Saturday, May 31, 2008

国民年金保険料:07納付率、64%前後に低下 目標遠く

国民年金保険料:07納付率、64%前後に低下 目標遠く






リニア中央新幹線:構想着々 東京ー名古屋が通勤圏に

リニア中央新幹線:構想着々 東京ー名古屋が通勤圏に












 ◇ことば リニアモーターカー


活断層の位置を詳細に 文科省研究、地図作製へ

活断層の位置を詳細に 文科省研究、地図作製へ



米グーグル、サイト利用者数も首位 4月調査

米グーグル、サイト利用者数も首位 4月調査



Foreign investments accrued in Russia exceed $220 bln

Foreign investments accrued in Russia exceed $220 bln

30.05.2008, 13.26

MOSCOW, May 30 (Itar-Tass) - The foreign investments accrued in Russia exceeded 220 billion dollars, Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Zhukov said at the conference devoted to the corporative management and the globalization of the world economy here on Friday.

He also noted that Russia is overcoming easily international financial and economic crises thanks to a good state of economy and the accrued gold/forex reserves.

“We are expecting further inflow of investors,” Zhukov said.

“It is also obvious that Russian companies will enter world stock markets, world capital markets and will invest actively their funds in other countries,” he said.

The deputy prime minister said, “It is necessary to pursue a strategic course for shaping the policy based on the advanced practice of corporative management.” “Our policy in this sphere has two tasks – to make the Russian corporative sector comprehensible, attractive and profitable for investors and to make it more stable to the fluctuations of the world business climate thanks to a higher transparency of our companies, the quality of managerial solutions and the responsibility of the board of directors,” Zhukov said.

米への捜査協力差し止め求め三浦元社長が提訴 東京地裁

米への捜査協力差し止め求め三浦元社長が提訴 東京地裁






五洋建設「もう政治献金しません」 株主代表訴訟で和解

五洋建設「もう政治献金しません」 株主代表訴訟で和解









 〈自民党長崎県連の政治献金事件〉 長崎県知事選の選挙資金としてゼネコンから寄付を受けたのに政治資金収支報告書に記載しなかったとして、当時の自民党長崎県連幹事長らが公職選挙法違反(特定寄付の要求)などに問われ、03年に長崎地裁で有罪判決を受けた。判決は、幹事長らが工事の受注実績に応じて寄付を要求したと認め、「業者は要求を断れないのが常識で、上納金を連想させる強引、露骨な要求だった」と断じた。


特集 四川大地震


 民族主義的傾向が強いサイトの掲示板は、「断固反対! 日本帝国主義打倒!」「オオカミを部屋に入れるようなものだ」「被災地は困っているが、日本のテントは不要」などという声がほとんどだ。











大阪府の橋下知事、警官520人削減を断念 府警が押し戻す

大阪府の橋下知事、警官520人削減を断念 府警が押し戻す



Belgian landfill ban is a drag on Shanks

Belgian landfill ban is a drag on Shanks

By Stanley Pignal

Published: May 30 2008 03:02 | Last updated: May 30 2008 03:02

An unlikely blend of Belgian legislation and finance charges on government contracts held back profits at Shanks, the waste disposal company that has operations in Britain and Benelux.

But the group, announcing results for the year to the end of March, said sales had risen 11 per cent to £564m ($1.1bn) and underlying profits – excluding amortisation and exceptional items – were up more than 10 per cent.

That came in spite of a falling contribution from Shanks’s Belgian landfill business, where volumes are in long-term decline as the government looks to ban municipal biodegradable waste from going to landfill.

Tom Drury, chief executive, said growth this year in the UK and the Netherlands would more than offset losses in Belgium.

The regulatory move towards sustainable waste management will benefit the UK business, which sold its landfill business in 2004 and hopes its municipal treatment facilities will grow through the use of private finance initiative contracts.

Accounting rules on those PFI deals led to a large non-cash adjustment to profits that, along with higher interest charges following a string of acquisitions, reduced pre-tax profits to £41.3m (£46.1m).

The final dividend of 4.2p (4p) brings the total to 6.2p (5.9p), to be paid from earnings per share of 12p (13.3p). The shares fell 9½p to 245¾p.

FT Comment

• Waste management companies look great on paper – regulation on their side, long-term contracts, stable cash flows – but those that have been listed have never quite lived up to expectations. Investors have poured money in, but the competitive pressures and complexity of the business mean most have been scalded, if not burnt. Shanks is now the only listed company in the field, and its results, though fine, are not spectacular. That makes the 17 times price/earnings ratio look outlandish at first, though there are a few hidden gems in the business that are not yielding earnings yet. A host of long-term PFI contracts could be worth almost £100m, or about 35p a share. Looking at it from a private equity perspective – an exercise traditionally worth doing in this sector – the enterprise value/ebitda is 8.2 times. That is at the low end of recent buy-outs in the sector, though those deal values have included a healthy premium. Given the unlikelihood of any more buy-outs because of treacherous market conditions, the shares look more than fully priced.

BBC admonished for website overspend

BBC admonished for website overspend

By Tim Bradshaw, Digital Media Correspondent

Published: May 29 2008 20:23 | Last updated: May 29 2008 20:23

The BBC’s governing body on Thursday threatened to hold back development of new online services unless the broadcaster proved it could improve financial management, following a big overspend last year.

In the first of its service reviews under the corporation’s new charter, the BBC Trust criticised the “poor financial accountability” of the BBC website as it revealed £24.9m – a third of its annual budget – had been wrongly attributed to other departments. That in turn led to it spending 48 per cent more than last year’s budget allocation.

In a statement, the BBC recognised the need to address these “regrettable” shortcomings: “We accept the trust’s conclusions that our processes and management controls were not adequate for a pan-BBC service straddling multiple cost centres.”

The trust said it would apply stronger scrutiny before allowing the BBC to spend the £39m it had earmarked for investment in this financial year. Proposed new “hyper-local” news coverage and educational services – which commercial rivals say could distort the market – are being put to a “public value test”.

Dame Patricia Hodgson, the BBC trustee leading the review, said: “We will not approve new investment until we are satisfied that management controls embed what we are doing. Obviously must develop to meet audience needs, but we must be careful to apply tests on its distinctiveness and impact on competitors.”

The BBC’s plans for online development included greater capabilities for online public feedback; personalisation of content, including ratings and recommendations; allowing the site to be accessible from mobiles, TV and wi-fi radio; and greater online support for current and archived TV programmes.

Dame Patricia said the trust wanted to apply clearer “distinctiveness criteria” to all parts of the BBC website to ensure new developments are suitable areas for the corporation. It hopes to move to a preventative stance by creating an “extra framework so developments are always considered with sensitivity” to the market, she said. The service licence is being “restructured” to reflect the criteria.

The total spend on last year reached £110m. The trust’s review revealed weak financial controls which led to £24.9m being wrongly attributed to other parts of the BBC.

The BBC said the 48 per cent overspend related to an internal reorganisation, where contributions to the site were “devolved” to other departments such as news and television, although it did not reveal where other budgets will be adjusted to compensate for the additional online costs.

Other media groups welcomed the recognition of the BBC’s potential commercial impact but said the trust could go further.

Mark Wood, ITN chief executive said: “We are alarmed at the extent of the BBC’s website funding and its ambition in the dotcom world. Commercial competitors thought the BBC website was already overfunded at a declared budget of £74.2m.”

France eyes curbs on executive pay

France eyes curbs on executive pay

By Ben Hall in Paris

Published: May 29 2008 18:33 | Last updated: May 29 2008 18:33

The French government on Thursday threatened to take further action to curb pay for bosses of poorly performing companies, calling recent rises for some executives “perfectly scandalous”.

Christine Lagarde, finance minister, called on employers to ensure that remuneration for their top managers reflected the company’s performance, suggesting further legislation if they failed to do so.

The French government intends to use its presidency of the European Union, which begins in July, to press for EU-wide rules governing executive pay, officials said, arguing that there was a head of steam building among finance ministers for a Europe-wide clampdown.

Ms Lagarde’s attack comes amid a widening political backlash in Europe against allegedly excessive pay packages for top business leaders.

The Dutch government is preparing to impose an additional tax on executive bonuses and a levy on companies that pay out vast severance packages.

Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembourg prime minister, called excessive corporate pay a “social scourge” and said EU ministers would consider higher taxes on “golden goodbyes”.

“This type of increase in companies which are sometimes not doing well is perfectly scandalous,” Ms Lagarde told French radio.

She was reacting to a recent survey by L’Expansion magazine on Wednesday that found that total pay of chief executives of France’s CAC 40 leading companies, including salaries, share options and dividends, soared by 58 per cent in 2007 to €161m ($252m, £128m).

