Saturday, January 3, 2009






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社民党、党本部の開放を検討 「派遣村」パンクで






Homeless Japanese flock 'tent village'

January 2, 2009 - 9:11PM

Some 300 homeless people, most of whom have lost their jobs due to recession, have flocked to a "tent village" temporarily set up by volunteers in Tokyo as a shelter for New Year holidays.

The village opened in Hibiya Park, near the Imperial Palace, government offices and luxury hotels, on New Year's Eve to provide free food and shelter for the homeless.

Japanese companies have cut tens of thousands of jobs, mostly temporary contract workers, as demand for cars, cameras and other products wanes amid the global financial crisis.

Organisers visited the welfare ministry on Friday to deliver a letter requesting access to unoccupied offices and schools as some 50 tents, each with a capacity of up to five people, are already full.

"In the worst case, there may be cold death," tent village head Makoto Yuasa told reporters. "We are trying to do what we can in a non-government capacity, but there is a limit."

Lawyers are volunteering their time to help people wrongfully sacked or forced to leave factory dormitories. The camp will close on Monday morning.

The labour ministry said some 85,000 temporary workers have already lost their jobs or know they will be laid off by March - a figure that has nearly tripled in a month.

If this is like 1932, there will be hope as well as pain

By John Authers

Published: January 2 2009 18:24 | Last updated: January 2 2009 18:24

Everyone became an expert on the deeper reaches of financial history last year. With almost any relationship on which market traders had come to rely in the past three decades breaking down, they had to delve deeper for precedents.

Early in the year, we were looking at the Long-Term Capital Management disaster of 1998 and the savings and loan scandal of the early 1990s. Once it became obvious that the new crisis was deeper than these and oil prices started to surge, comparisons with 1973 and 1974 grew fashionable. Now the oil price has dropped by more than $100 a barrel and we fear the first great deflation since the Depression, attention has turned to the 1930s. Some have disinterred long-forgotten incidents such as the panic of 1907 (which led to the creation of the Federal Reserve), or the panic of 1873, which followed a boom in investing in railroads.

No historical parallel can be perfect. But perhaps two years offer the best point of reference. What if last year was 1931? If so, this year could be 1932. In some ways this is good news. It was when the US stock market finally began its recovery. At one point the Dow Jones Industrial Average more than doubled in barely two months. But it still saw equity indices end the year worth less than when they had started. Intriguingly this is almost exactly in line with the apparently self-contradictory consensus of wisdom about the stock market this year: that it has not yet hit bottom but should do so this year and that at some point there will be an explosive rally.

There are differences. The bear market was already more than a year old when 1931 started, while 2008 started only shortly after equities had reached a final peak. And the point in the political cycle was different, as President Franklin Roosevelt was not elected until November 1932, some months after the stock market bottom. Policymakers took far longer to embrace monetary or fiscal easing.

But in the markets, 2008 looks a lot like 1931. It was the worst year of the 1930s for stock markets, with the S&P 500 falling 47 per cent, driven by fears for the banking system and by seismic shifts in foreign exchange rates.

As 1931 turned to 1932, the extra spread that investors required to buy the bonds of investment-grade companies, rather than US Treasury bonds, reached an all-time high – closely approached in the past few weeks. Then, as now, the Fed was about to buy back Treasury bonds, in a bid to push up their prices and push down their yields – a drastic way to lower interest rates payable in the broader economy, now known as “quantitative easing”.

So 1931 is a better comparison for the year just gone than most.

A look at how 1932 unfolded shows how the conventional wisdom about 2009 may yet come true. The year started with a rally as optimism took hold that the financial sector’s problems were over. That took the S&P 500 up almost 20 per cent by early March. Compare this with the current rally since the rescue of Citigroup in November.

But in spring 1932 gold started flowing out of the US, as foreign investors were convinced the dollar would be devalued, and this sparked a devastating sell-off in US stocks. By midsummer (at what turned out to be the bottom of the bear market), the S&P was down 50 per cent from its high for the year.

