Sunday, July 27, 2008

Soy foods 'reduce sperm numbers'

23:07 GMT, Wednesday, 23 July 2008 00:07 UK
Soy foods 'reduce sperm numbers'
Soy products

A regular diet of even modest amounts of food containing soy may halve sperm concentrations, suggest scientists.

The study, published in the journal Human Reproduction, found 41 million fewer sperm per millilitre of semen after just one portion every two days.

The authors said plant oestrogens in foods such as tofu, soy mince or milk may interfere with hormonal signals.

However, a UK expert stressed that most men in Asia eat more soy-based products with no fertility problems.

"Oestrogenic compounds in food or the environment have been of concern for a number of years, but we have mostly thought that it was boys exposed in the uterus before birth who were most at risk"
Dr Allan Pacey
Sheffield University

Animal studies have suggested that large quantities of soy chemicals in food could affect fertility, but other studies looking at consumption in humans have had contradictory findings.

The Harvard School of Public Health study looked at the diets of 99 men who had attended a fertility clinic with their partners and provided a semen sample.

The men were divided into four groups depending on how much soy they ate, and when the sperm concentration of men eating the most soy was compared with those eating the least, there was a significant difference.

The "normal" sperm concentration for a man is between 80 and 120 million per millilitre, and the average of men who ate on average a portion of soy-based food every other day was 41 million fewer.

Dr Jorge Chavarro, who led the study, said that chemicals called isoflavones in the soy might be affecting sperm production.

These chemicals can have similar effects to the human hormone oestrogen.

Dr Chavarro noticed that overweight or obese men seemed even more prone to this effect, which may reflect the fact that higher levels of body fat can also lead to increased oestrogen production in men.

Worried men

However, the study pointed out that soy consumption in many parts of Asia was significantly higher than even the maximum found in these volunteers.

Dr Allan Pacey, a senior lecturer in andrology from the University of Sheffield, said that if soy genuinely had a detrimental effect on sperm production, fertility might well be affected in those regions, and there was no evidence that this was the case.

"Many men are obviously worried about whether their lifestyle or diet could affect their fertility by lowering their sperm count.

"Oestrogenic compounds in food or the environment have been of concern for a number of years, but we have mostly thought that it was boys exposed in the uterus before birth who were most at risk.

"We will have to look at adult diet more closely, although the fact that such large parts of the world have soy food as a major part of their diet and don't appear to suffer any greater infertility rates than those on western diets suggests that any effect is quite small."

California Bars Restaurant Use of Trans Fats

LOS ANGELES — California, a national trendsetter in all matters edible, became the first state to ban trans fats in restaurants when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill Friday to phase out their use.

Under the new law, trans fats, long linked to health problems, must be excised from restaurant products beginning in 2010, and from all retail baked goods by 2011. Packaged foods will be exempt.

New York City adopted a similar ban in 2006 — it became fully effective on July 1 — and Philadelphia, Stamford, Conn., and Montgomery County, Md., have done so as well.

But having the requirement imposed on the most populous state’s 88,000 restaurants, as well as its bakeries and other food purveyors, is a major gain for the movement against trans fats. That movement has been led by scientists, doctors and consumer advocates who trace the largely synthetic fat to a variety of ailments, principally heart disease.

“I think the potential here is real for a far greater understanding of the harms of trans fats, and to encourage more states to do the same,” Dr. Clyde Yancy, incoming president of the American Heart Association, said of the California law’s enactment.

Trans fats are created by pumping hydrogen into liquid oil at high temperature, a process called partial hydrogenation. The process results in an inexpensive fat that prolongs the shelf life and appearance of packaged foods and that, many fast-food restaurants say, helps make cooked food crisp and flavorful.

But trans fats have also been found in scientific studies to lower high-density lipoproteins, the “good” cholesterol, while increasing low-density lipoproteins, the “bad” cholesterol, high levels of which contribute to the onset of heart disease, the leading cause of death in California and the nation.

Dr. Yancy said a 2 percent increase in trans-fat intake could result over time in a 25 percent increase in the likelihood of developing coronary artery disease. “These are data we are just now beginning to understand,” he said. “It is pretty clear now that it was a mistake for us to embrace these fats.”

Under the new law, restaurants, bakeries, delicatessens, cafeterias and other businesses classified as “food facilities” will, in the preparation of any foods, have to discontinue use of oils, margarine and shortening containing trans fats.

Those purveyors will have to keep the labels on their cooking products so that the products can be inspected for trans fat, a process that will become part of the duties of local health inspectors. Violators will face fines beginning at $25 and increasing to as much as $1,000 for subsequent violations.

Trans fats are also linked to obesity, and the bill’s author, Tony Mendoza, a Democratic assemblyman and former fourth-grade teacher from Southern California, said he had been inspired by the number of obese children he saw in school.

“They are heavy,” Mr. Mendoza said. “They eat out a lot, and you realize there are trans fats out there. You don’t want kids to start off on the wrong foot.”

Opposition to the move came largely from the California Restaurant Association, which argued that singling out trans fats as a singularly harmful food product was arbitrary and that a mandate would prove expensive. Further, the association said, a ban for health reasons is the purview of the federal government, not the states.

“We don’t doubt the health findings surrounding trans fats,” said Lara Dunbar, the association’s senior vice president for government affairs. “Our opposition was philosophical. Banning one product isn’t necessarily the right solution.”