Ms Lagarde was careful to focus her criticism on companies deemed to be doing badly or that were undergoing painful restructuring including job losses.

“There is absolutely no problem when people succeed . . . let them earn lots of money,” she said, while adding that the “principle of equity” was at stake.

The government is understood to be unhappy with the level of executive pay at EADS, the aerospace group, which is in the middle of a highly controversial cost-cutting programme with thousands of job losses.

President Nicolas Sarkozy has taken a strong stand against excessive pay-offs for company bosses as part of his drive to “moralise capitalism”. The government has already imposed restrictions on so-called “golden parachutes”.

The new rules, introduced last year, oblige companies to set performance conditions for severance packages, although it is up to the companies to set the criteria.

France hoping to broker EU deal with Russia

France hoping to broker EU deal with Russia

PARIS, May 29 – France hopes the European Union can reach a deal with Russia on a new strategic partnership by the end of 2008, Francois Fillon, French prime minister, said on Thursday after talks with Vladimir Putin, his Russian counterpart.

Mr Putin is on his first foreign trip since taking up the post of prime minister, showing he still has significant clout in shaping Russia's foreign relations.

Russia is looking to France to help it improve its strained relations with the 27-nation European Union and Mr Putin won assurances from Mr Fillon that Paris was ready to play its part.

“During the French presidency we would like to move forward and why not even conclude the strategic partnership agreement between Russia and the European Union,” Mr Fillon told reporters. France takes over the rotating EU presidency in July.

Negotiations on the new Partnership and Co-operation Agreement (PCA), which covers energy, trade and political ties, are expected to start in June after an 18-month deadlock caused by disagreements between Russia and eastern EU members.

"We have agreed that we will together work for the earliest beginning of talks on a new strategic partnership ... We paid a lot of attention to it during talks," Mr Putin said. Most observers argue the deal will take at least 18 months to conclude.

The Russian government spokesman later said that reaching the deal with the EU this year was possible if it were to have a broad framework nature while more specific issues would be regulated by separate individual agreements.

"If we stick to this interpretation we can quite possibly reach positive results," Dmitry Peskov said.

Mr Putin had dinner with President Nicolas Sarkozy later on Thursday in a departure from protocol for prime ministerial visits that underlines Putin's continuing importance after his protege, Dmitry Medvedev, replaced him as president this month.

As prime minister, Mr Putin is in charge of Russia's $1,7 trillion economy. Many political analysts say they believe Putin and not Mr Medvedev is, at least for now, taking the lead in politics and foreign policy.

Mr Medvedev's first official trip to the West as president will be to Germany in June. In France, Putin dodged a question about human right violations – another thorny issue in Russia-EU relationship – saying it was now Medvedev's responsibility.

"Such kind of questions are in the competence of the President of the Russian Federation," Mr Putin said, adding that media reports about human rights violations in Russia were grossly exaggerated and used as a tool for political pressure.

The EU is Russia's largest trade partner, accounting for over half of all Russian trade. France lags EU members Germany, Italy and even Poland in trading with Russia but is determined to catch up.

Moscow wants a partnership accord that would give Russian goods access to the EU's internal market, visa-free travel for its citizens and cooperation in areas such as science, technology and education.

The EU, which imports a quarter of its gas from Russia, wants a stable energy supply. For the bloc that also means greater access for its firms to Russia's energy sector, something Moscow had been reluctant to concede.

Another obstacle to the EU-Russia pact is an impasse over Russia's bid to join the World Trade Organisation, caused by an increase in Russian raw timber export duties which Brussels says is in violation of an earlier bilateral entry deal.

Russia's hopes to join the WTO this year are rapidly waning amid mounting disagreements with EU members Finland and Sweden, hit by a Russian timber duty hike while ex-Soviet Georgia is blocking the talks over Russia's support for its breakaway regions.

The WTO rules would regulate many trade issues not covered by the framework agreement between Russia and the EU and will diminish the need for separate arrangements. Mr Fillon said France backed Russia's membership push.

"It is necessary for Russia to enter WTO as soon as possible and we support it," he said.

精神科医、総合病院離れ 病床2割減、閉鎖も相次ぐ

精神科医、総合病院離れ 病床2割減、閉鎖も相次ぐ



















丸紅元社員の稟議書偽造:出資金の運用実態なし、損失数百億円 自転車操業、償還に充て

丸紅元社員の稟議書偽造:出資金の運用実態なし、損失数百億円 自転車操業、償還に充て

















弟子に暴行 間垣親方と豊桜に減俸処分






暴力団組長、米で肝移植 「情報提供と引き換え」と米紙















 中国製冷凍ギョーザによる中毒事件で、兵庫県警は29日、同県高砂市の家族が食べて中毒を起こした「中華deごちそう ひとくち餃子(ギョーザ)」のトレーに付着していた具片から1グラムあたり約1万3200ppmの有機リン系殺虫剤「メタミドホス」を検出したと発表した。



Superbugs On the Rise; GMOs to Blame?

Superbugs On the Rise; GMOs to Blame?

* Gut superbug causing more illnesses, deaths
Associated Press, 5/28/08
Straight to the Source

ATLANTA - The number of people hospitalized with a dangerous intestinal superbug has been growing by more than 10,000 cases a year, according to a new study.

The germ, resistant to some antibiotics, has become a regular menace in hospitals and nursing homes. The study found it played a role in nearly 300,000 hospitalizations in 2005, more than double the number in 2000.

The infection, Clostridium difficile, is found in the colon and can cause diarrhea and a more serious intestinal condition known as colitis. It is spread by spores in feces. But the spores are difficult to kill with most conventional household cleaners or antibacterial soap.

C-diff, as it's known, has grown resistant to certain antibiotics that work against other colon bacteria. The result: When patients take those antibiotics, competing bacteria die off and C-diff explodes.

This virulent strain of C-diff was rarely seen before 2000.

"The nature of this infection is changing. It's more severe," said Dr. L. Clifford McDonald, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention expert who was not part of the study.

There are other factors that play into the rise of C-diff cases as well, including a larger of number of patients who are older and sicker. "And there may be some overuse and inappropriate use of antibiotics," said Dr. Marya Zilberberg, a University of Massachusetts researcher and lead author of the study.

The Zilberberg study was based on a sample of more than 36 million annual discharges from non-governmental U.S. hospitals. That data was used to generate the study's national estimates.

The research is being published in the June issue of Emerging Infectious Diseases, a CDC publication.

Using other scientists' estimates, the study concluded that 2.3 percent of the cases in 2004 were fatal - about 5,500 deaths. That was nearly double the percentage of C-diff-related cases that ended in death in 2000.

Many of the people who died had other health problems. The study did not try to determine if Clostridium difficile was the main cause of death in each case, Zilberberg said.

But earlier research concluded the infection is the underlying cause of thousands of deaths annually, and the problem is getting worse.

C-diff has become an acute health concern in Canada, where it was blamed for 260 deaths at seven Ontario hospitals recently, and 2,000 deaths in Quebec since 2002.

The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology is currently working with U.S. hospitals to study prevalence of the infection and what infection control measures seem to work best.

"This is not a time for alarm, but more a time for educating health professionals to understand this particular pathogen," said Kathy Warye, chief executive of the Washington, D.C.-based association.

Switzerland Bans GMOs till 2012

* GM crops banned in Switzerland until 2012
Agra Europe, 5/29/08
Straight to the Source

The Swiss Federal Council (government) has voted to extend the country's moratorium on genetically modified (GM) plants for a further three years beyond the current expiry date of November 2010, Dow Jones reports.

The extension is to allow time for a national research programme into the benefits and risks of GM crops to be completed and the results assessed. Questions over the biological safety of GM plants and the coexistence of GM, conventional and organic crops are being addressed.

The Council imposed a moratorium on the commercial cultivation of GM crops in 2005, on the basis that there was no demand for them in Switzerland at the time and that big gaps remained in scientific knowledge about the risks of this technology.

Shortly after that, the research programme was launched, and this is expected to reach a conclusion around the middle of 2012. However, the Council said last week that it must be allowed to take its course without political pressure.

According to the Council, the moratorium has not caused any obvious problems, either for the farming industry, researchers, or international relations. In fact, it claimed, Swiss farmers have benefited from being able to market their produce on international markets as GM-free.

Australian Chefs Reject GMOs

* Top chefs say no to GM foods
The Age, 5/29/08
Straight to the Source

More than 50 of the country's top chefs have united to protest against the introduction of genetically modified (GM) food crops to Australia.

Last month, GM canola crops were planted for the first time in NSW and Victoria after the two states announced they would let their bans on genetically engineered food crops expire.