For 2009, a renewed run on the dollar is quite conceivable. Another fear is that investors grasp the scale of the damage to corporate profits only in the next few weeks, and this sparks another sell-off. Brokers’ forecasts suggest the scope for serious disappointment is real – and conceivably even enough to drive a sell-off like the one of early 1932.

In July 1932, optimism suddenly took hold that the economy was improving. This, according to Russell Napier’s definitive book Anatomy of the Bear, was based largely on evidence that deflation was coming to an end. The result: stocks gained 111 per cent in two months. Then in September they staged another sell-off as it became clear the economy was not out of the woods, and fell 25 per cent from there to the end of the year. Overall the index was down almost 15 per cent for the year but it never went back to its July 1932 lows.

How could this be repeated in 2009? An explosive rally at some point is possible, simply because record amounts of money are sitting in bonds and cash. And, as in 1932, what might move that money in a hurry would be a clear sign that inflation was returning. At present the risk is deflation and governments are actively trying to engineer a return to inflation: if that were to happen, bonds and cash would become horrible assets to be in, and so the chance of a race at the first sign of inflationary pressure is real.

As in 1932, when economic hope proved illusory, it is possible that could be a false alarm. But in these conditions, even a false alarm could spark a big rally. As for fundamental valuations, long-run indicators that have signalled market turning-points most successfully in the past, such as the multiple of stocks to long-term average earnings, suggest stocks are fairly valued, whereas they already looked cheap in early 1932. A drastic sell-off like the one in early 1932 would help address this.

The precondition for a sustainable rally is that share prices fall to a level where investors are widely convinced they are cheap. As 1932 demonstrated, getting there could yet involve a lot more pain. But it is fair to hope that we get there this year.

Conglomerates begin to shine for stock-pickers

By John Authers

Published: January 3 2009 02:00 | Last updated: January 3 2009 02:00

The stockbroker's lexicon is full of euphemisms. One of the more insidious is "a stock-pickers' market". The positive spin on such a market is that there are returns on offer for those who pick the right stocks. A more realistic take is that the market as a whole is doing nothing - but you might just get by if you are lucky enough to pick the right stocks.

At present, a stockpickers' market, in either sense of the phrase, would be a boon. Last year was one of the most spectacular cases on record, when trying to pick the right stocks would have made little or no difference. Returns for the two traditional main styles of investing - "value" investing focused on stocks that are cheap compared to their fundamental value, and "growth" investing focused on stocks whose profits are growing - were virtually identical and, of course, very bad.

There was also barely any difference between the performance of larger and smaller companies. Even differences based on geography were minimal. Huge currency movements during 2008 ensured some variation, but a look at the performance of the main indices in North America, Western Europe and the developed markets of Asia showed that they all moved in line with each other.

All of this can readily be explained. Last year, unjustified optimism about the world economy turned to something more realistic in mid-summer, and then to something much worse after equity investors were taken by surprise by the financial crisis that followed the fall of Lehman Brothers.

From summer onwards, correlation between stocks rose to virtually unprecedented levels. Correlation tends to move in line with volatility, which also reached levels unseen even in the Great Crash of the early 1930s. According to David Kostin of Goldman Sachs, the average correlation of the stocks in the US S&P 500 index reached 66 per cent by the end of the year, by far the highest in two decades, while correlations within economic sectors were even higher.

And correlation between economic sectors, even though they should be affected very differently by a recession, is at its highest in more than 20 years.

Put simply, the "top-down" or "macro" bad news on the economy swamped any "bottom-up" or "micro" news that might have helped to differentiate companies. Instead, everyone sank together. Picking stocks became an irrelevant skill.

It is fair to assume that macro factors will drown out anything micro for a while. There will be intense interest in the government spending plans across the world, in central banks, and in any signs that deflation is turning to inflation.

