Sunday, August 17, 2008

Georgian President Saakashvili eats his tie on TV live (video)

Georgian President Saakashvili eats his tie on TV live (video)
16.08.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru URL:

The BBC has recently aired a TV report, in which Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili ate his tie.

The report was about the situation in the area of the conflict between Georgia and South Ossetia. The footage showed Saakashvili making a call to a top Western official. It could be clearly seen that Mr. Saakashvili was having a nervous breakdown.

Watch the video here
(around 1:02)

Mikhail Saakashvili has been staying in the full glare of publicity for several weeks already. Specialists of medicine have questions about his mental state, Rossia TV channel says.

His statements, which he makes on one and the same day, may often contradict to each other. Russia’s well-known psychologists claim that the Georgian leader is a mentally unstable individual. Specialists say that Saakashvili’s ambition exceeds his capabilities.

Such mental unbalance leads to irresponsible political decisions, which lead to chaos, human deaths and humanitarian catastrophes.

The Russian foreign minister said Thursday that Georgia could "forget about" getting back the two separatist regions, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Medvedev also met with their leaders in Kremlin this past week, raising the prospect that Moscow could absorb the regions even though the territory is internationally recognized as being within Georgia's borders.

US President Bush does not even think to stop making ridiculous statements regarding the conflict.

"The world has watched with alarm as Russia invaded a sovereign neighboring state and threatened a democratic government elected by its people. This act is completely unacceptable to the free nations of the world, Bush said in his weekly radio address.

Mr. Bush of course believes that the bombing of Yugoslavia, the incursion in Iraq, the recognition of Kosovo’s independence and many other criminal acts are absolutely acceptable to the free nations, of which the USA is the most outstanding example.

Needless to say that it will never occur to either Mr. Bush or Ms. Condoleezza Rice to speak about the nightmare that thousands of South Ossetian residents had to experience after Georgia’s attack on the republic. They do not want even to hear about it.

US major media outlets, controlled by the White House, do not want to report the truth about Georgia’s aggression either. A US girl of South Ossetian origin happened to stay in the unrecognized republic during Georgia’s attack on the territory. She was lucky to leave the troubled nation safe and sound. However, when she appeared in a program of Fox News channel, the TV host did not even let the girl speak a word of truth.

No comments from the Peanut Gallery.

Russian forces pulled back Saturday from positions in a town not far from Georgia's capital after Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a cease-fire deal, but his foreign minister said the broader withdrawal would be contingent on further security measures.

Russian soldiers had dug shallow foxholes in the center of Igoeti, some 30 miles (50 kilometers) from Tbilisi, but abandoned them later in the day. Tanks and troops were still in place on a hillside on the edge of Igoeti and there was no immediate signs of a pullout from the strategic city of Gori, about 20 miles (30 kilometers) up the road.

The military movement came around the same time that officials said Medvedev had signed a cease-fire deal that set the stage for a Russian troop withdrawal after more than a week of warfare in the former Soviet republic that lies at the heart of increasing tensions between Russia and the West.

The agreement, also signed a day earlier by Georgian President Mikhail Saakshvili, calls for both Russian and Georgian forces to pull back to positions they held before fighting erupted Aug. 8. Georgia had launched a massive barrage to try to take control of the Russian-backed separatist region of South Ossetia; the Russian army quickly overwhelmed the forces of its small U.S.-backed neighbor, and Moscow's troops drove deep into Georgia.

The Russian seizure of territory, including Gori and its positions in Igoeti, raised fears that Russia was aiming for a permanent occupation of the country that once was part of its empire. The cease-fire calls for Russian troops to pull back to positions they held in South Ossetia before the fighting but allows allowing limited Russian patrols in Georgia just outside the province.

Medvedev signed the order in the Russian resort city of Sochi, where the president has a summer residence, Medvedev spokesman Alexei Pavlov said. Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov later said Medvedev had ordered its implementation.

But Lavrov, in televised remarks, also said the Russian pullback would take place "as further security measures are taken." Asked how much time it would take, he responded: "As much as is needed."

He was not specific about the security measures but accused Georgia of undermining security. "This depends not only upon us," Lavrov said.

"We are constantly encountering problems from the Georgian side, and everything will depend on how effectively and quickly these problems are resolved," he said.

While Russian forces abandoned the center of Igoeti, they dug into positions on a hillside with a view of the area, possible defensive positions as their comrades withdraw.

Georgian war crimes I
16.08.2008 Source: URL:

On the night of 7/8 August, Georgian Armed Forces (backed by the USA) murdered 2.000 civilians in South Ossetia. This treacherous act of mass murder has been totally ignored in the western press and by the US leadership. We therefore present photographic evidence for the benefit of George Bush and Condoleeza Rice. Maybe now they will start mentioning the Georgian war crimes that started this sorry episode.

Mikhail Saakashvili announced a ceasefire on 7th August. While doing so, his armed forces were getting ready to push into South Ossetia, a Republic that should have had a referendum back in 1991, under the Soviet Constitution, upon the secession of Georgia, for its people to vote freely and fairly on autonomy. Georgia did not respect its legal obligation.

Why has the western media not mentioned this, or the war crimes committed on 7/8th August?

Why have George Bush and Condoleeza Rice given their unconditional backing to the war criminal and mass murderer Mikhail Saakashvili? To what extent were the US military advisors envolved in this savage act of murder? How to explain the American English voices heard among the fleeing and panic-stricken defeated military forces once Russia entered the fray?

The photos we present here are proof of what happened. The camera does not lie.

Has the reader seen these photos published elsewhere? Has the reader heard the leaders of the USA refer one single time to these war crimes?

Or has the reader heard George Bush and Condoleeza Rice repeat time and time again the same message, supporting Georgia’s leadership, and tacitly giving their approval to this act of butchery?



Is Condoleeza Rice stupid?
16.08.2008 Source: URL:

Has the US Secretary of State got her cassette stuck? For a week now she has been reiterating the same phrase “Russian forces must leave Georgia now” and for a week now the world has been informed of Georgian war crimes against Russians in Ossetia. The war crimes happened, the Russians call the shots now, Ms. Rice. Like it or lump it.

Is Condoleeza Rice stupid? OK her boss is, we all know that and that’s why nobody pays any attention to what he says or if they do, it is to have a good laugh at how such an imbecile could supposedly rule the roost in Washington (when everyone knows it is Cheney and his energy and arms lobbies). So Bush gets a discount, like the uncle that farts at family dinners, like the retarded nephew who belches swearwords after his third litre of Coke, like the simpleton that sits outside the church on Sundays begging for money informing everyone that he is an astronaut on Thursday afternoons.

Is Condoleeza Rice stupid? She claims to be a Russian expert but her command of the language was recently exposed as being basic/elementary level on a Russian radio programme, just as her grasp of what is going on in Russia today seems beneath the informed blogger level.

Is Condoleeza Rice stupid? How can this female purport to broker events between an evil regime in Tblisi supported by her own evil regime in Washington, and Russia, while not mentioning one single time the war crimes committed by Georgia against Russian peacekeepers and civilians?

So we come to the conclusion that she is either stupid, or incompetent, or downright evil. If she didn’t know about Georgia’s war crimes, when everyone else did, she is incompetent (as she proved as National Security Advisor during 9/11). If she knows about the war crimes and fails to mention them, as Secretary of State, she is plain stupid and if she purposefully covers them up, maybe because her own armed forces were involved, then she is one evil piece of work, as many of us suspected all along.

Is Condoleeza Rice stupid? Or incompetent? Or just plain evil?



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