In response, local celebrity chefs including Neil Perry and Kylie Kwong have signed on to the GM Free Chefs' Charter, launched in collaboration with Greenpeace in Sydney.

The charter, unveiled at chef Jared Ingersoll's Danks Street Depot restaurant in the inner-city Sydney suburb of Waterloo, calls for the NSW and Victorian governments to reverse their position on growing GM canola and demands thorough labelling of all food products that contain GM ingredients.

Oils, starches and sugars, as well as animal feed derived from GM ingredients, should all come with a label, says the charter, which will be presented to Australian governments later this year.

Meat from animals which have eaten GM feed should also be signposted, it says.

There are currently no laws on the labelling of food containing GM canola.

Speaking at the charter's launch, Mr Ingersoll said the unknown long-term effects of eating GM foods were a major concern to him, both as a chef and a parent.

"I don't really want to put food in the mouth of my children that I'm not sure whether or not it's going to be damaging for them," he said.

"I'm not the sort of person that stands in the way of technology making advancement to make things better for people ... but with genetically modified food, once we go down that path then there's no going back.

"We are in the very unique position of having an amazing countryside that can produce lots of beautiful food and if we do take the path of Canada and other GM nations, it's going to be really limiting as to what direction we go in," he said.

GM food crops are known to be difficult to contain, and a 2001 Western Australian parliamentary inquiry into gene technology found the segregation of GM crops from non-GM crops was not practical and cross-contamination was "inevitable".

Mr Ingersoll said the rigorous labelling of GM foods was essential to allow consumers to make informed choices about what they ate.

"What I want to see happen today is that we start to see some labelling, we start to see some responsible action being taken that gives the consumer the opportunity to make the decision, because one thing I know is that politicians will do what they want, big companies will do what they want, but everybody relies on customers," he said.

"Without people supporting these (GM) businesses then these businesses won't be there. So we need to get this labelling in place to give consumers the ability to make their decisions."


















地価上昇地点が大幅減少 国交省調査




資源高、素材の代替加速 食料でも活用拡大



タクシー離れ、全国に拡大 景気足踏み感や値上げで敬遠



フェラガモ、日本で値下げ バッグや靴、10%前後



私立高生「格差」進む 経済的理由の中退最多














Gazprom, Kogaz plan working group for gas supplies to S. Korea

Gazprom, Kogaz plan working group for gas supplies to S. Korea
13:29 | 29/ 05/ 2008

MOSCOW, May 29 (RIA Novosti) - Russian energy giant Gazprom and South Korea's gas corporation Kogas have agreed to set up a working group on gas supplies to South Korea, the head of Russia's industrial safety watchdog said on Thursday.

"Gazprom and Kogaz will set up a working group to address issues concerning natural gas supplies to South Korea through a gas pipeline before signing a [gas cooperation] agreement," Konstantin Pulikovsky, the Rostekhnadzor chief, who also heads a bilateral intergovernmental commission, told the ninth Russian-Korean forum in Moscow.

A Gazprom official confirmed that the parties had been negotiating the issue.

South Korea relies almost entirely on imports for its liquefied natural gas (LNG) needs. It has a diversified gas transportation network, linking coastal liquefied natural gas terminals to key consumption centers across the country, which makes it possible to use natural gas not only in electricity generation but also in the industrial and the utility sectors.

In the fall of 2006, an intergovernmental agreement on natural gas supplies to Korea was signed in Seoul.

In October 2006, Gazprom Marketing and Trading Ltd., part of the Gazprom group, delivered the first LNG shipment to Korea. The second was made in January 2007.

Gazprom has previously said that Russia would be able to start supplying up to 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year to South Korea from 2012-13.

Kazakhmys purchases power plant for $1bn

By Isabel Gorst in Astana

Published: May 30 2008 07:16 | Last updated: May 30 2008 07:16

Kazakhmys, the London-listed copper producer, has bought Kazakhstan’s biggest power plant, diversifying into the commercial electricity business at a time of growing energy demand in the central Asian country.

The move comes as Kazakhstan launches a drive to attract investment in the neglected electricity sector to prevent looming power shortages.

Eni and Suez sign asset swap deal

By Sarah Laitner in Brussels and Peggy Holinger in Paris

Published: May 30 2008 06:57 | Last updated: May 30 2008 06:57

Two of Italy’s top three energy providers could be French if the proposed merger of Gaz de France and Suez goes ahead, after Italian utility Eni agreed to a E2.7bn asset swap.

Suez and Eni on Thursday signed a deal that will see the Italian group take over the French utility’s 57.5 per cent stake in Distrigaz, the Belgian gas supplier, for a price of E2.7bn. In return, Eni will cede the concession to supply gas to Rome, some Italian power generation capacity, and gas exploration and production assets in the UK, Gulf of Mexico, Egypt and Indonesia.

Kazakhstan enacts oil agt with Azerbaijan on Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline

29.05.2008, 18.34

ASTANA, May 29 (Itar-Tass) -- Kazakhstan’s President Nursultan Nazarbayev has signed into law the bill on the ratification of the treaty with Azerbaijan on delivering Kazakhstan-produced crude oil to world markets across the Caspian Sea and the territory of Azerbaijan through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline system, the presidential press-service told Itar-Tass.

The lower house of parliament voted for the bill on May 26. The upper house gave the bill a go ahead and it was handed over to the president for signature.

“Under the agreement there will emerge a system of transporting Kazakhstan-produced crude oil across the Caspian Sea into the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline,” the lower house’s committee for international affairs, defense and security said in its conclusion. “In part, an Eskene-Kuryk pipeline is to be laid in Western Kazakhstan and the throughput of the port of Kuryk expanded. From Kuryk tankers will carry oil across the Caspian to Baku, where it will be pumped into the BTC system.

Two Kazakh oil fields – Kashagan and Tengiz – will provide the oil.”

The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, designed to bring Caspian crude to the Mediterranean coast, went operational in the summer of 2006. The 1767-kilometer-long pipeline runs through Azerbaijan (443 kilometers), Georgia (248 kilometers) and Turkey (1,076 kilometers). From the Turkish port of Ceyhan tankers carry oil to Europe. The pipeline’s throughput is 50 million tonnes a year. If necessary, it can be increased to 75 million tonnes.

Most of the oil filling it is produced at Azerbaijan’s Azeri, Chirag and Guneshli blocks. It was decided to draw crude from Kazakhstan to make the BTC more effective.

The State Oil Company of the Azerbaijani Republic and Kazakhstan’s KazMunaiGaz national company have negotiated an inter-government agreement to export part of Kazakhstan’s crude through the BTC since November 2002.

On June 16 Kazakhstan formalized its participation in the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan project by signing an agreement with Azerbaijan on the promotion of oil traffic from Kazakhstan across the Caspian Sea to Azerbaijan and, eventually, to international markets through the pipeline system. When the oil-rich Kashagan field is tapped, the amount of oil traffic along this route may go up to 25 million tonnes a year.

Britain cancels major healthcare IT contract with Fujitsu

Britain cancels major healthcare IT contract with Fujitsu
AFP - 2 hours 28 minutes ago

LONDON (AFP) - Britain has cancelled a major contract with Fujitsu that was part of its ambitious programme to computerise healthcare records in England, a government spokeswoman confirmed Thursday.

The 10-year, 896-million-pound (1.1-billion-euro, 1.8-billion-dollar) agreement was originally signed in January 2004 and had been set to run to 2013.

But a spokeswoman for the National Health Service's (NHS) Connecting for Health agency said a termination notice had been issued.

"Regrettably and despite best efforts by all parties, it has not been possible to reach an agreement on the core Fujitsu contract that is acceptable to all parties," she told AFP.

Negotiations on the matter had been going on since July 2007, she added.

"The NHS will therefore end the contract early by issuing a termination notice. Work has started immediately on planning the necessary arrangements."

Fujitsu was responsible for installing the new system in the south of England.

Thursday's edition of The Financial Times reported that the dispute centred around the government's demands for more flexibility in the IT system being installed, which would have cost more.

Fujitsu had requested either increased compensation or the continuation of the original requirements, said the report. A company spokesman confirmed to the FT that the talks had broken down.

The contract was part of the government's 12.4-billion-pound programme to computerise England's healthcare records, one of the most ambitious such programmes in the world.

