Saturday, May 31, 2008

View of the day: Currency intervention

View of the day: Currency intervention

By Simon Derrick

Published: May 28 2008 15:25 | Last updated: May 28 2008 15:25

Rumours of currency market intervention by a variety of Asian central banks are likely to gather pace, says Simon Derrick, strategist at Bank of New York Mellon.

As well as reports that the Bank of Korea had re-entered the market to support the won, Mr Derrick points to talk of currency support action by the central banks of Taiwan, the Philippines and Indonesia.

“Comments from a variety of central bank officials indicate that rising inflationary pressures were likely behind these operations,” he says. For example, Vietnam’s annual level of inflation leapt to 25.2 per cent in May from just 7.2 per cent just 12 months ago.

The causes of these sharp rises seem relatively understandable given the recent dramatic increases in food and energy costs globally. Hanoi, Mr Derrick points out, estimates that food prices this month jumped 67.8 per cent year-on-year.

Adding to the woes of the central banks is the simple fact that the performance of many of these currencies against the dollar has tended to be a mirror image of the latest commodity price moves, he says.

“In the absence of a sharp turnaround in commodity prices it seems reasonable to suppose that these currency pressures will only continue to mount.

“As such it seems likely that the central banks of the region will continue their support operations as they try to stop the impact of rising commodity prices being exacerbated by sharp local currency losses.”

Sarkozy says EU should cap sales tax on fuel

By John Thornhill in Paris and Nikki Tait in Brussels

Published: May 27 2008 14:32 | Last updated: May 27 2008 18:05

Nicolas Sarkozy, France’s president, responded on Tuesday to growing public anger over surging oil prices by proposing to use windfall tax receipts generated by higher energy prices to subsidise the worst-hit people.

As in other countries, high oil prices are a hot political issue in France as household budgets and businesses have been squeezed. On Tuesday, French fishermen, protesting against fuel prices, temporarily halted Channel ferries from Dunkirk and blockaded an oil depot near Marseilles. Lorry drivers in Britain also blocked motorways around London demanding a fuel tax rebate from the government.

US to woo Gulf investors

By Krishna Guha in Washington

Published: May 29 2008 20:50 | Last updated: May 29 2008 20:50

Hank Paulson, the US Treasury secretary, will invite oil producers to invest their petrodollars in the US while urging them to take steps to curb the price of oil in the medium term on a tour of the Gulf that begins on Friday.

Mr Paulson is expected to tell Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates that the US welcomes investment from Middle Eastern sovereign wealth funds and other entities awash with oil revenues.

But he is also likely to tell these nations that it is in their own interest to boost investment in oil production and cut subsidies for domestic oil consumption to ease pressure on oil prices.

Mr Paulson will try to discourage Gulf nations from financial dealings with Iran, and will urge them to do more to help Iraq and Afghanistan through investment and further debt relief.

“We are open to sovereign wealth fund investment in various sectors including the financial sector,” David McCormick, under-secretary for international affairs at the Treasury, told the Financial Times ahead of the trip.

He said Mr Paulson would assure the Gulf nations that sovereign wealth fund investment would be treated as any other form of investment and would not be discriminated against by US authorities. These funds have invested close to $60bn (€38.6bn, £30bn) in US financial institutions since the outbreak of the credit crisis.

Mr Paulson will also emphasise the role that capital market liberalisation could play in helping oil producers to reinvest part of their oil revenues efficiently at home in order to diversify their economies.

The Treasury secretary is expected to tread lightly on the subject of currency pegs amid high inflation in the region. “Currency regimes are a sovereign decision,” Mr McCormick said.

Analysts say the US does not want to give the impression that any decision by another Gulf nation to follow Kuwait’s example and abandon the dollar link would amount to a loss of confidence in the US currency. But they expect US officials privately to highlight the benefits of the dollar peg.

Mr McCormick said that oil producers were not in the same position as large manufacturing exporters such as China. “A commodity-driven economy with a lot of volatility in commodity prices could be a beneficiary of a pegged regime,” he said.

The US delegation will stress the common interest both sides have in ensuring that the price of oil does not remain so high and volatile.

Mr McCormick said high oil prices would over time spur changes in “consumer behaviour” and “investment patterns”.

“It is not clear to me at all that these countries that are largely dependent on oil would have a vested interest in trying to maintain oil at these prices,” he said.

The US will urge oil producers to increase investment in oil supply, including by opening up exploration to western oil companies, and cut back on subsidies for local consumption of petrol and other oil-based products.

野村、欧州で再生ファンド 3400億円、サブプライム収益の好機に



2008年 05月 30日 16:53 JST

吉池 威記者

 [東京 30日 ロイター] 海外の主要な市場が休場になると東京の外為取引が閑散とするケースが目立ち、東京外為市場の存在感の乏しさが一段と鮮明になっている。金融庁は日本の金融市場の魅力向上を目指して「金融・資本市場競争力強化プラン」を進めているが、東京市場の地盤沈下を食い止めるには、利便性の向上のみならず、相場形成に積極的に参加できる人材の育成が必要とみられている。
















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