But once markets have stabilised a little, correlations should come down. That does not necessarily imply a surge in broad indices; but it should mean that stock-pickers can make some money. After a sell-off so indiscriminate, some companies must now be badly undervalued compared to their peers.

How can we pick those stocks? It may be worth looking at sectors, where anything that can include the word "Obama" in the first sentence of its investment case should be in fashion. The new US president will spend a lot of money. Companies in sectors such as infrastructure or alternative energy that are well placed to receive a good share of the largesse could therefore outperform.

But rather than looking at how companies make money, stock-picking may be more a matter of gauging financial strength this year. Credit for companies will be severely constrained, by historical standards, for the whole of 2009. Companies that have least need of new debt, and that generate lots of their own cash, therefore look attractive.

Governments are almost daring investors to buy stocks. For anyone buying them now, the returns on cash, money market funds, and government bonds are terrible. That means many may be forced into equities to generate some return. So stock-pickers should pore through balance sheets for companies that pay regular and rising dividends, and generate the cash to keep doing so. Such stocks are likely to be in demand.

The credit crunch could also bring us back to the future when it comes to financial engineering. The boom in the middle of this decade, and the boom of the late 1980s, both owed much to the practice of using cheap debt to split large and cumbersome conglomerates - the "corporate raiders" of the 1980s became the private equity players of the 2000s.

Now, with debt much harder to obtain for borrowers, such financial engineering is largely impracticable. But the conglomerate structure might have new appeal. Rather than having to borrow from banks, or from the capital markets, a conglomerate can finance subsidiaries with cash generated by other businesses elsewhere in the company. Such companies tended to fare reasonably well in the "stock-pickers' market," as it might euphemistically be called, of the 1970s. And big companies, particularly conglomerates, that are less reliant on the credit market, may be set to outperform in the next stock-pickers' market.

フジクリ・フニクラ富士山鉄道構想 麓から5合目まで (1/2ページ)
2009.1.3 18:54






「不審な会話」で搭乗拒否 米空港でイスラム教徒9人
2009.1.3 18:58




羽田の国際化へ着々 秋に進滑走路・深夜早朝枠・アクセス整備 (1/5ページ)
2009.1.3 15:49


■  ■  ■




メール傍受し反対派監視 米誌報道、チェイニー副大統領側近ら
2009.1.3 18:52









 一般参賀7万5790人 新年恒例の一般参賀が2日、皇居・宮殿の東庭で行われ、7万5790人の参賀者が訪れた。





プレジデント 2008年12.29号











2ちゃんねる、“言論の自由なき日本”を見捨てた? (2/2ページ)
2009.1.2 10:20


 2ちゃんねるは1999年、当時流行していたアングラ掲示板の“避難所”として設立された。「スレッドフロート式」と呼ばれるシステムが特徴で、新しい書き込みが多い掲示板(スレッド)、つまり“ネット上でもっとも盛り上がっているスレッド”ほど自動的にページトップに浮き上がる仕組み。ADSLが登場し、インターネットが常時接続時代に入った2000年、佐賀県で「西鉄バスハイジャック事件」が発生し、容疑者の少年が「ネオむぎ茶」という固定ハンドル名で2ちゃんねるに“犯行予告”を書き込んでいたらしいことから脚光を浴び、同年、Yahoo! JAPAN(ヤフー!ジャパン)にも登録され、国民的な人気サイトとなった。

Move to the euro haunts Ahmadi-Nejad

By Najmeh Borzogmehr

Published: December 30 2008 02:00 | Last updated: December 30 2008 02:00

In 2007, Mahmoud Ahmadi-Nejad, Iran's colourful president, called the US dollar a "torn piece of paper" and in November last year his government changed the country's base foreign currency to the euro in an effort to try and avoid US sanctions imposed as a result of the country's nuclear programme.

At the time, Mr Ahmadi-Nejad and his colleague Hugo Chávez, president of Venezuela, even tried to persuade the other members of Opec to shift their reference prices for oil to the European currency, arguing that the greenback was fatally weakened.

