北部で産出するボーキサイトを東岸まで鉱山鉄道で運び、マーデンとリオ・ティントによる合弁会社が精錬する計画で、2012年の稼働を目指していた。鉱石の採掘から地金生産まで同一国内で実施する世界最大級の事業で、産業多角化を急ぐサウジの中核プロジェクトに位置付けられていた。 (00:04)

Hindsight enriched by common sense

By John Authers

Published: December 19 2008 16:58 | Last updated: December 19 2008 16:58

Hindsight Capital LLC had a great 2008. It has always been successful because it uses the strategy that year in and year out is better than any other: hindsight.

But this year, Hindsight Capital operated with a few restrictions. It had to stay diversified so it could not just choose a risky stock that would rise 1,000 per cent. There were also strict limitations on its ability to use market timing. It had to stick with its positions at the start of the year from beginning to end, with one opportunity to shift, at mid-year.

Hindsight’s managers were allowed to sell short (borrow a security and sell it to profit from a price decline) but they were not allowed to invest in any more complicated hedge fund strategies.

Finally, even though the fund made its decisions using hindsight, it had to show that those investment decisions made sense at the time. As the Madoff affair has shown, if an investor cannot explain clearly how they will make money, they are best avoided.

Here, operating within these restrictions, is how Hindsight did it.

First of all, it was based in the UK. Why? Sterling was blatantly overvalued as the year began. UK-based investors thus benefited from “money illusion” as any investment outside the UK was artificially inflated once the pound fell.

Their next big decision was to see that a recession was unavoidable. With a downturn imminent, it is wise to buy bonds and sell shares. This is usually a defensive move to limit losses. This year, it would have made very big money. Using Bloomberg’s index for US bonds with a term of 10 years or more, Hindsight made a return of 61.6 per cent in sterling terms (US investors would have made 24 per cent).

Had they sold short the S&P 500 and invested the proceeds in long US bonds, they would have made 100 per cent. The same exercise using Britain’s FTSE 100 stock index and long-dated gilts would have made 64 per cent.

Secondly, Hindsight’s managers could see that a bubble had developed in Brazil, Russia, India and China, the “Bric” countries. They are all large emerging markets but beyond that these four countries have little in common except the catchy acronym. Entering the year, there were many Bric funds, and the Bric index had outperformed the rest of the emerging markets strongly. A US recession would be bad news for them.

So Hindsight sold the MSCI Bric index and balanced it by investing in the MSCI World index of developed markets equities. This strategy would make money for them as long as the developed world did better than the Brics – and indeed it made 38.3 per cent. At one point the profit was as high as 72 per cent.

Another bet was in foreign exchange. With sterling so overvalued, betting on the dollar to gain against the pound seemed safe. This yielded 28 per cent by the end of the year – although sterling disobeyed gravity until July, and all profits came in the second half of the year.

Further, the yen was clearly undervalued thanks to the carry trade – the widespread practice of borrowing in yen, at its low interest rates, and parking the proceeds in a currency with higher interest rates, such as the Australian dollar. This trade was bound to collapse at some point, and that moment finally came in the latter half of this year. A bet on the yen to rise against the Aussie made Hindsight 58 per cent (having reached 75 per cent at one point).

Finally, the year began with a raft of speculation that oil prices would rise much further. With interest rates likely to fall to deal with a recession, investors might well look for the relative safety of hard assets, which benefit from inflation. So Hindsight bought oil futures.

By mid-year, however, the trade was wildly overdone. Oil stood at exactly $140 on June 30, having risen 46 per cent in the first six months. This was a blatant bubble. So Hindsight took profits, and reversed the bet, now selling oil short.

That trade made it 72 per cent over the ensuing six months as the oil bubble burst in spectacular fashion.

For those who prefer not to sell short, Hindsight’s strategy for UK investors would have been to raise holdings in long Treasury bonds, and scale back on domestic equities. Even with a significant weighting in equities, this should have made for a profitable year.

All of this was without using the full power of hindsight, with which the fund’s managers might have invested in Tunisia’s stock market (by the far world’s most successful), or in Volkswagen, which doubled after many hedge funds that had bet on the stock to go down saw the bet blow up in their faces.