LED照明で100ワット電球並みの明るさ 東芝ライテック

LED照明で100ワット電球並みの明るさ 東芝ライテック


 明るさや光の色などが異なる8機種をそろえる。照らす角度が大きい4機種を8月1日、小さい4機種を9月1日に発売する。天井埋め込み型で、使用電力は 14ワット。光が直接目に入りにくい反射板の構造にすることで、LED照明特有の「まぶしさ」を抑えた。価格は3万9900―4万2000円。年間6万台の販売を目標にする。






 尾崎元規社長が日本経済新聞記者に明らかにした。日用品は原料や容器に石油化学成分、天然油脂、紙などを使っており、花王は2007年度当初に前年度比 80億円と見込んでいた調達コスト増分が210億円にまで膨らみ、07年度連結決算は2期ぶりに営業減益となった。このため今春に紙おむつの内容量を 5―10%減らし、6月から衣料用粉末洗剤「アタック」の容量を1.1キログラムから1キログラムに減らす。













サンリオがクルーズ事業 ロイヤルウイングを買収



さよなら日航「鶴丸」 東京・羽田空港




De Beers welcomes probe into diamond exports

De Beers welcomes probe into diamond exports
Reuters - Wednesday, May 28 10:27 am

JOHANNESBURG (Reuters) - De Beers, the world's biggest diamond producer, said on Wednesday it welcomed a fresh probe by South Africa's parliament of allegations that it exported a huge volume of diamonds during the mid-1990s.

Some parliamentarians have alleged that De Beers exported the gems to London in the period leading up to the black majority rule in South Africa -- a time of massive capital flight and tax avoidance.

The team, assisted by South Africa's auditor-general, would hope to determine the De Beers London stockpile records between the period December 3, 1992 to March 19, 1998, which a top official told Reuters amounted to about 1 billion rand (65.33 million pounds).

De Beers, which is 45 percent owned by global mining giant Anglo American , welcomed the investigation.

"We are ready to participate in this investigation completely and we have been ready to do so from the start," Tom Tweedy, De Beers' spokesman in Johannesburg said.

"There was nothing extraordinary on the exports and nothing was done out of the normal process of diamond exports."

The recommendation to set up the team, contained in a public accounts committee report adopted by parliament, re-opens a long standing dispute, which both De Beers and a senior South African government official said last year had been settled.

Tweedy reiterated De Beers had last year taken part in a similar probe by another parliamentary organ, and provided documents requested by a parliamentary sub-committee.

"We understood it had been sorted out," Tweedy said.

At one stage, South Africa considered litigation to compel De Beers to pay a disputed 15 percent export tax on the shipment of 22 million carats of uncut diamonds to London in 1992.

But De Beers has strenuously denied that exports in the mid-1990s were larger than normal or that it had benefited from improper exemptions of export duties.

China's rich have insatiable appetite for haute couture

China's rich have insatiable appetite for haute couture
By Susan Fenton Reuters - Thursday, May 29 03:02 am

HONG KONG (Reuters) - European and American fashion designers feeling the pinch from the credit crisis can look to the growing ranks of China's nouveau riche to boost sales.

China's millionaires' club is expanding rapidly and many new members are women who don't even blink when asked to pay a cool $10,000 (5,000 pounds) for a cocktail dress from a top international designer.

"The Chinese are the newcomers to the global market," said Sebastian Suhl, Asia-Pacific chief executive of Italian fashion house Prada, which has nine stores in China.

"They're very hungry to learn about fashion. Fashion represents obviously status, but luxury is also a kind of bridge to the modern world for them."

As the Chinese economy surged more than 10 percent annually over the past five years, the country boasted 345,000 U.S. dollar millionaires by the end of 2006, a third of whom were women, according to a report by Merrill Lynch and consultancy Capgemini.

Some 5,000 mainland Chinese had assets exceeding $30 million, accounting for a third of Asia-Pacific's super-rich.

Even affluent Chinese women, without millions in the bank, are willing to spend their savings on designer fashions, seen as the ultimate status symbol in a communist country that is increasingly becoming preoccupied with the trappings of wealth.

Elegantly dressed Chinese manager Zhang Ning, 30, has never been to France but she likes to wear Hermes which she says is the epitome of style.

"I like its simplicity, it makes me feel elegant," said Zhang, who works as a manager at an electric power company in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou.

"France for me is elegance: good fashion and wines."

While luxury goods makers such as Louis Vuitton have benefited from booming demand from Chinese keen to show off their newfound wealth by wearing clothes and accessories emblazoned with prestigious logos, Western couture houses such Hermes are now tapping into the more discreet tastes of the super-rich.

"The mainland Chinese market is still very accessories oriented but we believe that will change," said Alex Bolen, chief executive of New York-based couture house Oscar de la Renta, whose sleek cocktail dresses retail for up to $10,000, while its evening gowns approach double that.

"There's definitely a market for the cocktail dress. But what has surprised us, pleasantly, is how rapidly the customer has also adopted our daywear."


Leading the charge is upmarket Hong Kong department store Lane Crawford which is bringing designers to China who are seen as being on the cutting edge in the West but are not well-known in China.

The opening of Lane Crawford's first store in Beijing last October has expanded the China presence of British designers such as Alexander McQueen and Stella McCartney and heralded the arrival of more niche designers including Dries Van Noten, Hussein Chalayan and Rick Owens.

Buyers from Lane Crawford now take prized front-row seats at fashion shows in Paris and Milan, alongside buyers from high-end U.S. retailers Saks and Nieman Marcus.

Meanwhile, Chinese fashion editors, headed by Vogue China, have become an influential presence on the European fashion scene.

China's ongoing transition to a more market-oriented economy after decades of strict communist rule is producing a constant stream of newly rich.

Their purchasing power and the growing sophistication of a more established wealthy clientele is creating a very diverse market for fashion, says Angelica Cheung, editor of Vogue China. The magazine was launched in 2005 and it has 320,000 readers.

"It's very different from the West, there are a lot of entrepreneurial opportunities and there are wealthy people emerging all the time," said Cheung.

"A young woman who might now be on a monthly salary of 5,000 yuan (362 pounds) could next year be running her own business. So it's a very aspirational market. Her first luxury product might be a Louis Vuitton bag but within a few years she might move on to something more niche such as Marni."

Chanel is the most preferred high-end fashion brand for affluent Chinese followed by Giorgio Armani, according to a report by MasterCard.

Oscar de la Renta says China is central to a strategy for Asia which it hopes will account for 20 percent of its sales within five years, up from 5 percent at present, helped by its burgeoning accessories' business.

Luxury brands can easily sell their perfume and cosmetics in local department stores. But when it comes to ready-to-wear fashion, they are all competing for space and customers in a handful of luxury malls such as Plaza 66 in Shanghai and Lane Crawford in Beijing where rents are sky high.

"They're overpaying (on rent) but they're looking at China as an investment," said Marcel Braun, Hong Kong-based executive vice-president of Swiss company DKSH, which advises luxury firms on market expansion.

"Fifteen years ago brands came and left. Now they can't do that anymore, China's too important."

Rampant copying of accessories brands remains a problem for luxury goods firms in China, but it is much less evident among high-end apparel.

Yet nevertheless high-quality copies of designer handbags can be purchased across Beijing and Shanghai for just a pittance of the retail price of the originals.


China's luxury market is still in its infancy and luxury retailers are experimenting to find the right model and get the sales strategy right, analysts say.

Lane Crawford has pieces of modern art on display in its spacious Beijing store, aiming to offer a new concept in shopping. It sells more than 600 high-end fashion brands, but visitors to the store say shoppers are often scarce.

Lane Crawford says its Beijing store is the first stage in a long-term plan for China and other stores will be rolled out in the future.

Retail analysts say that having a flagship store rather than being among dozens of brands carried in a high-class department store is the best way to achieve brand recognition and exclusivity in China.

However, it is difficult and expensive to find good sites for boutiques in China due to exorbitant rentals in high-end areas.

Reaching out beyond Beijing and Shanghai is the next step. The southern boom city of Shenzhen replaced Chengdu in 2007 as the city with the highest average spending on luxury goods, according to Credit Suisse, while the size of the luxury markets in Shenzhen and Wuhan doubled.

Braun says fast-growing northeastern cities such as Dalian offer better opportunities for expansion than southern cities.

Zhang Ning from Guangzhou heads to Hong Kong to shop at Hermes because there is no sales tax and luxury items are 30 percent cheaper than on the mainland.

A long-established market for luxury goods, Hong Kong also offers a much wider choice of designers.

Neighbouring Macau, a former Portuguese enclave, is also becoming a shopping hub for affluent mainland Chinese following the arrival of U.S. casino operators in the past few years.

Prada's edgier offshoot Miu Miu earlier this year staged its first fashion show in Asia in Macau, flying in the Crazy Horse cabaret revue from Paris to perform in front of local glitterati at the ritzy Wynn Macau casino resort, which houses Prada and Chanel boutiques in its ground-floor lobby.

"I believe Macau will be comparable to Hong Kong in terms of sales in the next few years," said Prada's Suhl.