A year on, however, and the Iranian government has had to live with a revival in the dollar's fortunes and it is the rial that is in the doldrums. The rial has lost about 10 per cent against the dollar during the past month, even rising above the important 10,000 to the dollar mark for the first time in its history. It has since strengthened slightly back to 9,820.

This has landed Mr Ahmadi-Nejad's government on the wrong side of public opinion, which views the rial's value against the dollar as a central indicator of its economic strength.

Although the rial has changed little if measured against a basket of currencies, including the euro and the pound, "people are only concerned about the dollar rate", says one economist.

In the aftermath of the Islamic revolution the rial collapsed, and the regime adopted a series of exchange rate policies in 1980s and 1990s by fixing at about half a dozen different rates against the dollar. But in 2001, a reformist government led by Mohammad Khatami officially adopted a policy of a managed float.

Yet successive Iranian governments, even before Mr Ahmadi-Nejad took office in August 2005, have followed an unstated policy of ensuring that the dollar traded at less than 10,000 rials.

Whenever the rate has looked close to crossing that mark, the central bank has injected dollars to bring it down again. But this time the authorities are choosing not to pump in dollars because the country's oil revenues, the main source of income, are plummeting.

Iran tries to receive its oil income in euros to avoid oversight by the US authorities, which could block the Islamic regime's money over the controversial nuclear programme and alleged funding of terrorism.

Experts estimate that about two-thirds of the country's $80bn foreign currency reserves are now held in euros, and government opponents have complained of a loss of about $5bn due to the European currency's recent decline against the dollar.

Mr Ahmadi-Nejad argues that the benefits of increasing euro share in the reserves still exceed recent losses.

"We have had both economic and political gains by shifting from the dollar to the euro because the dollar was hugely weakened but this [the current strength of the dollar] will last for a short period of time," Mr Ahmadi-Nejad said earlier this month, while vowing to run the country for a further three years even if oil prices fall to zero.

However, the drastic fall in oil prices will still put the government budget under great pressure next year, and may leave it no choice but to devalue the rial. Analysts say that they do not expect this to happen before the presidential election in June.

In downtown Tehran, the main centre of currency trading, traders say that the stronger dollar is a natural reaction to world markets.

They are, however, worried about the possibility of heavy-handed government interference - such as closure of their shops, which happened about 13 years ago - should the dollar strengthen further.

"The government might accuse some traders of dollar smuggling, close their shops and urge people to buy hard currencies only from banks," one trader says.

Annual panto of greed and power may be in its last season

By Quentin Peel

Published: January 3 2009 02:00 | Last updated: January 3 2009 02:00

The annual winter pantomime time is upon us. Once again, the malevolent Russian bear - also know as Gazprom - has turned off the gas taps supplying its feckless and debt-laden neighbour, Ukraine, because its former vassal will not pay a 40 per cent price rise.

The danger is that the rest of Europe will rapidly get sucked into the dispute, because European Union members rely on Russia for 25 per cent of their natural gas supplies, and about 80 per cent of that is delivered in transit through Ukraine.

But this year there is better news - unlike in January 2006, when Gazprom last turned off the taps to Ukraine in the middle of a very cold winter, and supplies to the rest of Europe dropped by a third within 24 hours.

Then, Kiev simply siphoned off what it needed. This time, the weather is milder, and consumption is sharply down because of the economic slowdown.

As a result, Ukraine and the rest of Gazprom's European customers, such as Germany, Italy and most of central Europe, have built up much larger gas reserves. Naftogaz, the Ukrainian state gas company, says it has 28bn cubic metres in storage, or about 22 per cent of annual consumption.

The other piece of good news is that this depressing annual ritual of bad- tempered negotiations between Moscow and Kiev, with each side accusing the other of blackmail and dishonesty, may not continue for much longer. If international gas prices drop sharply in 2009, as they are expected to, then the gap between the commercial price for gas and what Ukraine can afford is likely to narrow rapidly.