Are there broader lessons from this? With hindsight, many of us kick ourselves over mistakes of market timing. But perfect timing, without the benefit of hindsight, is impossible.

What Hindsight Capital does tell us is that strategies based on common sense, consistently held, tend to work out in the end. You just need a clear sense of the big picture (which 12 months ago required a grasp that the credit crisis was not over and that a recession was coming), and patience to wait for reality to catch up with unrealistic prices.

Yale fund loses 25% in four months

By Deborah Brewster in New York

Published: December 17 2008 02:00 | Last updated: December 17 2008 02:00

The Yale University endowment, long regarded as a suc-cessful model for fund management, lost at least 25 per cent in value in the four months to the end of October and is unlikely to show any return next year.

The loss, revealed in a letter yesterday to Yale faculty and staff, follows the news the Harvard endowment had lost at least 22 per cent since the end of June and would lose up to 30 per cent in the year to next June.

Rick Levin, president of Yale, said it would not cut its financial aid programmes despite the loss. However, it would tighten hiring, reduce pay rises, defer new construction and cut non-wage costs by 5 per cent.

"We do not intend to overreact to the decline in the value of our endowment, since markets remain volatile . . . Despite the downturn in the economy, it is important to keep in perspective that the university is much stronger than it was a decade ago," he said.

The endowment, managed by David Swensen, had declined in value by less than market indices, he said.

The value of its publicly traded securities had fallen by 13.4 per cent to the end of October and by more since then. However, when illiquid assets such as real estate and private equity were taken into account, the total drop in value was greater.

Mr Levin said: "Our best estimate of the endowment's value today is $17bn, a decline of 25 per cent since June 30 2008, and this is the value we are using for purposes of budget planning. We are also assuming that the endowment will remain flat during the 2009-10 academic year and resume growth after June 30 2010, at the rate that we have historically used in our budget modelling."

The endowment money covers 44 per cent of the university's annual expenses of $2.7bn.

Harvard endowment loses $8bn in four months

By Rebecca Knight in Boston

Published: December 4 2008 02:41 | Last updated: December 4 2008 02:41

Harvard, the world’s wealthiest university, said that its endowment lost 22 per cent, or $8bn, in the first four months of the fiscal year, underscoring how higher education has been hard hit by the global financial crisis.

The decline brings the school’s endowment from $36.9bn on June 30 to $28.7bn (€22.5bn, £19.3bn) by the end of October.

Drew Faust, Harvard’ president, and Edward Forst, the school’s executive vice-president, described the impact of the loss in a letter sent to the university’s deans late on Tuesday evening.

“To put a loss of that size in historical context, over the last at least 40 years, Harvard’s worst single-year endowment return was a negative 12.2 per cent in 1974, and at that time our endowment stood at less than $1bn and funded a much less significant proportion of university operations,” read the letter, which is on the college’s website.

“Since that time, there have been only three years of negative performance, with returns ranging from minus 0.5 per cent to minus 3 per cent.”

The university is preparing for a 30 per cent reduction in its endowment by the end of the year, the letter warned. A report issued last month by Moody’s Investors Service said that most university endowments had declined between 15 and 30 per cent between August and November.

Allan Bufferd, who managed MIT’s endowment for almost 20 years and is now at Family Endowment Partners, the Boston-based investment firm, said he was not surprised by the magnitude of the loss. “I don’t think it’s low, but I don’t think it’s high,” he said. “I suspect other [endowments will post losses] that hover around this number.”

Many colleges have adopted economy measures such as halting faculty raises, freezing all new hires and delaying capital investments to compensate for their shrinking endowments.

The letter did not detail further cuts but said the school was “reconsidering the scale and pace of planned capital projects”, including development plans in neighbouring Allston.

Like many institutions, Harvard relies on revenue generated by its endowment to cover operating costs. In Harvard’s case, income distributed from the endowment now funds 35 per cent of the its overall operating budget, and some of its schools rely on endowment income to cover more than 50 per cent of their expenses.

The letter was itself unusual. Many college presidents have recently issued statements on the impact of the global financial crisis on their budgets, but this is the first statement explicitly to address investment performance. The university usually sends out its annual report on the state of investments toward the beginning of the academic year.