In addition, Ms. Dunbar said, many of the state’s restaurants have already eliminated trans fats. “We don’t think you need a mandate,” she said. “Restaurants responded to a consumer demand.”

Among national chains, Wendy’s, KFC, Taco Bell, the Cheesecake Factory and McDonald’s have all begun to move away from trans fats because of consumer concerns.

In many high-end restaurants in this state — where the organic foods movement began and where many a food trend has been born — chefs would no more use trans fats in their cooking than use paper tablecloths in their dining rooms.

Some restaurateurs, however, say the change has been costly, because there are fewer distributors of the alternative oils.

“The only effect it is going to have on the consumer is that we are going to have to raise our prices,” said Tina Pantazis, the manager of Dino’s Burgers, which operates two hamburger outlets — one in Los Angeles, the other in Azusa. Ms. Pantazis said the price of those restaurants’ French fries, which now cost $1.75 an order, would most likely be bumped up to at least $2.75.

The Dino’s in Los Angeles has already begun using new oils, she said, adding that she could taste the difference but that there had been no complaints from customers. The Azusa location will move to be compliant soon.

“I think this is good for the health of the consumer,” Ms. Pantazis said. “On the other hand, people who eat French fries are not concerned with their health that much.”

To many health policy makers, though, trans fats have become almost the enemy that cigarettes became long ago.

New York’s anti-trans-fat movement, led by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, is still in its early days. The first phase, which began last year, made a target of frying oils and spreads. This month, the program was extended to baked goods.

Nearly all the 25,000 restaurants inspected have proved compliant, according to the city’s health department. New York has also offered a Trans Fat Help Center where bakers were schooled in the use of alternative fats.

California, which supplies a great deal of the nation’s specialty crops, already has some of the toughest food restrictions in the nation, including a ban on junk food and trans fats in school meals.

On Friday, Mr. Schwarzenegger, a Republican whose positions on consumer issues often align closely with those of Democrats who control the Legislature, praised the new statute, which the lawmakers passed last week.

“California is a leader in promoting health and nutrition, and I am pleased to continue that tradition by being the first state in the nation to phase out trans fats,” the governor said in a statement. “Consuming trans fat is linked to coronary heart disease, and today we are taking a strong step toward creating a healthier future for California.”

シンガポールが日本を抜く 1人当たりGDP
2008/07/07 23:50

 アジア一豊かな国はシンガポール――。国際通貨基金(IMF)の調査で、2007年のシンガポールの1人当たり国内総生産(GDP)が3万5000ドルを超え、日本の約3 万4300ドルを抜くことが明らかになった。資源に乏しいシンガポールは積極的な外資・外国人の誘致策で経済の活性化に取り組んでおり、市場開放が後手に回った日本との違いが鮮明になった格好だ。


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10:35 GMT, Friday, 25 July 2008 11:35 UK
Mobile banking boosts Maldives

Aerial view of destroyed homes on Vilufushi island

The small Indian Ocean nation of the Maldives has begun setting up a pioneering system which it hopes will make it one of the first countries whose citizens bank primarily using mobile phones.

All the country's banks have been brought together under a single system to allow the islands' residents to pay money in and out swiftly without the need to travel to the nearest branch - which could be many miles away.

The Maldives received a US$7.7m loan from the World Bank in April, allowing it to begin establishing m-banking. It was seen as an ideal place to start up, with a relatively high GDP and lots of people with mobile phones.

"People are quite supportive, because the project is targeted at the rural islands, and especially the people who don't have any banking," Maldivian journalist Zahina Rashee told BBC World Service's Culture Shock programme.

"For example, in the 2004 tsunami, a lot of people lost all their life savings because they had them in a pillow or a tin can at home."


Because the Maldives are a widely-dispersed group of small islands strewn across the Indian ocean - some 250 of which are inhabited - it is not always easy to find a local branch.

Dhiraagu flag (Pic: Steve Donlan) As the mobile network on the islands does not support text messaging, the system works through phone calls - which has the additional benefit of being accessible to illiterate workers.

However, there have been some questions raised about the government's role in the project.

The government owns over half of the largest telecom company on the islands, Dhiraagu, which is the dominant of the two mobile networks and the sole landline network.

Because it would therefore receive revenue from any banking transactions made using its network, critics have asked whether the scheme is little more than a money-making fix.

Meanwhile others have queried whether mobile banking should be a priority when there are more basic concerns that they feel need addressing.

"What strikes me as funny about this scheme is that on the rural islands there aren't really any health or education facilities, and we're taking this huge loan to provide mobile banking," Ms Rashee said.

Extending credit

But Tom Standage, Business Editor of The Economist magazine, said that mobile banking has been a major success story in the developing world and is in fact ahead of the developed world.

He explained that in a typical developing country, for each extra 10% of people with mobile phones, an extra half a percentage point is put on GDP growth a year.

More from Culture Shock
Woman using mobile phone And he predicted that the next wave of economic development will be driven by "m-banking".

"There's are some very interesting things happening in Kenya, in South Africa, in the Philippines, with mobile banking - and this is taking it to the next level," he said.

"What's interesting about this system in the Maldives is that it's an experiment, as far as I can see, that the World Bank is setting up as a way of extending credit to people."

He added that it would be "very interesting" to see the impact of getting all banks together and applying a single system across the whole country.

"I think it's a very promising area," he added.

"Yes it does make money for the operating companies - essentially it costs the same amount as a text message to send money in or out - but even the poorest people who use this are prepared to do that, because there are benefits for them there."


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