"If you look at what is happening with European gas prices, they will be declining throughout 2009," says Jonathan Stern, director of gas research at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies.

"We have got a really good chance of equalising Ukrainian prices with what Europeans are paying. Then we may be in a position to have a longer-term contract between Russia and Ukraine, instead of repeated renegotiations."

On the bad news front, the Russia-Ukraine talks remain acutely political, in spite of all the best efforts by Gazprom to present them as a purely commercial exercise.

It is no surprise that problems come to a head every winter, rather than in summertime, when there is no particular pressure to keep supplies going. That increases Moscow's bargaining power. Vladimir Putin, Russia's prime minister, has made it clear that he is perfectly prepared to shut off the gas, whatever the weather. As the former Russian president, he did so with both Belarus and Ukraine.

He has also made it no secret that he does not regard any of the former Soviet republics as serious independent states.

On the other hand, taking a tough and truculent attitude towards Gazprom plays well in the fractious politics of Ukraine, where relations between President Viktor Yushchenko and his prime minister, Yulia Tymoshenko, are poisonous.

They are likely to be running against each other again in the next presidential elections, and each is anxious to prove that he or she is best able to stand up to the Kremlin.

On the face of it, the negotiations should be straightforward. Gazprom wants to raise the price Ukraine must pay for its gas from $179.50 per 1,000 cu m of gas to $250 (€180, £173). On the open market in Europe, the peak price was about $500 last year, but is now declining.

According to a rare joint statement issued by Mr Yushchenko and Ms Tymoshenko in Kiev, Ukraine should be paying a gas price of $201 this year, based on a memorandum agreed between the two governments last year. They also want to raise the transit price for Russian gas through Ukraine from $1.70 to $2 per 1,000 cu m.

In these straitened times, Gazprom - itself burdened with massive foreign borrowing and facing slumping demand this year - needs the cash as much as Ukraine finds it difficult to pay. Each is exploiting its monopoly: Gazprom in natural gas supply; Ukraine on control of the transit pipeline.

Behind the winter pantomime is a game of high-stakes poker, with profit and power seen as the prize.

Kyriakou lines up £2bn for UK buys

By Ben Fenton, Chief Media Correspondent

Published: January 2 2009 19:24 | Last updated: January 2 2009 19:24

Greek millionaire Theodore Kyriakou intends to amass a war chest of more than £2bn to target UK media acquisitions.

Mr Kyriakou, the scion of an important shipping family, said he will leverage the proceeds of the October sale of Nova, the Bulgarian assets of his Antenna TV company to Modern Times Group of Sweden for €628m (£600m), to buy media companies, but “probably not newspapers”.

“In a really terrible credit market, I suppose we would be thinking of a multiple of 2x,” Mr Kyriakou, 34, told the Financial Times.

“But if things were a bit better perhaps we would go to 3x or even a bit higher and so we are looking at between €1.25bn and €1.8bn of firepower, something like that.”

Including the cash sum realised by sale of Nova, that would give Mr Kyriakou more than £2bn. “Obviously it depends on when and how we leverage up the cash sum that we have,” he said.

“We are not about to rush in anywhere, but will wait to see what opportunities turn up in the next six to 18 months.

“At the moment, our strategy is to stay in cash for the next six months or so and then see what state the credit markets are in.”

With little debt – Antenna has a €120m bond due in 2015 – that large sum of cash is to form the kernel of an aggressive fighting fund for expansion across Europe,

“We will be looking at a variety of assets across the broad spectrum of the media world and across Europe,” he said.

But the base for his search for value in a distressed sector will be London: “This is the place to be. This is where the best people are and where all the information we need and the help we need can be found.”

He has already begun to assemble an advisory group of bankers, executives, lawyers and consultants in London to help him find a home for his money.

Recently, Guillaume de Posch, the former chief executive of ProSiebenSat1, the German broadcaster, was named as the first important member of the group.