Miu Miu, which sells at Lane Crawford in Beijing, plans to open its first independent mainland China store in Shenzhen this year. Meanwhile, Hermes is preparing for the opening of a 500-square-metre store in Beijing before the Olympic Games in August.

China sales will help offset a long-term decline in business in Japan, aggravated by its rapidly aging population, it says.

Dior pulls Stone ads from China

By Geoff Dyer in Beijing

Published: May 28 2008 18:46 | Last updated: May 29 2008 17:15

Christian Dior on Thursday pulled advertisements featuring Sharon Stone from stores across China after the actress suggested the Sichuan earthquake might have been retribution for China’s policies in Tibet.

LVMH, the world’s largest luxury-goods maker, urged Ms Stone to clarify remarks suggesting the earthquake in Sichuan province two weeks ago, which has killed at least 68,109 people, had been ”karma”.

French tour operators say Chinese boycott 'catastrophic'
AFP - 50 minutes ago

PARIS (AFP) - French tour operators fear a "catastrophic" plunge in business after an order was apparently given to Chinese travel agents to stop selling trips to the country.

France is the most popular European holiday destination for Chinese tourists and some 700,000 flocked to the country last year, with Paris, the Cote d'Azur and the Loire chateau region the most popular destinations.

But many cancelled their trips after demonstrators disrupted the Olympic flame's passage through Paris in April, and travel agents in Beijing said they had now been advised to remove France from their destinations from this week.

"It is a catastrophic year for Chinese tourism in France," Philippe Yao, director of the China Comfort Travel agency in France, told AFP on Thursday.

He said his agency had already had several cancellations following the pro-Tibet demonstrations in Paris, and warned of "serious economic consequences" for the sector.

Among those who cancelled was a group of 35 Chinese couples travelling to celebrate their weddings in a French chateau.

"The advice to discourage Chinese tourists from visiting France hasn't been officially confirmed, but it is being applied now by the travel agencies," said Pierre Shi, director of the China Travel Service agency.

Anti-French actions broke out across China after the chaotic Paris leg of the torch relay ahead of August's Olympic Games in Beijing.

Hundreds of people protested outside branches of the French supermarket chain Carrefour, prompting French President Nicolas Sarkozy to send envoys to Beijing in an effort to defuse tensions.

French authorities are trying to confirm that "the Beijing tourism administration apparently issued a recommendation" to travel agents to stop selling trips to France, a diplomatic source told AFP on Thursday.

"Chinese tourists who have already received their visas and paid for their trips won't cancel. The flow of visitors will likely drop in the months to come," said Paul Roll, director of the Paris Tourism Office.

Maison de la France, the French tourism promotion agency, said its office in Beijing was "trying, along with the French ambassador in China, to clarify the situation."

Russia scraps another batch of Topol systems under START-1 treaty

Russia scraps another batch of Topol systems under START-1 treaty
15:05 | 29/ 05/ 2008

MOSCOW, May 29 (RIA Novosti) - Russia has dismantled another six outdated Topol mobile ballistic missile systems under a major international treaty on strategic arms reduction, the Strategic Missile Forces said in a statement on Thursday.

"We scrapped six outdated Topol mobile systems. This is the second such procedure conducted this year," the statement said.

The first batch of six Topol systems this year was scrapped between March 17 and 26.

All of the systems were based in the Udmurt Republic in the eastern Urals.

The Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START-I) was signed by the United States and the Soviet Union on July 31, 1991, five months before the Union collapsed, and remains in force between the U.S., Russia, and three other ex-Soviet states.

Belarus, Kazakhstan and Ukraine have since disposed of all their nuclear weapons or transferred them to Russia, and the U.S. and Russia have reduced the number of delivery vehicles to 1,600, with no more than 6,000 warheads. The treaty is set to expire December 5, 2009.

Topol (SS-25 Sickle) is a single-warhead intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), approximately the same size and shape as the U.S. Minuteman ICBM.

The first Topol missiles became operational in 1985, and at the time the START I Treaty was signed, the Soviet Union had some 290 Topol ICBMs deployed.

Although the service life of the SS-25 was extended to 21 years after a series of successful test launches last year, the missile will be progressively retired over the next decade and be replaced by a mobile version of the Topol-M (SS-27 Sickle B) missile.

The Strategic Missile Forces press service earlier said 36 mobile Topol ICBMs were dismantled in 2007 under close monitoring by U.S. inspectors.

Russia helps to upgrade NATO's MiGs
14:20 | 29/ 05/ 2008

MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti military commentator Ilya Kramnik) - An unusually camouflaged plane catches visitors' eye at the ILA-2008 Air Show in Berlin. It is an upgraded Soviet-made MiG-29SD fighter plane from the Slovakian Air Force that meets all NATO standards.

The issue of using Soviet military equipment cropped up a long time ago, following the merger of the two Germanies. The new Germany was the one to demonstrate two possible ways of dealing with the matter: keeping the more advanced models, including MiG-29s, in operation for a definite period, and selling the older systems to other countries and regions, such as Turkey and Africa.

As former Warsaw Pact countries joined NATO, things got more complicated. The vast numbers of Soviet-made weapons in the Polish, Czech, Slovakian, Hungarian and other armies threatened to upset the delicate balance between alliance and non-alliance arms in NATO.

A seemingly simple solution - replacing the Soviet weapons with Western models - could not be implemented because Western-manufactured equipment was too costly for the young democracies, while older systems when demothballed often had worse characteristics than the Soviet arms of the 1960s and 1980s, and called for huge sums of money to modernize them.

The way out was found by upgrading and converting Soviet equipment to Western standards. A lot can be said about various projects to convert different models of ground, naval and air equipment, but two stand out: the MiG-21 Lancer in Romania and the MiG-29SD in Slovakia.

Israeli specialists, with a background in the aircraft business, helped to bring the Lancer up to par. Israel's IAI company fitted Romania's MiG-21M/MF combat planes and MiG-21UM trainers with new avionics, including multi-functional LCD panels, a helmet-mounted targeting system, and an onboard computer, as well as all-purpose pylons to use both Soviet/Russian- and Western-made arms and equipment containers.

The project, promising to be a success, nevertheless almost flopped. Upgraded without the manufacturer's advice and refitted with parts of doubtful quality, MiG-21 fighters started to crash and lost the fame of the practically indestructible machines they enjoyed since the 1950s. This made other countries using Soviet aircraft with plans to re-engineer them sit up and take notice of their contractors.

As a result, Bulgaria and Slovakia using Soviet fighter planes - this time MiG-29s - decided to turn to the manufacturing country for their repairs and improvements.

Slovakian MiGs are perhaps the most successful example of adapting Soviet aircraft to NATO standards. These planes have been equipped with an improved Russian-designed radar, a mid-air refueling system, and Western-made communication, friend-or-foe identification and radio navigation systems. The cockpit is fitted with multi-functional LCD screens. The armaments have remained unchanged - Russian-built R-27 and R-73 missiles satisfy the Slovakian top brass.

The upgraded MiGs have also been completely overhauled, enabling them to stay in service until the early 2030s. During this time they may undergo several more refits and may be provided with more advanced equipment to keep them in proper fighting condition.

The success of the Slovakian contract shows that Russia's defense industry can stand its own against the West in its home field - aircraft for NATO's air forces. And not only in aircraft - Greece's purchase of Russian ships and air defense systems is another fine example. Hopefully, contracts, both filled and to be filled, are only a beginning, the beginning of the Russian defense industry's comeback to the European market.

Russia launches production of new MiG-29M/M2 fighter
17:15 | 30/ 05/ 2008

NIZHNY NOVGOROD, May 30 (RIA Novosti) - The Sokol aircraft plant, based in Nizhny Novgorod, central Russia, is to launch production of the MiG-29M/M2 Fulcrum fighter plane, the company's general director said on Friday.

Mikhail Shibayev said the first aircraft to be produced is planned to be completed in the second quarter of 2010.

MiG's general director, Anatoly Belov, said the new aircraft will use the most advanced technology, specifically the Zhuk-M onboard radar and cutting-edge avionics.

He said the fighter will be sold both at home and abroad, adding that the company had already received an order for the aircraft from an undisclosed foreign customer.

The plane's integrated weapon control system is built around the Zhuk-M airborne radar, an IR search and track system and a helmet-mounted target designation system.

The fighter has the capability to detect air targets at ranges of up to 120 km and has the potential to attack four targets simultaneously.

Algerian scandal: swapping MiGs for MiGs
17:07 | 30/ 05/ 2008

MOSCOW. (RIA Novosti military commentator Ilya Kramnik) - In 2007, Algeria cancelled a $1.3 billion contract for the sale of 34 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-29 Fulcrum fighters and said it would return 15 MiG-29s purchased from the MiG corporation in 2006-2007 to Russia.