“In challenging times like these, it’s always better to communicate more than less,” said Daniel Jick, chief executive officer, of HighVista Strategies, the Boston-based investment company, which works with endowments and foundations. “It’s good business practice to communicate with your constituents. And to the extent that you’re asking people to cut costs, and cut people, and make those hard decisions, it helps them understand the root of the issue.”

Russia to halt weapons ‘if US drops shield’

By Isabel Gorst in Moscow

Published: December 19 2008 14:03 | Last updated: December 19 2008 14:03

Russia said on Friday it would halt the development of some strategic weapons if the US abandoned a controversial project to deploy an anti-missile shield in Europe.

The remarks appeared to be a conciliatory overture to the incoming US administration, but also reflect the challenge posed to Russia’s ambitious military expansion by the world financial crisis.

Nikolai Solovtsov, the colonel general of Russia’s strategic missile forces, said, Russia would “respond adequately,” if the US gave up the interceptor plan, Interfax reported.

“We simply will not need a number of expensive (strategic missile) programmes, he said

The US and Poland agreed to station elements of the shield on Polish soil in August after Russia went to war with Georgia and relations between Washington and Moscow sank to a new low.

The US says the shield was designed to shoot down ballistic missiles it fears could be launched by “rogue” states such as Iran.

But Russia sees it is a threat to its own nuclear deterrent and has threatened to respond by building new missiles targeting Europe.

Colonel Solovtsov said, “We do not want to frighten anyone by planning to develop strategic weapons. We are simply acting in response to today’s realities.”

He said Russia, in addition to developing a new generation of weaponry, was working to extend the lifetime of the RS-20, an intercontinental ballistic missile, dubbed “Satan” by Nato.

Sergei Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, said on Thursday that Russia was ready to build a “pragmatic” relationship with the new US administration.

Russia hopes the US “will be ready to consider any issues and strive to find mutually acceptable solutions,” he said after a meeting with US Senator Richard Lugar in Moscow.

However, John Rood, the US under secretary for arms control and international security, said Russia had become less flexible in dealing with the US on the shield issue, after meetings in Moscow this week.

Hedge funds gain access to $200bn Fed aid

By Krishna Guha in Washington

Published: December 20 2008 05:01 | Last updated: December 20 2008 05:01

Hedge funds will be allowed to borrow from the Federal Reserve for the first time under a landmark $200bn programme intended to support consumer credit.

The Fed said on Friday it would offer low-cost three-year funding to any US company investing in securitised consumer loans under the Term Asset-backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF). This includes hedge funds, which have never been able to borrow from the US central bank before, although the Fed may not permit hedge funds to use offshore vehicles to conduct the transactions.

The asset-backed securities to be funded under the programme are pools of credit card receivables, automobile loans and student loans.

The idea is to increase the supply of these loans and reduce borrowing rates by ensuring that the companies that make the loans can sell them on to investors who have guaranteed access to low-cost funding from the Fed.

The TALF is a key plank of the unorthodox strategy set out by the Fed last week as it cut interest rates virtually to zero. Washington insiders expect the programme will be dramatically expanded next year with further capital support from Treasury once the Obama administration takes office.

A senior official in the outgoing Bush administration told the Financial Times it could also be broadened to include new commercial and residential mortgage-backed securities.

The Fed thinks risk premiums or “spreads” for consumer loans are much higher than would be justified by likely default rates, even assuming a nasty recession.

It attributes this to a lack of buying interest in the secondary market where the loans are sold on to investors. By making loans to these investors on attractive terms it aims to increase market liquidity.

Making the scheme open to all US companies is a radical departure for the Fed, which normally supports financial market liquidity indirectly by ensuring banks have adequate liquidity to make loans to other investors.

However, the liquidity the Fed is providing to banks is not flowing through to financial markets, because banks are balance-sheet constrained and risk-averse. So it is channelling funds directly to investors.

The scheme is not designed specifically for hedge funds and a wide range of financial institutions are likely to participate.

Nonetheless, Fed officials hope that hedge funds will be among those investors that take advantage of the low-cost finance to drive down spreads.