But the group is also expected to include heavy hitters from the investment banking world and lawyers with experience of deal-making in the European media sector.

When a report emerged before Christmas that the Antenna chief executive had “not ruled out” a bid for ITV, it had no effect on the share price of the UK’s largest commercial broadcaster.

But that report mentioned only the €628m cash sum, apparently not realising that Mr Kyriakou intends to leverage that with bank debt into a sum which would be enough to make a 60p-a-share offer for ITV, were he minded to throw the whole pot at one company.

However, there is no reason to believe that is what he intends to do.

“I am not going to rule out anything,” said Mr Kyriakou, who holds two degrees, one in physics and one in business, from Georgetown University.

“But we are looking for businesses with growth potential and we are looking at internet; at production companies; at pay-television; at free-to-air television; at magazines; at pretty much everything and across Europe.

“That includes the UK, but not just the UK by any means.”

Antenna was founded by Mr Kyriakou’s father Minos in 1989 and it is now the largest Greek-language media company in the world with production companies, radio stations, magazines and television channels at home.

It also owns channels in the US and Australia, serving the large Greek-speaking populations in those places.

Squadrons of Pacific, Baltic Fleets of Russia meet in Indian Ocean

02.01.2009, 19.52

MOSCOW, January 2 (Itar-Tass) - Russia’s Pacific Fleet squadron comprising the Admiral Vinogradov large antisubmarine warfare ship, rescue tug Fotii Krylov, and the Pechenga and Boris Butoma support vessels on Friday met in the Indian Ocean with the warship squadron of the Russian Baltic Fleet comprising the Neustrashimy patrol gunboat and the Yelnya tanker, an aide to the commander-in-chief of the Russian Navy, head of the Navy information and public relations service Captain Igor Dygalo said.

They met in the area south of the Sokotra Island in the Arabian Sea, he specified.

The travelling headquarters of the two fleets’ warship squadrons are currently exchanging information.

Russia’s new international role becomes its biggest achievement in 2008
31.12.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru URL:

The world has started to respect Russia and take Russia’s opinion into consideration. This is Russia’s major achievement in 2008. The future of 2009 is rather vague because of the financial crisis, which has all chances to develop into a global political crisis. interviewed State Duma deputy Konstantin Zatulin, TV journalist Mikhail Leontiev and scientists of politics Sergei Mikheyev and Alexander Rar regarding the results, which the nation achieved in 2008.

Konstantin Zatulin, a deputy of the Russian Federation State Duma, United Russia faction, the director of the CIS Institute:

“I would like to point out a number of events, which are not limited with the time period of one year only. It is the economic crisis, first and foremost, which inevitably leads to political consequences. The five-day war in South Ossetia and Russia ’s recognition of Abkhazia’s and South Ossetia ’s independence is the second most important event. A new situation has been created on the post-Soviet space. Russia responded adequately to the challenge, but the West perceived it as a challenge, because it did not expect Russia to act like that.

“I think that it is too early to analyze the consequences of the reappraisal of values. Many try to underestimate the significance of what happened. Russia exercised its will to resist at the moment, when its interests were affected. All these aspects are beyond the scope of the year 2008.”

Mikhail Leontiev, editor-in-chief of Profile Magazine, the host of “However” program of The First Channel:

“There are two things which identify Russia 's international results in 2008. The first one of them is the conflict in South Ossetia. It was the first time in the post-Soviet history of the world, when Russia stood up against the US will. We must realize that it was the USA, not Georgia that acted as a conflict side. It was a direct order to Saakashvili, although it is not clear why they gave that order and what they wanted to achieve with it. The USA participated in the conflict with its arms, money, advisors and direct prewar assistance in the form of electronic guidance on targets from space.

“Russia’s recognition of Ossetia’s and Abkhazia’s independence and Russia’s de-facto recognition of the US patronage over Georgia is a new political situation, a new political reality. It is very important that the situation emerged during the year, when the world crisis began.