The Algerian decision was motivated by the fact that the warplanes had used or substandard components.

Many analysts said the incident highlighted a major crisis plaguing the Russian defense industry, and that the industry was becoming increasingly unable to manufacture sophisticated military equipment.

This spring, the media reported that Russia and Algeria were in talks to supply MiG-35 fighters, the more advanced versions of the MiG-29, to El Jazair. Representatives of Rosoboronexport, the main Russian state arms exporter, told a news conference at the Berlin Air Show ILA 2008 that the company would offer its MiG-35s to Algeria.

The rather suspicious Algerian scandal should not be used to assess the potential of Russia's defense industry. According to some analysts, the incident was provoked by European aircraft producers attempting to oust Moscow from the lucrative North African market.

By fueling the scandal, Algeria may have hoped to sign a more profitable contract.

It is an open secret that rival military-equipment producers often resort to different tactics. Suffice it to recall the 2006-2007 scandal involving the so-called Al Yamamah (Dove) deals regarding the Tornado, Hawk and Eurofighter Typhoon warplane sales by BAE Systems, a British defense and aerospace company, to Saudi Arabia from 1985 till 2006.

The United Kingdom's Serious Fraud Office accused BAE of maintaining a $33.4 million slush fund for bribing members of the Saudi royal family.

On December 1, 2006, The Daily Telegraph ran a front page story suggesting that Saudi Arabia had given the U.K. ten days to suspend the Serious Fraud Office investigation into BAE/Saudi Arabian transactions or they would take the deal to France.

On December 14, 2006, Attorney General Lord Goldsmith announced that the investigation would be discontinued.

Many analysts believe the scandal was triggered by French secret services trying to facilitate a Rafale fighter victory in the Saudi tender.

After the MiG scandal, Algeria received an opportunity to buy the most advanced Russian warplanes. The MiG-35, which looks just like the MiG-29, features sophisticated components and equipment, including a state-of-the-art fire-control system with a phased-array radar. The multi-channel fire-control system helps launch air-to-air and air-to-surface missiles.

Unlike the Mig-29 air-superiority fighter, the MiG-35 can be called a multi-role fighter.

The MiG-35's cockpit features multi-role liquid-crystal monitors, and the hands on throttle and stick (HOTAS) system allows the pilot to access the cockpit functions and fly the aircraft. Having all switches on the stick and throttle allows the pilot to keep his hands on both control columns, thus eliminating the need to take his eyes off the horizon and the heads-up display (HUD).

The plane owes its enhanced maneuverability to vectored-thrust engines. This makes it possible to down enemy aircraft in short-range dogfights and escape incoming missiles.

The fighter's two-seat version featuring the same avionics is, in fact, an improvised command center for coordinating operations at the flight and squadron level, and can accomplish the most difficult objectives together with single-seat MiG-35s.

Although MiG warplanes have a shorter range, less powerful radars and carry less ordnance, the more expensive heavy-duty Sukhoi fighters boasting more impressive specifications are less suited for the Algerian Air Force's relatively small area of operations.

France to let in eastern workers

France to let in eastern workers
French President Nicolas Sarkozy, right, and Polish President Lech Kaczynski

French President Nicolas Sarkozy says France will open its labour market in July to migrants from eight EU members in Central and Eastern Europe.

Visiting Poland, Mr Sarkozy said France would lift all the curbs it put in place when the countries joined the bloc four years ago.

Polish President Lech Kaczynski praised France's decision as "very important".

The eight are: the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia.

All of them - formerly in the Soviet bloc - joined the EU in 2004.

However, jobs in France will remain restricted for workers from Romania and Bulgaria, which joined in 2007.

French presidency

"I confirm that all the barriers will be lifted from July 1, so one year in advance," said Mr Sarkozy.

France had previously announced it would admit the workers from 2009, but brought the move forward to coincide with France adopting the presidency of the EU, on 1 July 2008.

The barriers were put in place by several countries to avoid an influx of labour from the east when the EU expanded in 2004.

Of the 15 states in the EU at the time, only Britain, Ireland and Sweden granted free access to the newcomers.

Economists say the estimated one million immigrants, including many Poles, who arrived in Britain after May 2004 have been a boon to the economy.

Critics, however, say they have put a strain on housing, schools and other services.

About half of the immigrants have since returned home.

All EU states must open their labour markets to the 2004 entrants by 2011. Restrictions are still in place in several countries, including Germany, Austria, Denmark and Belgium.

Gypsies face uncertain future in Italy

By Guy Dinmore, reporting from Rome and Naples

Published: May 29 2008 02:41 | Last updated: May 29 2008 02:41

Italy’s Gypsy communities are living in fear of attacks on their homes by Mafia-backed mobs and possible deportation under tough anti-immigration legislation tabled by the new centre-right government.

Slideshow: A community living in fear

The Roma community is blaming right-wing nationalists and the media for whipping up a xenophobic frenzy over security and immigration during April’s elections

Presenting a package of security policies last week in Naples, Silvio Berlusconi, elected prime minister for a third time last month, said the state had a duty to “uphold the right of citizens not to be afraid”.

However, the racist rhetoric of some rightwing candidates elected in April on law and order platforms has unleashed a spate of assaults against the Roma, or Gypsy, people who are blamed for fomenting crime. In the Naples mob-controlled suburb of Ponticelli, criminal gangs and residents have torched the homes of several hundred Gypsies.

Their illegal settlements were still smouldering as the prime minister unveiled proposals that have left many confused over their future.

The Secondigiliano camp, set up by the Naples council in 1995 for Gypsies from former Yugoslavia, houses about 90 families, or 900 people. Unlike the deprivation of Ponticelli, the barrack-like bungalows and caravans look well kept and some have neat gardens.

“This law of Berlusconi – where will they send us to?” asked a man at the camp, who did not want to be named. His five children, who attend school and receive medical care, had papers stating they were born in a Naples hospital, but nothing else.

His wife had an Italian interior ministry statement declaring her stateless. He only had an Italian residence permit that expired in 2001, which he has not been able to renew.

Their unclear status is typical of an estimated 30,000 ex-Yugoslav Gypsies in Italy. Some, such as those in Secondigliano, live in reasonable conditions. But many, even in the third generation, exist in squalid illegal camps with high mortality rates, as do the more recently arrived Gypsies from Romania who perhaps number 50,000.

“We are living in fear. All of Italy is against us. The media has declared war on us,” said the man. “The whole government is fascist,” he added.

Sensationalised reports that a young Romanian Gypsy woman had been arrested in Naples for trying to steal a baby triggered the attacks in Ponticelli. Copycat assaults followed in other cities. Repubblica, a centre-left daily, published a poll that said 68 per cent of Italians wanted to deal with the “Gypsy problem” by expelling all of them.

What the government really intends to do is unclear. Like much security legislation, the proposed laws may be diluted in parliament or not implemented in full. Officials insist the package is not targeted at any particular group. But for about 100,000 Gypsies without Italian citizenship, the legislation stirs memories of centuries of repression.

Under Mr Berlusconi’s draft legislation to go before parliament, EU citizens – which would include Romanian Gypsies – must have adequate housing and regular incomes to stay in Italy for more than three months. Illegal entry would carry a jail sentence of up to four years. Child beggars would be taken into state care.

Roberto Maroni, the hardline interior minister from the xenophobic Northern League, says foreigners living in “shacks” will be expelled under the proposals.

By immediate decree, expulsion of illegal immigrants will be made easier. Landlords who rent to illegals will have properties confiscated and mayors will be given enhanced powers to preserve “urban security”.

Gianni Alemanno, Rome’s first postwar rightwing mayor, has started, albeit slowly, his campaign pledge to clear the city of 20,000 “nomads” (as Italians call Gypsies). Rome, Milan and Naples are also appointing commissioners to tackle their Gypsy problem.

Leftwing groups accuse the government of diverting social discontent with low wages and poor factory conditions towards vulnerable minorities.

Mario Marazziti, spokesman for Sant’ Egidio, a Catholic NGO, says the election campaign played on a perception of widespread crime despite statistics to the contrary. Noting that the Mafia and “nazi-skins” have been allegedly involved in attacking Gypsies, he says the government risks unleashing something it cannot control.

“If you open the gates, the lions get out and it is difficult to get them back in,” he warns.


Rights groups accuse authorities of fuelling racism

Amnesty International and other human rights groups have severely criticised Italy’s new centre-right government and its centre-left predecessor for discriminating against the Roma community and legitimising the use of racist language.