The loans will be secured only against the securities and not the borrower. However, the Fed will lend slightly less than the value of the securities pledged as collateral. The Treasury has committed $20bn to cover potential losses.

Since the credit crisis erupted, hedge funds have complained that they cannot get the leverage they need to arbitrage away excessive spreads and meet high hurdle rates of return.

“Demand is there for leverage but not supply,” said Sylvan Chackman, head of global equity financing at Merrill Lynch.

In effect, the Fed will now take on the role of prime broker – the lead bank that lends to a hedge fund – for specific assets.

Mideast-Europe cable links hit

By Paul Taylor

Published: December 20 2008 02:00 | Last updated: December 20 2008 02:00

Internet and telephone communications between the Middle East and Europe were severely disrupted yesterday after at least three submarine cables running under the Mediterranean between southern Italy and Egypt were damaged.

While the cause and full extent of the damage remained unclear, the cables carry more than 75 per cent of traffic between the Middle East, Europe and America and could potentially disrupt communications worldwide.

Telecoms industry experts warned that the potential impact could be significant and noted that a similar incident in January took almost two weeks to fix.

City turmoil spreads to prime properties

By Norma Cohen

Published: December 20 2008 02:34 | Last updated: December 20 2008 02:34

The travails of London’s financial sector are spilling over into some of the swankiest neighbourhoods, with both rents and house prices falling sharply in the last three months of the year, according to specialist upmarket property companies.

Prime central London rents plummeted by almost 10 per cent over the past three months, the latest Knight Frank index reveals.

The previous largest quarterly decline on record in central London prime property was a drop of just above 2 per cent in the three months to September 2003, said Liam Bailey, Knight Frank’s head of residential research.

Chelsea saw the biggest drop in rents – a decline of 15.4 per cent. “This is banker territory,” Mr Bailey said. “The mid-to-upper tier here has been weakened because of the ongoing turmoil and job losses in the City.”

Similarly, prices for the finest homes in central London are also falling rapidly, according to Savills. Prices slumped by 8.7 per cent on average in the past three months and are now 20 per cent down from their peak in September 2007.

“The areas most susceptible to City job loss fears took the sharpest dip,” said Yolande Barnes, head of residential research at Savills. These include Notting Hill, Kensington and Holland Park, where homes fell 11.2 per cent on average in the fourth quarter.

Homes in traditional “super-prime” areas such as Knightsbridge, Mayfair, Belgravia and Chelsea have seen prices decline by just under 10 per cent on average in the past three months.

“Whereas US and European banks were happy to spend £3,000 per week accommodating senior executives in 2007, they are now asking why £1,500 wouldn’t suffice,” Mr Bailey said.

国民年金、保険料月額250円上げ 09年度1万4660円に


定額給付金の基準日は2月1日 総務省、配布方法を通知






 3社平均は103日と前年同月比6割強増え、10月をさらに上回った。トヨタが9割増の92日、ホンダが7割増の106日、日産自が4割増の110日。JPモルガン証券によると、ホンダは1990年以降の最高値だった湾岸戦争後の93年3月の89日を今年10月、11月と連続して超えた。日産自の100 日超えは98年以来という。(11:35)

パナソニック、三洋買収を発表 戦略分野に1000億円投資

 パナソニック(旧松下電器産業)と三洋電機は19日、パナソニックが三洋を買収することで最終合意したと発表した。来年2月にも三洋の全株式を対象に1 株131円でTOB(株式公開買い付け)を実施、3月末の子会社化を目指す。パナソニックの大坪文雄社長は同日の記者会見で「(充電池など)戦略分野で 1000億円規模の投資を実施する」と表明、世界景気減速下でも成長戦略を加速する。






「マイコプラズマ肺炎に注意」 手洗い・うがいで予防を





タイ産米からカビ毒 食用、農水省が検査で見逃す










 [2008年12月19日9時18分 紙面から]



 [2008年12月19日9時17分 紙面から]

時津風部屋判決 稽古という名のリンチだった(12月20日付・読売社説)















大相撲:ロンドン公演取りやめ 円高・不況で




相撲界、海外巡業に危機感  ロンドン公演中止の波紋





相撲協会大きな痛手 ロンドン公演中止
2008.12.20 18:15






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