“The second result of the year is the global crisis, which resulted in many changes in the current state of affairs. The USA has stopped being the world’s dominating economic power. I do not believe that it will be all about the economy only. It is not likely that the Americans will use only economic methods to preserve their domination. Such crises always evolve into socio-political, military and political conflicts. This is the biggest challenge for Russia.”

Sergei Mikheyev, deputy director of the Center for Political Technologies:

“The war in South Ossetia is the most important event of the year, of course. The war showed that Russia could defend its interests. They originally tried to blockade and isolate our country, but then it was revealed that the world was not so unanimous in estimations of Russia 's actions, as the US administration would like it to be.

“Russia’s authority in the world has grown. Russia proved that it was not going to stand on its knees. This is the most important positive outcome of the year. The war is not the best way to achieve such results, of course, but we had no other choice.”

Alexander Rar, a scientist of politics, a member of Germany’s Foreign Policy Council:

“I would say that the year has a gloomy ending for everyone. Every country suffers from the financial crisis, and it may grow into a political crisis. One can already witness that in Greece with its street riots. Demonstrations take place in other countries too. This is the first major clash within the scope of the globalization. The whole world is tumbling down – this is the major outcome of the year 2008.

“The events that we saw in South Ossetia are just a shadow. One may also recollect the missile defense issue and Medvedev’s suggestions regarding the new European security system. The USA will be engulfed in its home problems, Russia, China and the European Union will have very serious problems to deal with too.”

Tatiana Barkhatova, Vadim Trukhachev

2009: Time for hope
30.12.2008 Source: Pravda.Ru URL:

In the first days of the New Year, the Bush regime will enter the annals of history. George W. Bush and his captains of the legions of Baal which he unleashed upon this planet will hope that at best, the history book will be silent for a good many years and then after the collective memory has been jaded by time, that the world will remember him and his as a Presidency and regime which took tough decisions in difficult times. It will not, should not and must not.

The United States of America was built upon the collective desire of European peoples for freedom and democracy, at the expense of the native Americans. Period. The Constitution of the United States of America guarantees those freedoms and the foreign policy of this country has constantly referred to these precepts as being the fundamental principles underpinning Washington’s diplomacy.

Simultaneously, Washington’s myriad of Agencies and Departments has used cajoling, skulduggery, bullying and blackmail as guidelines for its policy, while Operation Condor and others have supported fascist and repressive regimes across the globe, implanting Washington-friendly regimes at the expense of freedom and democracy. The foreign policy of the United States of America, then, has not represented and does not represent, freedom and democracy.

The illegal and inhumane embargo against the people of Cuba does not represent freedom and democracy and this policy has been a mainstay of all the regimes in power in Washington since President Kennedy turned the White House into the Whore House. The many attempts to murder Fidel Castro do not represent freedom and democracy, the intrusion into numerous states in Latin America and Africa and Asia did not represent freedom and democracy and the murderous and criminal foreign policy of the Bush regime confirms the worst fears of the apologists of the Conspiracy Theory.

The political epitaph of the Bush regime will be written, and indeed already has been stamped, by His Excellency President Saddam Hussein al-Tikriti. The illegal invasion, the derision shown to the international community, the breach of international law, the war crimes, the crimes against humanity, the deployment of military hardware against civilian targets, the wanton destruction of strutures and the doling out of billionaire contracts to White House cronies, the decision to use weapons of mass destruction in civilian neighbourhoods, the policy to implement torture, the concentration camps are the visible external signals of the evil that the Bush regime represented. Nothing will ever change that.

The political epitaph of the Bush regime has been written by its members. Torquemada, Hitler, Pol Pot, Himmler merge with the names of Rumsfeld, Bush, Rice, Cheney in the historical trash bin of the worst type of blood-sucking leeches to have inflicted themselves on the collective history of Mankind.