Responding to a spate of attacks “by non-state actors” on Gypsy camps in Naples and other cities, Amnesty and nine other NGOs making up the EU Roma Policy Coalition issued a statement accusing Italy of “blatantly disregarding the values and principles of the European Union”. They said Italian authorities were making arbitrary detentions to facilitate expulsions, drawing up discriminatory laws and measures and “fuelling racism through anti-Romani speech”.

Amnesty’s 2007 worldwide report, released on Tuesday, criticised the previous Italian government led by Romano Prodi for issuing a decree that empowered local authorities to expel EU citizens based on concerns for public security. It said the decree appeared directed against Romanian Gypsies.

Government spokesmen on Wednesday did not respond to the accusations. Rightwing officials have criticised vigilante attacks and insisted the security package was not aimed at Gypsies in particular.

Italy condemned for 'racism wave'
Firemen hose down a camp of Roma people that was set on fire on the outskirts of Naples (file images from 14 May 2008)

Human rights group Amnesty International has said it is extremely alarmed by what it calls a "climate of discrimination" in Italy.

The Italian section of the rights body said recent tough new immigration measures were a worrying trend.

It added that politicians from both sides of the spectrum were legitimising the use of racist language.

Last week, Italy's new centre-right government introduced a series of measures aimed at improving security.

Illegal immigration will become punishable by up to four years in prison, it will be easier to expel illegal immigrants and there will be a three-year prison sentence for using minors to beg for money.

Attacks on Roma

But the head of Amnesty International in Italy, Daniela Carboni, said the moves represented "heavy restrictions and new crimes that will target, above all, immigrants".

She said the organisation was particularly worried by the measure that would mean attempted illegal immigrants could be held for up to 18 months in a detention centre.

"Amnesty International is extremely alarmed both by the contents and haste of these measures... and by the climate of discrimination which preceded them," Ms Carboni said in the report.

"2007 was characterised by the impotence of Western governments "
Amnesty International annual report

World 'failing on human rights'

There is deep suspicion throughout the country of the Roma community, whom many Italians blame for a disproportionate amount of crime.

In mid-May Italian police were forced to intervene to protect Roma Gypsies who came under attack from local residents in Naples, who set their camps alight.

Ms Carboni urged the Italian government to investigate fully the torching of the two Roma slum communities.

In April's national elections the centre-right coalition led by Silvio Berlusconi - which includes the anti-immigration Northern League and the post-Fascist Alleanza Nazionale - swept to victory, pledging to tackle illegal immigration.

In Rome, Gianni Alemanno, also of the Alleanza Nazionale, was elected mayor on a pledge to expel 20,000 people.

Soaring costs put pressure on North Sea

Soaring costs put pressure on North Sea

By Andrew Bolger, Scotland Correspondent

Published: May 28 2008 23:28 | Last updated: May 28 2008 23:28

The North Sea oil and gas industry is caught in a painful pincer movement between rapidly soaring costs and steadily declining reserves.

To date, the equivalent of 37bn barrels of oil have been extracted from the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS). That leaves up to 25.5bn barrels still to be recovered.

Oil Producers Answer Calls For Action
By Sky News SkyNews - Wednesday, May 28 05:04 pm

The world's leading oil producers say the black stuff is too expensive and they plan to increase supplies to help ease the global fuel crisis.

A source at Opec said its 13 members were uncomfortable with the current price of crude, which last week hit a record $135 a barrel.

Based on present supply and demand, he said it should be fetching $60-$70 a barrel.

Saudia Arabia has indicated it will increase supply to drive the price down.

Experts say oil has been driven to its present level by speculators who see it as a safer haven for their money than the weak dolllar.

Earlier, Gordon Brown said the oil crisis is a global as well as a national problem and asked the UK gas and oil industry to help.

"This is not just a national problem," he told a meeting of industry representatives.

"It is a global problem of supply and demand, not just in the short term but the medium term and the long term."

Mr Brown said the key issue facing North Sea producers now was how to maintain supply for the "next few years".

Britain has so far produced 37 billion barrels of oil and gas and it is estimated there are another 25 billion barrels available.

Writing in the Guardian Mr Brown called on nations to unite to stabilise the price of oil, which used to be just $10 US a decade ago.

On Tuesday, lorry drivers delivered a petition to Downing Street calling on the Government to help save the haulage industry by reducing the duty on diesel.

Ministers are also under mounting pressure to ditch controversial proposals to increase road tax on gas guzzling cars.

In his article, Mr Brown acknowledges the public's concern about the impact the rising oil price is having on transport and fuel bills.

He said the UK is arguing for a global strategy to address the impact of higher oil prices and was pressing for this to top the agenda at the forthcoming G8 summit in Japan.

Mr Brown said the best long-term solution for consumers and the environment would be a radically different energy policy.

He writes: "We need to accelerate the development and deployment of alternative sources of energy, reducing global dependence on oil."

He said Britain will invest more in renewables and build more nuclear power stations to reduce the UK's CO2 emissions and dependence on fossil fuels.

Meanwhile, Business Secretary John Hutton outlined plans for increased North Sea oil production with the creation of two new fields.

The new West Don and Don South West developments are due to start production in the first half of next year.

At their peak they are expected to produce up to 50,000 barrels of oil - 50 million barrels in all.

Ban on cluster bombs agreed

Ban on cluster bombs agreed

By Stephen Fidler in London and Daniel Dombey in Washington

Published: May 29 2008 01:07 | Last updated: May 29 2008 01:07

More than 100 governments agreed a draft treaty to ban the use of cluster munitions on Wednesday in the face of strong warnings from the US to its allies not to do so.

The agreement came after a late decision by Britain, which helped to break deadlock at the talks by agreeing to take its stocks of cluster weapons out of service.

Cluster bombs break up in the air and launch up to several hundred bomblets over wide areas.

They are blamed for heavy civilian casualties because the nature of the weapon makes it hard to discriminate between combatants and civilians and because many bomblets fail to explode on impact and kill or wound people after hostilities are over.

The US had warned the Washington embassies of its Nato partners against agreeing a ban, diplomats said. Officials claimed the treaty would bar joint peacekeeping and other operations with signatories because the US military kept cluster weapons in its stockpiles.

The deal came at an international conference in Dublin at which 116 nations were represented. They agreed to an immediate ban on the use of cluster munitions and a destruction of stockpiles over an eight-year period.

Officials from some governments represented, including Japan, Finland and Poland, were referring back to their capitals to secure agreement for the text.

Campaigners heralded the deal. “We are very pleased with the outcome. More than 100 states have agreed to ban every type of cluster munition that has ever been used,” said Simon Conway, a former British army officer and co-chair of the Cluster Munition Coalition.

He said campaigners had some misgivings about aspects of the agreement. The US is not a signatory to the treaty and its military almost certainly keeps cluster bombs in its bases on UK soil. The draft does not explicitly forbid this, but Mr Conway said Britain was likely to ask Washington to move the weapons before the eight-year deadline was up.

The clause that has raised US concerns forbids signatories from assisting others in the use of cluster bombs, forbidding joint operations – such as those in Afghanistan in 2001 and Iraq in 2003 – where such bombs are used.

Last week, Stephen Mull, US acting assistant secretary for political military affairs, said: “If the convention passes in its current form, any US military ship would be technically not able to get involved in a peacekeeping operation, in providing disaster relief or humanitarian assistance. That’s because most US military units have in their inventory these kinds of weapons.”

The US is among a number of governments, including China, Russia, India, Pakistan and Israel, that did not part in the Dublin talks.

Mr Conway said he hoped that the treaty would have a demonstration effect – as the 1997 convention banning landmines had deterred militaries of governments that were not signatories, including the US, from using anti-personnel mines. “The only government using landmines now is Burma, a pariah state,” he said.

Tanzania blows hot and cold over biofuels

Tanzania blows hot and cold over biofuels

By Alan Beattie

Published: May 28 2008 20:30 | Last updated: May 28 2008 20:30

Last year, by one estimate, the government of Mozambique received bids from foreign investors to buy a remarkable 110,000 square kilometres of land, more than an eighth of the entire country.

More than a century after the last “scramble for Africa”, when European imperial powers fought to colonise the continent, the global boom in biofuels is causing a stampede into one of the world’s biggest areas of uncultivated terrain.

Rice Slumps to Two-Month Low on Increased Supply, Fewer Curbs

By Jae Hur

May 29 (Bloomberg) -- Rice tumbled to the lowest in more than two months on speculation higher output and lifting of export curbs will boost supplies, alleviating a global food crisis that sent the price to a record last month.

Rice for July delivery on the Chicago Board of Trade fell as much as 4.1 percent to $17.70 per 100 pounds after declining by the daily limit for the past three days. The world's output of milled rice will rise to a record this year, the Food and Agriculture Organization forecast on May 22.

