Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The first batch of nuclear fuel for the Kudankulam NPP was delivered from

The first batch of nuclear fuel for the Kudankulam NPP was delivered from Russia to India

26.05.2008, 23.56

NEW DELHI, May 26 (Itar-Tass) -- The first batch of nuclear fuel for the Kudankulam nuclear power plant was delivered from Russia to India on Monday, officials of the state atomic energy corporation told Itar-Tass.

The construction of the nuclear power plant was started in southern Tamilnadu state in 2002 in compliance with an agreement signed in the last years of the Soviet Union’s existence.

Russia’s monopoly controlling the exports nuclear power equipment and related services, Atomstroiexport, is implementing the project, which envisions equipping of the nuclear power plant with two 1,000-megawatt light-water reactors.

The loading of fuel in the power units is expected in the second half of the next year.

Under the contract, Russia is to deliver the necessary amounts of fuel to the plant and remove spent nuclear fuel for utilisation.

Currently, 17 nuclear reactors with a total capacity of 4,120 megawatt are operating in India.

The national program aimed at developing the industry envisages an increase in the aggregate output of the Indian nuclear power plants up to 20,000 megawatt by 2020.

To implement the above-mentioned plans, India hopes to enhance cooperation with Russia.

In particular, the two countries have signed bilateral agreement on the delivery of another four 1,000-megawatt power generators for the Kudankulam plant, as well as on the implementation of other projects related to a peaceful use of atomic energy in India.

Besides, Russia offered India to take part in the construction of the East Siberian nuclear enrichment centre near Angarsk.

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