Yet finally, in 2009, we can see and feel a new ray of hope which we had expected at the turn of the Millennium. The New World Order we had wished for in 2000 was delayed eight years by the murderous policies of a clique of corporate elitists in Washington who not only belied their cause but also proved once and for all that the Capitalist Monetarist model is flawed and fatally so.

With the Bush regime flushed into the sewer of political history where it belongs, we can once again pull together, hold hands and express our collective wish for a multilateral New World Order which respects the collective desires of humanity and not a chosen few, which bases decisions on crisis management policies that involve a broad spectrum of humanity and not just the proponents of the Anglo-Saxon arms and energy lobbies.

Russia has long been the champion of this cause. It remains to be seen whether the world’s other super power, the United States of America, is capable or not of assuming a similarly noble position on the world stage under Pressident Obama, or whether the clique of elitists in Washington has closed ranks and decided that the forthcoming four years will be more of the same.

That being the case, Humanity is condemned to a Hellish and very dangerous period of history. Let us hope not, let us welcome President Obama and the people of the United States of America with open arms, with good will, and let us try to bridge the gaps created by the evil, selfish and inhumane policies of the Bush regime. Happy New Year, Happy New World Order.



France steps up drive to sell morality to markets

By Ben Hall in Paris

Published: January 3 2009 02:00 | Last updated: January 3 2009 02:00

France is to step up efforts to instil moral values in the global market economy by urging policymakers to consider fresh ways of combating financial short-termism.

Nicolas Sarkozy, France's president, and Tony Blair, the former UK prime minister, will jointly host a conference in Paris next week of political leaders and Nobel prize-winning economists to discuss ways of strengthening the ethical foundations of the capitalist system after the financial crisis.

"There is no system of wealth creation without a system of values and this value system has been badly shaken," said Eric Besson, the French minister for policy planning, who is organising the conference.

"People are prepared to accept others getting high pay and enjoying different lifestyles, but only if they have the feeling that the system is fair and that the law is the same for everybody."

Mr Besson criticised complex securitisation of debt, excessive financial leverage, short-selling and demands for unrealistic returns on investment, saying they pointed to a pervasive "failure to value the long term" across all sectors of the economy for the past 20 years. "Nobody wants to ban the stock market," he said, even though it had become a "casino".

"But how can we return to certain fundamental values where the stock exchange is the place businesses come to for the long-term capital they need?"

Mr Besson, a former Socialist party adviser who jumped ship to Mr Sarkozy's centre-right government, acknowledged that it was more difficult to find the technical solutions than diagnose the problems.

But he said this should not prevent a long overdue discussion by top policymakers, economists and intellectuals on how to restore a sense of responsibility to the global financial system.

"Those who want to defend the virtues of free market capitalism must at the same time demand a balance of rights and responsibilities from top executives. Setting an example matters."

An "intellectual opening- up" in the wake of the financial crisis, a new US administration and a second summit of G20 leading and emerging economies in April made it the right moment to discuss the values under-pinning capitalism before moving on to specific regulatory issues.

"I think the accession of Barack Obama is going to create an extraordinary window of opportunity," he said. "From what I have heard, he talks the language of regulation."

But Mr Besson added there would be many people, for now keeping quiet, who would argue that the financial crisis was a "little car accident" caused by a few specific US problems and that it would soon be "back to business as usual".

Mr Sarkozy has long argued for the "moralisation" of capital, calling for a capitalism for entrepreneurs rather than speculators.

He was instrumental in bringing about the first summit of G20 in Washington in November but has so far come up with few detailed policy proposals of his own.

Mr Besson dismissed suggestions that the conference was an attempt by Mr Sarkozy to hog the limelight and control the policymaking agenda ahead of the G20 summit with another international gathering in Paris.

"The idea of regulation automatically sounds better to French ears whatever their political convictions," Mr Besson said. But France's instincts would be tempered by the need to keep on board other European capitals, particularly London and Berlin, he said.




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