Rice, the main food for half the world, has lost as much as 29 percent since it was driven to a record $25.07 last month on trade curbs imposed by China, Vietnam and India. Cambodia lifted a ban on overseas shipments this week, and Vietnam has said it may allow new export contracts to be signed from the end of June.

``Speculators have been fleeing the market following recent supply news,'' Hiroyuki Kikukawa, general manager of the research department at IDO Securities Co., said today from Tokyo.

The July contract fell 64.5 cents, or 3.5 percent, to $17.805 per 100 pounds at 12:35 p.m. Singapore time, after declining by the daily limit of $1.15 yesterday. The contract earlier fell to the lowest since March 20. The price is still 69 percent higher than a year ago.

Provincial leaders from Vietnam's Mekong Delta, the nation's main rice-growing area, have asked the government to raise the country's 2008 export target back to 4.5 million metric tons from 4 million tons, the Tuoi Tre newspaper reported today. Vietnam on March 30 had cut the annual target by 11 percent to 4 million tons to ensure local supplies and curb inflation.

Social Unrest

Record prices for food and energy, including wheat, corn, soybeans and palm oil, have stoked concern about shortages and caused unrest from Haiti to Egypt. Cereal prices will stay high for ``some time,'' threatening stability, the FAO said in a report yesterday.

``In some poor countries, increased food-import bills might lead to substantial widening of the current account deficit,'' the FAO said. Eritrea, Niger and Botswana are among those most vulnerable since they import all their oil and at least three- quarters of their wheat, rice and corn, the FAO said.

Thailand, the world's biggest rice exporter, yesterday cut the benchmark export price of white rice by 7.5 percent from a record, according to Sompetch Anuchon, an official at the Thai Rice Exporters Association. The price of 100 percent Grade B white rice dropped to $960 a ton from $1,038 last week.

Farmers across Asia have boosted rice production to take advantage of the higher prices. Global output of milled rice in 2008 will be 445.3 million tons, compared with last year's record 435.2 million tons, according to the FAO.

``Concerns over tight supplies will ease this summer as many producers in Asia will harvest their crops,'' Takaki Shigemoto, an analyst at Tokyo-based broker Okachi & Co., said today. ``This will help some producers remove their export curbs.''

German milk strike spreads to other European countries
AFP - Wednesday, May 28 07:14 pm

BERLIN (AFP) - With food costs soaring around the world, German dairy farmers began a strike over falling milk prices Wednesday in a protest that a European milk body said is spreading to other countries.

Nearly 30,000 German dairy farmers halted milk deliveries to retailers Wednesday on the second day of their strike, according to the European Milk Board, based in the western German city of Hamm.

It said deliveries dropped by some 60 percent in Switzerland's Zurich region and in the Netherlands, where the Dutch Dairymen Board urged its 4,000 producers to "keep milk on the farm."

Austria's IG Milch dairy association weighed in with a call on the country's 43,000 dairy producers to halt deliveries in protest at the milk price.

"We urge all producers to cease delivery to dairy factories completely from Thursday," said the federation's president, Ewald Gruenzweil.

He warned consumers, especially hospitals, kindergarten nurseries and schools, to start stocking dairy products.

"We're predicting (supermarket) shelves to empty rather quickly as people start hoarding, following this determined action in Germany and other European countries," Gruenzweil added.

Germany's BDM dairy federation, which represents almost half of the country's producers, said it had also received "declarations of support" from Belgium, Luxembourg and "parts of France."

"I expect more countries to join the strike," deputy president Stefan Mann told the Frankfurter Rundschau daily.

The strike in Germany, Europe's biggest milk producer, began on Tuesday as farmers heeded a call by the BDM to stop supplying milk in order to force up prices that are currently hovering between 28 and 34 euro cents (0.43-0.53 dollar cents) per litre (2.2 pints to the litre).

"We plan to decrease the flow to the food industry further still in coming days and then supermarkets will start feeling the pinch," said Hans Foldenauer, a spokesman for the BDM.

Germany opposed a decision by European Union agriculture ministers in March to allow a bloc-wide increase in production of two percent as part of a larger plan to phase out dairy subsidies by 2015.

Agriculture Minister Horst Seehofer warned there was a risk the move could lead to "new milk lakes and butter mountains," a reference to surplus production in Europe triggered in 1984.

Milk prices increased by an average 8.1 percent in the EU last year but have slipped back since reaching a peak in the autumn.

The BDM said that milk prices agreed between suppliers and supermarkets have fallen by as much as 15 euro cents per litre compared to last year, while dairies' operating costs have risen.

It is demanding that the milk price be pushed up to 43 cents per litre.

The Swiss farmers' trade union Uniterre said some 100 dairy producers in the west of the country voted Wednesday in favour of joining a delivery strike in the German-speaking part of Switzerland in support of German producers.

"We have been negotiating about the milk price for years without any success. So we can only conclude that a strike is the only way forward," a union representative told the ATS news agency.

Switzerland's Big-M union said the 200 producers in the Zurich region had delivered virtually no milk on Wednesday.

The milk price protest seemed set to spread to Romania next week.

Romanian agricultural trade union Agrostar said dairy farmers would stage a three-day picket outside the French embassy in Bucharest and the headquarters of dairy company Danone to demand better prices for their milk.

World Bank studying food aid to ease crisis: source
AFP - Wednesday, May 28 11:16 pm

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The World Bank is studying the creation of a special fund to help combat aspects of the global food crisis which is threatening an increasing number of developing nations, a source said Wednesday.

The source, who requested anonymity, but is familiar with the matter, said the issue was to be discussed by the board of the multilateral Washington-based institution on Thursday.

Escalating global prices of foodstuffs such as corn, rice and wheat have sparked protests in many countries, particularly less developed states, and raised concerns that many of the world's poor will face increased hunger problems.

The source said the precise amount of aid that could be provided has not yet been finalized, but another source said the fund could amount up to 200 million dollars.

"This is more for things like school feeding programs, food for work programs," said the first source who spoke with AFP, adding that the funds would likely be disbursed quickly if the program is approved.

It is envisaged that any funds put together would provide targeted and limited relief rather than trying to tackle or ease the problem of food shortages and spiking commodity prices on a broad basis.

The World Bank declined to comment.

The multilateral institution, the World Food Organisation and other aid groups are due to hold a meeting on Thursday to discuss ways to deal with the global food crisis.

Senior officials including World Bank president Robert Zoellick will meet on the sidelines of an African development conference in Yokohama, southwest of Tokyo, the Bank's Tokyo office chief Kazushige Taniguchi said on Friday.

Top officials from the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) are also expected to attend, he said.

An international summit hosted by the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization is also set to address the crisis.

The FAO's estimate of the number of hungry people in 2002-04 was 862 million, including 830 million in developing countries.

Large food-producing countries such as Brazil have recently moved to halt certain food exports to deal with sharp increases in food prices in their domestic markets.

Rising populations, strong demand from developing countries, increased cultivation of crops for biofuels and increasing floods and droughts have sent food prices soaring across the globe.

Japan wants to make the global food situation one of the major themes of the Group of Eight summit it will host in July.

Help For Poorest With Rising Fuel Bills
By Sky News SkyNews - 45 minutes ago

New measures aimed at helping vulnerable and elderly people with their fuel bills are being announced today by the Government.

The proposals will see assistance given to households to improve their energy efficiency and cut costs.

They will also ensure they are on the best value tariff with their gas and electricity providers.

Campaigners have dismissed the plan as a mere "reshuffling" of old ideas and say it does not go far enough to alleviate fuel poverty.

Fuel poverty is said to occur when a household pays more than 10% of its income on energy bills.

Among the measures being announced is a pilot scheme to ensure people applying for Warm Front grants are referred to their energy supplier for tariff advice.

In addition £150,000 will be ploughed into watchdog Ofgem's national awareness campaign on social assistance for the vulnerable.

Ministers have also pledged £3m to encourage microgeneration - small scale alternative energy schemes - among fuel poor communities.

Environment Minister Phil Woolas said: "Encouraging energy efficiency is crucial because it really does cut costs.

"These new measures will make homes across the country more energy efficient and give people at risk of fuel poverty a boost where they need it most."

But Ed Matthew, warm homes campaigner at Friends of the Earth, said: "The new fuel poverty measures announced today won't fix the problem - people will still be left out in the cold.

"The only way to warm up our four million fuel poor homes is to super-insulate them and help them produce their own energy.

"The Government must stop reshuffling the same tired old ideas and instead jump-start a widespread and strategic programme of energy efficiency and renewable energy."